freedomofpress / securedrop-workstation

Qubes-based SecureDrop Journalist Workstation environment for submission handling
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Automate the creation of grsecurity template using Qubes Builder #109

Closed eloquence closed 6 years ago

eloquence commented 6 years ago

Through the work in #104 we learned that it is feasible to run grsecurity-enabled VMs as template HVMs in Qubes OS. The memory overhead of HVMs (as opposed to PVH-based VMs) is a bit higher but not prohibitively so. The next step is to automate the creation of grsecurity template HVMs using Qubes Builder. This will result in RPM packages that can be installed in dom0.

Since we don't fully understand what's involved yet, we have timeboxed this task to 16 hours for the 7/11-7/25 sprint. If it's not completed by the end of the timebox, @emkll (who will likely continue to work on this) will post an update here.

Note that this still gets us only part of the way to transitioning to grsecurity VMs (esp. for the sd-svs and sd-journalist VMs); we will still have to figure out the distribution/update strategy we want to use for these packages.

emkll commented 6 years ago

I've made some good progress with the template creation thanks to @conorsch 's help on the infra side.

Here is a rough walkthrough of how to build a grsec kernel debian based template vm

The template rpm package is in qubes-builder/qubes-src/linux-template-builder/rpm/noarch/

# copy to dom0
qvm-run --pass-io work 'cat /path/to/rpm.rpm` > rpm.rpm
sudo dnf install rpm.rpm

It takes 3-5 mins to install, after which you will have a securedrop-workstation template, from which you can spawn grsec patched appvms by running the following command in dom0:

qvm-create --template securedrop-workstation securedrop-workstation-test --class AppVM --property virt_mode=hvm --property kernel=''

Currently the template itself does not have hvm set as virt mode, and kernel is set to the qubes default. I can't seem to find a workaround at this time.

conorsch commented 6 years ago

Struggling to reproduce the results here. A bit of clarification on the setup instructions is warranted. Perhaps we can pair on this briefly, @emkll, to tag-team the documentation in this issue? If you and I both agree the docs are sufficiently clear, then we can turn it over to the rest of the team to reproduce.

At a high level, here are some of the problems I encountered:

Happy to sit down with you and piece the bits together. Perhaps after standup tomorrow, we can pair in real-time to sort it out.

conorsch commented 6 years ago

Progress! Paired with @emkll briefly today and sorted out a few blockers. Will outline some clarifications here for others trying to reproduce the work above.

Volume resizing woes

As reported above, I was unable to resize the root partition on in the "work" VM on my Qubes system. Even after installing all available dom0 updates (using stable repos), the recommended volume resize command showed an error. After patching locally, I got past the failing type error, but was informed that the root partition on the work VM was readonly. Details below.

Detailed errors on qvm-volume resize operation [user@dom0 ~]$ qvm-volume resize work:root 20g Got empty response from qubesd. See journalctl in dom0 for details. [user@dom0 ~]$ qvm-volume resize work:root 21474836480 Got empty response from qubesd. See journalctl in dom0 for details. From `journalctl -a | tail -n 100`: Jul 18 14:54:06 dom0 qubesd[2213]: Traceback (most recent call last): Jul 18 14:54:06 dom0 qubesd[2213]: File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/qubes/api/", line 262, in respond Jul 18 14:54:06 dom0 qubesd[2213]: untrusted_payload=untrusted_payload) Jul 18 14:54:06 dom0 qubesd[2213]: File "/usr/lib64/python3.5/asyncio/", line 381, in __iter__ Jul 18 14:54:06 dom0 qubesd[2213]: yield self # This tells Task to wait for completion. Jul 18 14:54:06 dom0 qubesd[2213]: File "/usr/lib64/python3.5/asyncio/", line 310, in _wakeup Jul 18 14:54:06 dom0 qubesd[2213]: future.result() Jul 18 14:54:06 dom0 qubesd[2213]: File "/usr/lib64/python3.5/asyncio/", line 294, in result Jul 18 14:54:06 dom0 qubesd[2213]: raise self._exception Jul 18 14:54:06 dom0 qubesd[2213]: File "/usr/lib64/python3.5/asyncio/", line 240, in _step Jul 18 14:54:06 dom0 qubesd[2213]: result = coro.send(None) Jul 18 14:54:06 dom0 qubesd[2213]: File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/qubes/api/", line 459, in vm_volume_resize Jul 18 14:54:06 dom0 qubesd[2213]: yield from, size) Jul 18 14:54:06 dom0 qubesd[2213]: File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/qubes/storage/", line 481, in resize Jul 18 14:54:06 dom0 qubesd[2213]: ret = volume.resize(size) Jul 18 14:54:06 dom0 qubesd[2213]: File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/qubes/storage/", line 439, in resize Jul 18 14:54:06 dom0 qubesd[2213]: if size < self.size: Jul 18 14:54:06 dom0 qubesd[2213]: TypeError: unorderable types: int() < str()

The command that worked in the end was:

qvm-volume resize work:private 8589934592

That's about four times the default private volume size. Used that number when it appeared that twice the normal size wasn't sufficient (disk utilization on the rw partition inside the work VM passed 95% during build).

Builder dependencies

The make get-sources command initially failed for me when trying to fetch sources for the securedrop-workstation template. Was able to resolve (with assist from @emkll) by first copying in the example config for the Debian builder, running make get-sources to fetch all the necessary files, then copying in the securedrop-workstation config and proceeding with the instructions above. For clarity:

git clone
cd qubes-builder
./setup # Appears this is required, worth confirming
cp example-configs/debian.conf builder.conf
make install-depends
sudo dnf install perl-Digest-MD5 perl-Digest-SHA # May be worth a PR...
make get-sources

# Now that we have the Debian sources, let's switch to the workstation template.
# The repo is temporarily private, thus the git-over-SSH command.
cd ..
git clone
cd qubes-builder
mkdir -p qubes-src
cp -r ../qubes-template-securedrop-workstation qubes-src/template-securedrop-workstation
cp qubes-src/template-securedrop-workstation/securedrop-workstation.conf builder.conf
make get-sources
make qubes-vm
make template

The final make template command failed for me, but the issue is local to my workstation: I've still got to provision access to the staging apt repo used for testing. Will test again once I do the needful in that regard, and report final results in this ticket.

conorsch commented 6 years ago

Success! Fussed with volumes for a while until extension was successful; Qubes rewards perseverance. Was able to generate a ~700MB RPM, which expanded to ~3GB upon install in dom0. Created a new VM as instructed above, and confirmed that the latest grsec kernel was indeed running. Also confirmed network access as a sanity check, but performed no other investigation into VM functionality.

As far as the "automation" spirit of this ticket, we have the process documented in this discussion thread, but no easily reproducible script. I suggest:


emkll commented 6 years ago

Thanks @conorsch for the careful testing, I agree we should write a script to wrap the builder commands. I will try to get a PR up against this repo before the current sprint ends.

I have created some follow up tickets as well as updated some existing tickets based on research work done in this task:

emkll commented 6 years ago

Build logic for the template is now available in this repo:, and a build script is introduced in #115 .

kushaldas commented 6 years ago

Ensure your .gitconfig contains qubes-gpg-client-wrapper and import the Qubes Master Key ( :

^^ this is in the README file of the new repo, but it does not tell where this has to be done. In dom0 or in a new appvm.

emkll commented 6 years ago

Good point @kushaldas , these public keys are needed in the AppVM that builds the template (or the split-gpg VM, if applicable). At the moment this script generates unsigned. Will update the docs