freepress / internet2016

2016 is the year of the #InternetVoter. Privacy, Net Neutrality, Openness, Free Speech, Access to Internet
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Internet 2016

This is the website for Internet2016, a campaign to put Internet issues on the national agenda during 2016 US presidential elections. No matter who is elected, we need the next president of the US to voice his or her support for the free and open Internet.

This was made by Drew Wilson as a Ford Foundation & Mozilla Foundation Open Web Fellow and is a project of Free Press Action Fund.

Table of Contents

  1. Tech details
  2. How do I give feedback & suggest changes?
  3. Can I contribute code?
  4. Can my organization join?

Tech details

This is a jekyll website hosted on github pages. Jekyll is a static site generator that uses the Liquid templating system. Content is written in markdown and there are layout templates that jekyll uses to generate static pages. gh-page is the main branch and any code pushed to it will end up on the live site.

How to run this website locally

Running this project locally allows you to make changes and preview them before you push them to the live site.

18 Million Rising has a very good step-by-step guide that explains how to install jekyll, fork a repository on github and run a jekyll project locally. This website follows the same pattern, so I recommend going through that guide to get going.

How do I give feedback & suggest changes?

We welcome feedback, comments, suggested changes, remixes, etc. The best place to offer feedback is on the principles that make up the policy platform (which is located in _posts/principles).

...But, how do I give this feedback?

Can I contribute code?

Yes, please. Check out the issues list and if you can help on any those, please jump right in!

Can my organization join?

Maybe/probably. There will be a more formal way to do this the future, but for now if you have an organization/company/club whatever and you want to join this campaign, you can add an issue here on github indicating that you're interested with the name of your org and how to contact you.

License & Stuff.