frenchtoasters / Project-Ultimatum

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Function WorkFlow

Pool opperator creates pool in gui passing meta data to the samrt contract. In that meta data is a signed message of some kind by the pool operator with their private key, this grants them access to the outlined parameters of the pool in the meta data that is passed. This will ultimately grant them access to send the amount of NEO passed in the meta data out of the contract provided there is enough NEO sent to the contract with the meta data of the poolID. If there is not it fails, there should not be excess NEO left in the contract. The pools would be creating a promsis that addtional NEO with some given meta data value would be sent to it. At any given time the person that created the pool with some signed message being sent to the smart contract would be able to send the NEO flagged with their poolID to some other NEO address. You could think of this as a smart escrow contract, in that it will escrow NEO for a given wallet and send it when sent the command to do so.

White Paper!AswUMVfNv9HqgflZtjin548oy2bXqw


Usage requires Python 3.6+


Clone the repository and navigate into the project directory. Make a Python 3 virtual environment and activate it via

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

or to explicitly install Python 3.6 via

virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3.6 venv
source venv/bin/activate

Then install the requirements via

pip install -r requirements.txt


The template may be compiled as follows

from boa.compiler import Compiler


This will compile your template to ico_template.avm

Running tests

  1. Install requirements_test.txt
pip install -r requirements_test.txt
  1. Run tests
python -m unittest discover tests

Testnet Deployed Details

For testing purposes, this template is deployed on testnet with the following contract script hash:


    "code": {
        "parameters": "0710",
        "hash": "0b6c1f919e95fe61c17a7612aebfaf4fda3a2214",
        "returntype": 5,
        "script": ".. omitted .."
    "version": 0,
    "code_version": ".2",
    "name": "NEX Ico Template",
    "author": "localhuman",
    "description": "An ICO Template",
    "properties": {
        "dynamic_invoke": false,
        "storage": true
    "email": ""