frescobaldi / python-poppler-qt4

Python binding to poppler-qt4
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================== python-poppler-qt4

A Python binding for libpoppler-qt4 that aims for completeness and for being actively maintained.

Created and currently maintained by Wilbert Berendsen



import popplerqt4
d = popplerqt4.Poppler.Document.load('file.pdf')


The Python API closely follows the Poppler Qt4 C++ interface library API, documented at .

Whereever the C++ API requires QList, QSet or QLinkedList, any Python sequence can be used. API calls that return QList, QSet or QLinkedList all return Python lists.

There are a few differences:

Poppler::Document::getPdfVersion(int *major, int *minor) can simply be called as d.getPdfVersion(), (where d is a Poppler::Document instance); it will return a tuple of two integers (major, minor).

Poppler::Document has __len__ and __getitem__ methods, corresponding to numPages() and page(int num).

Poppler::FontIterator (returned by Poppler::Document::newFontIterator) is also a Python iterable (e.g. has __iter__() and __next__() methods). So although you can use::

it = document.newFontIterator()
while it.hasNext():
    fonts =  # list of FontInfo objects

you can also use the more Pythonic::

for fonts in document.newFontIterator():

In addition to the Poppler namespace, there are two toplevel module functions:

    returns the version of the ``python-poppler-qt4`` package as a
    tuple of ints, e.g. ``(0, 18, 2)``.

    returns the version of the linked Poppler-Qt4 library as a
    tuple of ints, e.g. ``(0, 24, 5)``.

    This is determined at build time. If at build time the Poppler-Qt4
    version could not be determined and was not specified, an empty
    tuple might be returned.