frequenz-floss / frequenz-api-electricity-trading

gRPC+protobuf specification and Python bindings for the Frequenz Electricity Trading API
MIT License
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Frequenz Electricity Trading API

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Specification for Electricity Trading API.


The Frequenz API offers a robust set of operations for managing electricity trading orders within Gridpools. A Gridpool is an aggregation of multiple microgrids into a virtual power pool, designed to ensure the balancing of electricity supply and demand in real time.


The primary aim of this API is to streamline the process of electricity trading within balancing groups. A balancing group is a network configuration that includes multiple electricity producers and consumers. Grid stability relies on maintaining a balance between supply and demand within these groups. Participants causing imbalances can face financial penalties. Using this API, individual participants can trade electricity efficiently, ensuring they meet both their operational needs and financial objectives, while also contributing to the overall grid stability.

Key Features

Target Audience

This API is primarily designed for application developers in the energy sector who focus on electricity trading, grid management, and related services. While the API covers complex energy market operations, its design aims to be as developer-friendly as possible, requiring no specialized knowledge in energy systems.


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