frequencyanalytics / frequency

Frequency Analytics - Open source private web analytics server
MIT License
67 stars 3 forks source link
self-hosted web-analytics

Frequency Analytics - Open source private web analytics server

Frequency Analytics is an open source web analytics tool that tracks and reports website traffic to help you measure visits, referrals, and trends for your website. After installing Frequency Analytics, just add a snippet of javascript to every page of your website to enable tracking. The javascript tracking code runs when a user browses the page and sends visitor data to your private Frequency Analytics server.

Screenshot - Dashboard


Run Frequency Analytics on Portal Cloud

Portal Cloud is a hosting service that enables anyone to run open source cloud applications.

Sign up for Portal Cloud and get $15 free credit.

Run Frequency Analytics on a VPS

Running Frequency Analytics on a VPS is designed to be as simple as possible.

1. Get a server

Recommended Specs

2. Add a DNS record

Create a DNS record for your domain that points to your server's IP address.

Example: A 172.x.x.x

3. Enable Let's Encrypt

Frequency Analytics runs a TLS ("SSL") https server on port 443/tcp. It also runs a standard web server on port 80/tcp to redirect clients to the secure server. Port 80/tcp is required for Let's Encrypt verification.



Example usage:

# Download the frequency binary.
$ sudo wget -O /usr/bin/frequency

# Make it executable.
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/frequency

# Allow it to bind to privileged ports 80 and 443.
$ sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /usr/bin/frequency

$ frequency --http-host


  -backlink string
        backlink (optional)
        compress files for past days
  -cpuprofile file
        write cpu profile to file
  -datadir string
        data dir (default "/data")
        debug mode
        delete oldest files when storage exceeds 95% full (default true)
        display help and exit
  -http-host string
        HTTP host
  -memprofile file
        write mem profile to file
        display version and exit

Run as a Docker container

The official image is frequencyanalytics/frequency.

Follow the official Docker install instructions: Get Docker CE for Ubuntu

Make sure to change the --env FREQUENCY_HTTP_HOST to your publicly accessible domain name.

# Your data directory must be bind-mounted as `/data` inside the container using the `--volume` flag.
# Create a data directoy 
$ mkdir /data

docker create \
    --name frequency \
    --restart always \
    --volume /data:/data \
    --network host \
    --env \

$ sudo docker start frequency

$ sudo docker logs frequency

<log output>

Updating the container image

Pull the latest image, remove the container, and re-create the container as explained above.

# Pull the latest image
$ sudo docker pull frequencyanalytics/frequency

# Stop the container
$ sudo docker stop frequency

# Remove the container (data is stored on the mounted volume)
$ sudo docker rm frequency

# Re-create and start the container
$ sudo docker create ... (see above)

Help / Reporting Bugs
