freedomofpress / securedrop-workstation

Qubes-based SecureDrop Journalist Workstation environment for submission handling
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Example of viewing submitted documents inside Qubes OS using the SecureDrop Client

Bringing SecureDrop to Qubes

This project aims to improve journalists' experience using SecureDrop, by moving the journalist workflow to a single computer running multiple virtual machines with Qubes OS. Data is moved as automatically and transparently as possible between otherwise isolated VMs.

We are currently piloting this project with a small number of news organizations; see our blog post for additional information.

  1. Detailed Rationale
  2. Project Status
  3. Architecture
  4. What's In This Repo?
  5. Installation
  6. Threat model

Detailed Rationale

SecureDrop's architecture and threat model are proven, but the current approach also has major drawbacks:

The Qubes OS approach addresses this at multiple levels:

However, the Qubes OS approach is not without downsides. It stands and falls with the security of Qubes OS itself, which in turn may be impacted by Spectre/Meltdown type CPU level vulnerabilities, hypervisor vulnerabilities, and so on. These risks must be compared against the operational security risks of the current architecture, including the work that journalists do after downloading a submission. The Qubes OS website provides a useful comparison of its security model with that of using a separate machine.

Project status

We intend to bring the pilot program to a close in 2024, and move forward with general availability of SecureDrop Workstation following final updates based on the pilot participants' feedback and experience. The general availability version will be compatible with Qubes 4.2. Work is ongoing on 4.2 compatibility, and the mainline of this repo will be in flux and not suitable for production deployment until the work is completed and audited.

For now, if you want to preview SecureDrop Workstation's functionality we recommend following the installation instructions at, which will guide you through installing the latest stable version of SecureDrop Workstation on Qubes 4.1.


The current architecture replaces the Journalist Workstation and Secure Viewing Station Tails installations with specially-configured Qubes VMs; these are the VMs the user will primarily interact with. There are a number of other configured VMs which provide ancillary services.

(Data Flow Diagram for the SecureDrop Workstation)

Currently, the following VMs are provisioned:

Submissions are processed in the following steps:

  1. Journalist uses the SecureDrop Client to access the Journalist Interface via the Journalist API. After logging in, the journalist clicks on any submission of interest.
  2. The SecureDrop Client will use sd-gpg to decrypt the submission using Qubes' split-GPG functionality (decryption is done in a trusted, isolated VM, keeping GPG keys off of the system-wide DispVM).
  3. The decrypted submission is stored on the sd-app Secure Viewing Station VM, where it's placed in a local database.
  4. Any file opened by the SecureDrop Client in the Secure Viewing Station VM is opened in a Disposable VM, largely mitigating attacks from malicious content.

See below for a closer examination of this process, and see docs/images for screenshots related to the steps above.

What's In This Repo?

This repository contains the material needed to provision the base Qubes system with the VMs and files required to support SecureDrop Workstation.

Provisioning is accomplished by installing an .rpm in dom0 on a fresh installation of QubesOS, configuring instance-specific secrets and credentials, then running an orchestration command (sdw-admin --apply) which configures the machine in the desired state.

This repository contains the following core components:

This repo also contains the following developer-facing components:

SecureDrop Workstation has a companion repository, SecureDrop Client, that contains component code for all of the packages we ship in individual VMs once they have been provisioned:

Additional Notes:


Installing this project is involved. It requires an up-to-date Qubes 4.2 installation running on a machine with at least 16GB of RAM (32 GB recommended).

The project is currently in a closed beta, and we do not recommend installing it for production purposes independently. See our blog post for more information. If you are participating in our beta program, please consult our end user documentation for detailed setup instructions, and do not hesitate to reach out for assistance.

To install a development version (using test data on the server and a test encryption key to decrypt it), in summary, you will need to:

  1. Ensure you have an up-to-date SecureDrop server or staging environment
  2. Apply all available system updates in Qubes OS
  3. Clone this repository into a development VM
  4. In the development VM, install Podman, Docker or another OCI compatible container engine (the build environment depends on it)
  5. Create a config.json and sd-journalist.sec (Submission Private Key) appropriate for your environment
  6. Copy the contents from your development VM into ~/securedrop-workstation in dom0
  7. In dom0, export SECUREDROP_DEV_VM (name of your dev VM) and SECUREDROP_DEV_DIR (full path to repo checkout in dev VM) and run make clone
  8. Run make dev in dom0 to provision a development environment.

This is only a summary; see our developer documentation for detailed instructions.

Threat model

This section outlines the threat model for the SecureDrop Workstation, and should complement SecureDrop's threat model. This document is always a work in progress, if you have any questions or comments, please open an issue on GitHub or send an email to


Assumptions About the SecureDrop Servers

Assumptions About the Securedrop Workstation Install

Assumptions About the World

Attack Scenarios

As the SecureDrop Workstation is not Internet-reachable, an attacker must first obtain code execution on a virtual machine. This can be achieved through a malicious SecureDrop submission, websites visited by a journalist or a vulnerability in the provisioning code and its dependencies. The Virtual Machine in which the adversary obtains code execution will dictate what information is potentially compromised, as well as the attack surface exposed for lateral movement or escalation of privilege.

What Compromise of the Display VM (sd-viewer) Can Achieve

The Display VM (sd-viewer) is disposable, does not have network access, and is used to display only one submission before being destroyed.

What Compromise of the Proxy VM (sd-proxy) Can Achieve

What Compromise of the Whonix Gateway VM (sd-whonix) Can Achieve

What compromise of the App VM (sd-app) can achieve

The App VM is where securedrop-client resides. It does not have network access, and the Qubes split-gpg mechanism permits access to GPG keys from this VM.

What Compromise of the GPG VM (sd-gpg) Can Achieve

The GPG VM does not have network access, and the Qubes split-gpg mechanism restricts access to this VM per the Qubes GPG RPC policy.

What Compromise of the Log VM (sd-log) Can Achieve

The Log VM does not have network access nor does it contain any other secrets.

What Compromise of dom0 Can Achieve

dom0 can do all of the above: spawn arbitrary virtual machines, access all data, modify all SecureDrop Workstation provisioning code, as well as introduce mechanisms to establish persistence and exfiltrate data. By design, Qubes' dom0 does not have network access, files cannot be copied to dom0, and clipboard sharing is disabled.