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Android Espresso not able to test fragement #75

Open AbhishekArrk opened 2 years ago

AbhishekArrk commented 2 years ago

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Android Espresso not able to test fragement I am trying to launch a fragment as below

override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu, inflater: MenuInflater) { inflater.inflate(, menu)

menuNotification.icon = NotificationHelper.getNotificationDrawable(UserPool.userId )

What have you tried?

private lateinit var homeFragmentScenario: FragmentScenario

lateinit var mockPool: UserPool

@Before fun setUp() { InjectMocksRule.createMockK(this) ActivityScenario.launch( homeFragmentScenario= launchFragmentInContainer(themeResId = homeFragmentScenario.moveToState(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) Intents.init()



fun loadScreen() { every { mockPool.userId } answers {"123456"} Espresso.onView(ViewMatchers.withId( .check(ViewAssertions.matches(ViewMatchers.isDisplayed())) }