freefalltech / BikeShare

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Bikeshare was a mid2017 project that explored the possibility of making docked/dockless highly urbanized bike sharing possibility through the help of apps.

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the app is a simple proof of concept demonstrating a live map with markers in bengaluru (can be expanded to any city) showing bikes, alt text

which can be then clicked and a sample dock detail will be shown. alt text

When the user starts the ride, Ride details are shown and money is managed through a sample wallet. alt text

This code was presented in the IBM Cognitive Watson IOT hackathon conducted at persistent's workplaces in bengaluru 2017 and won the Winner's prize. alt text alt text

The creators of the project (in no order of importance): @thenextbiggeek Abilash Senthilkumar @sidvenu Siddharth Venu