freejacque / project_one_app

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Critique-It! is a microblog that allows users to post photographs and have them critiqued by other photographers. It was designed to provide photographer/artists who have left art school an online class critique experience. Currently it only has the capability to CRUD photographs in your own account. This was completed during a five-day sprint. I plan to finish adding feautures until I get the finished product I envisioned.



To use the GooglePlus authorization, you will need to register as a developer and obtain Google authrization keys.

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User Stories

  1. NEW & POST: A user can create a new micro_post via a form... (/micro_posts/new -> POST /micro_posts)
  2. SHOW: A user can show (ie, see) a given micro_post... (/micro_posts/micro-post-id)
  3. INDEX: A user can see all of the micro_posts as a feed, up to a maximum of ten... (/micro_posts)
  4. EDIT & DELETE: A user can delete a micro_post... (/micro_posts/micro-post-id/edit -> DELETE /micro_posts/micro-post-id)
  5. UPDATE: A user can update a micro_post... (/micro_posts/micro-post-id/edit -> PUT /micro_posts/micro-post-id)

  6. #####Created by freejacque