freme-project / pipelines

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This repository is deprecated. It has moved to the basic services repository.

This repository is part of the FREME project (official project home page, GitHub). It contains code of the Pipelining service, which allows to make a chain of requests to other services in one request.

A detailed description of the API, together with an online test form can be found at

This service runs in a FREME distribution; here are the installation instructions.

However, you can build it as a library to use in your own code.


You need

Add maven repository credentials

See this instruction as explained in the Developer's getting started guide.


This step assumes you have the repository cloned, and we assume the directory name is pipelines.

cd pipelines
mvn clean install

This creates a jar pipelines-*version*.jar in the target folder:

Starting the service

This service is part of the Broker.

Sending requests

Test via the command line

This assumes you have the program curl available.

Create a file example.json with the following contents:

  "method": "POST",
  "endpoint": "",
  "parameters": {
    "language": "en"
  "headers": {
    "content-type": "text/plain",
    "accept": "text/turtle"
  "body": "Ghent is one of the most beautiful cities in Belgium."
  "method": "POST",
  "endpoint": "",
  "parameters": {
    "templateid": "3"
  "headers": {
    "content-type": "text/turtle",
    "accept": "text/turtle"

This will be the body of the request to the pipelining service. It represents a request to the online e-Entity service and then that output is used for the next request, which is an e-Link request.

Send the request to the service:

curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d @example.json http://localhost:8080/pipelining/chain

A test page for online testing with more examples can be found here.

Creating request bodies

There are classes in the repository that ease making a valid request body.


The eu.freme.eservices.pipelines.requests.RequestFactory creates some predefined requests.


import eu.freme.eservices.pipelines.requests.RequestFactory;
import eu.freme.eservices.pipelines.requests.SerializedRequest;

    // somewhere in your code you want to create the example above.

    // first, define the text to enrich and create an e-Entity request.
    String text = "Ghent is one of the most beautiful cities in Belgium."
    SerializedRequest entityRequest = RequestFactory.createEntitySpotlight(text, "en");

    // then, create an e-Link request, that uses template 3 (add geo coordinates)
    SerializedRequest linkRequest = RequestFactory.createLink("3");

    // now create the JSON representation of the pipeline of requests:
    String jsonBody = RequestFactory.toJson(entityRequest, linkRequest);


The eu.freme.eservices.pipelines.requests.RequestBuilder allows to create custom requests.

Let's make the same request as in the example of the requestFactory.


import eu.freme.eservices.pipelines.requests.RequestBuilder;
import eu.freme.eservices.pipelines.requests.RequestFactory;
import eu.freme.eservices.pipelines.requests.SerializedRequest;
import eu.freme.eservices.pipelines.requests.ServiceConstants;
import eu.freme.conversion.rdf.RDFConstants;

    // somewhere in your code you want to create the example above.

    // first, define the text to enrich and create an e-Entity request.
    String text = "Ghent is one of the most beautiful cities in Belgium."
    RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(ServiceConstants.E_ENTITY_SPOTLIGHT.getUri());
    SerializedRequest entityRequest = builder
            .parameter("language", "en")

    // then, create an e-Link request, that uses template 3 (add geo coordinates)
    RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(ServiceConstants.E_LINK.getUri());
    SerializedRequest linkRequest = builder
            .parameter("templateid", "3")

    // now create the JSON representation of the pipeline of requests:
    String jsonBody = RequestFactory.toJson(entityRequest, linkRequest);