frescobaldi / python-poppler-qt5

Python binding to libpoppler-qt5
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================== python-poppler-qt5

A Python binding for libpoppler-qt5 that aims for completeness and for being actively maintained.

Created and maintained by Wilbert Berendsen, with help of other contributors, especially where it concerns supporting many platforms and build systems. Thanks for everyone's help!



import popplerqt5
d = popplerqt5.Poppler.Document.load('file.pdf')


The Python API closely follows the Poppler Qt5 C++ interface library API, documented at .

Wherever the C++ API requires QList, QSet or QLinkedList, any Python sequence can be used. API calls that return QList, QSet or QLinkedList all return Python lists.

There are a few other differences:

Poppler::Document::getPdfVersion(int *major, int *minor) can simply be called as d.getPdfVersion(), (where d is a Poppler::Document instance); it will return a tuple of two integers (major, minor).

Poppler::Document has __len__ and __getitem__ methods, corresponding to numPages() and page(int num).

Poppler::FontIterator (returned by Poppler::Document::newFontIterator) is also a Python iterable (e.g. has __iter__() and __next__() methods). So although you can use::

it = document.newFontIterator()
while it.hasNext():
    fonts =  # list of FontInfo objects

you can also use the more Pythonic::

for fonts in document.newFontIterator():

In addition to the Poppler namespace, there are two toplevel module functions:

popplerqt5.version() returns the version of the python-poppler-qt5 package as a tuple of ints, e.g. (0, 18, 2).

popplerqt5.poppler_version() returns the version of the linked Poppler-Qt5 library as a tuple of ints, e.g. (0, 24, 5).

This is determined at build time. If at build time the Poppler-Qt5 version
could not be determined and was not specified, an empty tuple might be