This repo is all about global issue tracking, branding and general org-wide stuff.
The primary font in use on the web is Lato, whereas we use the native fonts on all other platforms (Android & iOS).
We use #304388
as our main brand color. Text on the primary color should be #FFF
, muted text on the primary color should be rgba(255, 255, 255, .79)
The primary (dark) text color is #2F2F2F
, while you should use #171717
as a darker alternative (e.g. for hovered links). The secondary, grey text color is #5E5E5E
, while dividers are #BBB
We got our logo from the amazing linade over at and enhanced it a tiny bit 😉 You can find it in /graphics/logo, whereas linade's original work is located here.
We also exported our logo to web and android icons, iOS ones will follow.