freshsomebody / move-mirror-clone

A clone of Google Move Mirror built by Nuxt.js
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A clone of Google Move Mirror built by Nuxt.js

The implementation is based on this blogpost. Recommend to have a look at it if you are interested in some background stories and technical details.

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start


The clone of Move Mirror is on http://localhost:3000, and you will need a webcam to play with it.

Once the page is ready, the right side is your webcam video with skeleton estimated by PoseNet in realtime. The left side is the most similar mirror image at this moment.

Currently the mirror image base has not well covered all possible poses yet. If you are interested in contributing images, please refer issue #1.


Mirror images

Mirror images are used to match the pose in the user webcam video and are stored at ~assets/images/mirror-poses.

NOTE: You will need to rebuild the vp tree whenever you update the mirror image base. Please refer the vp tree section.

Debugging images

Stored at ~assets/images/debug and used for the debugging tool http://localhost:3000/debug/matching.

NOTE: You don't need to rebuild the vp tree when you update the debugging images.

vp tree

To quickly retrieve the most similar mirror image, the normalized pose data of mirror images will be built into a vp tree.

You can use the debugging tool http://localhost:3000/debug/mirrorimages to build or rebuild the vp tree. Once a vp tree is successfully build, a pre-build file at ~api/models/prebuild-vptree.json will be created for loading the tree.

NOTE: The prebuild-vptree.json must exist and be up-to-date before using Move Mirror and matching debugging tool.

Debugging tools

NOTE: Debugging tools can only be accessed in the development mode (npm run dev)

There are 2 debugging tools:



Add/ replace mirror images

Following steps describe how you can add or replace the existing mirror images.

  1. Add/ replace images in folder assets/images/mirror-poses
  2. Start server in dev mode by executing npm run dev in your terminal
  3. Open the mirror image debugging page: http://localhost:3000/debug/mirrorimages in the browser. You should see all your mirror images displayed here
  4. Wait for the debugging page finishing estimating all poses in mirror images
  5. Click the Build search tree button at the top-left corner to build the vp tree