freem / asm6f

A fork of loopy's ASM6, a 6502 assembler.
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6502 assembler famicom nes

ASM6f (v1.6) A 6502 assembler by loopy (loopy at With modifications by freem, nicklausw, and Sour

ASM6f is a fork of ASM6, primarily targeted at NES/Famicom development.

Features compared to stock ASM6

Command line


    asm6f [-options] sourcefile [outputfile] [listfile]


    -?         Show some help
    -l         Create listing
    -L         Create verbose listing (expand REPT, MACRO)
    -d<name>:  Define a symbol and make it equal to 1
    -q         Quiet mode (suppress all output unless there's an error)
    -n         export FCEUX-compatible .nl files
    -f         export Lua symbol file
    -c         export .cdl for use with FCEUX/Mesen
    -m         export new format Mesen label file (.mlb)
    -M         export old format Mesen label file (.mlb)
    Default output is <sourcefile>.bin
    Default listing is <sourcefile>.lst

Right now, everything else is the same as the original ASM6, so check out readme-original.txt for more information.

Supported Undocumented Opcodes

asm6f supports the use of a number of undocumented/"illegal" opcodes. Unstable opcodes require the use of the "UNSTABLE" and/or "HUNSTABLE" directives, or an error will be thrown.

Information about these opcodes was sourced from Graham's 6502 Opcode document:

[Normal] These opcodes appear to be "safe" to use. The alternate $EB opcode for sbc #{immediate} is not supported.

slo (Shift Left, Or)

    slo {addrmode} = asl {addrmode} + ora {addrmode}
    Known as "aso" in other undocumented opcode sources.

rla (Rol Left, And)

    rla {addrmode} = rol {addrmode} + and {addrmode}

sre (Shift Right, Exclusive or)

    sre {addrmode} = lsr {addrmode} + eor {addrmode}
    Known as "lse" in other undocumented opcode sources.

rra (Ror Right, Add with carry)

    rra {addrmode} = ror {addrmode} + adc {addrmode}

sax (Store A&X)

    sax {addrmode} = store A&X into {addrmode}
    "The A&X operation is a result of A and X put onto the bus
    at the same time."

lax (Load A&X)

    lax {addrmode} = lda {addrmode} + ldx {addrmode}

dcp (Decrement, ComPare)

    dcp {addrmode} = dec {addrmode} + cmp {addrmode}

isc (Increment, Subtract with Carry)

    isc {addrmode} = inc {addrmode} + sbc {addrmode}
    Known as "isb" in other undocumented opcode sources.


    anc #{immediate} = and #{immediate} + (asl)
    "this command performs an AND operation only, but bit 7 is put into
    the carry, as if the ASL/ROL would have been executed."

alr (And Left Rotate)

    alr #{immediate} = and #{immediate} + (rol)
    Known as "asr" in other undocumented opcode sources.


    arr #{immediate} = and #{immediate} + lsr
    "Part of this command are some ADC mechanisms. Following effects appear
    after AND but before ROR: the V-Flag is set according to (A and #{imm})+#{imm},
    bit 0 does NOT go into carry, but bit 7 is exchanged with the carry."

axs (A&X, Subtract immediate)

    axs #{immediate} = A&X minus #{immediate} into X
    Known as "sbx" in other undocumented opcode sources. (Groepaz's doc)
    "Performs CMP and DEX at the same time, so that the MINUS sets the flag
    like CMP, not SBC."


    las {addrmode} = Stores {addrmode}&S into A,X,S.
    Known as "lar" in other undocumented opcode sources.
    One source (which?) calls las "probably unreliable".

[Unstable] "unstable in certain matters"; requires UNSTABLE directive.

ahx (A&H&X)

    ahx {addrmode} = stores A&X&H into {addrmode}
    "Sometimes the &H drops off. Page boundary crossing will not work as
    expected; the bank where the value is stored may not be equal to the
    value stored."

shy (Store H&Y)

    shy {addrmode} = stores Y&H into {addrmode}
    "Sometimes the &H drops off. Page boundary crossing will not work as
    expected; the bank where the value is stored may not be equal to the
    value stored."

shx (Store H&X)

    shx {addrmode} = stores X&H into {addrmode}
    "Sometimes the &H drops off. Page boundary crossing will not work as
    expected; the bank where the value is stored may not be equal to the
    value stored."


    tas {addrmode} = Stores A&X into S, A&X&H into {addrmode}

[Highly Unstable] "DO NOT USE!!!", "results are not predictable on some machines". YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

requires HUNSTABLE directive.


    xaa #{immediate} = X&#{immediate}
    Known as "ane" in other undocumented opcode sources. (Groepaz's doc)

lax is currently not supported.

Assembler directive clarifications


    Filenames can be double-quoted, permitting names that contain
    spaces, ex.:

            INCLUDE "some file.bin"
            INCBIN "some file.bin"
            INCBIN "some file.bin", $400
            INCBIN "some file.bin", $200, $2000

Additional assembler directives


    Suppresses output of any labels when exporting FCEUX .nl files.
    Useful for defining labels that may conflict with zero page addresses.

            ; don't show these button masks in the .nl file
            PAD_A      = %10000000
            PAD_B      = %01000000
            PAD_SELECT = %00100000
            PAD_START  = %00010000
            PAD_UP     = %00001000
            PAD_DOWN   = %00000100
            PAD_LEFT   = %00000010
            PAD_RIGHT  = %00000001


    Enables use of somewhat unstable 6502 opcodes.

            ; use some unstable undocumented instructions
            ldy #0
            ldx #1
            ahx example,y
            shy example,x
            shx example,y
            tas example,y


    Enables use of highly unstable 6502 opcodes.

            ; throw caution to the wind and use xaa
            xaa #7

iNES directives

Note that using an iNES header is optional; it's only inserted if at least one of these following directives is used.

INESPRG x Number of PRG ROM banks in a NES ROM.

INESCHR x Number of CHR ROM banks in a NES ROM.

INESMAP x Mapper number of NES ROM.

INESMIR x Mirroring mode of a NES ROM.

NES2CHRRAM x Amount of CHR RAM used by a NES ROM.

NES2PRGRAM x Amount of PRG RAM used by a NES ROM.

NES2SUB x Submapper number of NES ROM.

NES2TV x TV mode of NES ROM: NTSC, PAL, or both (0, 1 or 2) ('N', 'P' or 'B')

NES2VS Sets ROM to use the Vs. Unisystem.

NES2BRAM x Amount of battery-packed PRG RAM in NES ROM.

NES2CHRBRAM x Amount of battery-packed CHR RAM in NES ROM.

loopy's original To-Do List

//todo - do NOT open source files in update mode, since we do not want to modify them in any way //todo - don't open text files in binary mode //todo - thoroughly verify operation on big-endian machine //todo - avoid putting special values into pointers, like (char*)1 //todo - don't depend on platform supporting unaligned objects //todo - make everything static //todo - redundant parsing code is all over the place, try clean it up / consolidate

freem's To-Do List