friendly / VCDR

Visualizing categorical data with R
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chapter vtocs too close to page trim margins #55

Closed friendly closed 8 years ago

friendly commented 8 years ago

In the 2nd round of copy edits, we are asked to move the chapter vtoc mind maps so they aren't so close to the page margins.

The code that does this (in book.rnw and chapter.rnw) is

% define a command to set the chapter vtoc.  This resizes the current \chaptocbox and places it in the NE corner of the page
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
  \node[anchor=north east] at ([shift={(-20mm,-10mm)}]current page.north east) {\resizebox{3in}{!}{\usebox{\chaptocbox}}};

Need to change shift={}, but make sure it doesn't screw up page layout

friendly commented 8 years ago

Given that this is a global change in \chaptoc, it probably make the most sense for you to tell me the settings you found worked best and I'll make the changes.

sciencegraph commented 8 years ago

Ok. I was about to commit the changes. The changes (in bold red) to be done are:

** chapter.Rnw *

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
   \node[anchor=north east] at ([shift={(-2*5*mm,-1*5*mm)}]current
page.north east) {\resizebox{3in}{!}{\usebox{\chaptocbox}}};

** book.Rnw*

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
   \node[anchor=north east] at ([shift={(-2*5*mm,-1*5*mm)}]current
page.north east) {\resizebox{3in}{!}{\usebox{\chaptocbox}}};

* */front/vtoc03.tex*

   \begin{tikzpicture}[grow cyclic, text width=2cm, align=flush center,
                       every node/.style=concept, concept
                       level 1/.style={level distance=4cm, sibling
angle=60,         %% 360/# of sections
     \node[font=\bfseries\sffamily]  {3 Fitting \& Graphing Discrete
Distributions} [clockwise from=*6*0]  % root node
       child { node {3.1 \\ Introduction}}
       child { node {3.2 \\ Characteris\-tics}}
       child { node {3.3 Fitting}}
       child { node {3.4 \\ Ord plots}}
       child { node {3.5 \\ Poissonness plots}}
       child { node (sec36) {3.6 \\ Fitting by GLMs}}


Once rotated the toc of chapter 3, the problem disappears.

On 10/15/2015 1:57 PM, Michael Friendly wrote:

Given that this is a global change in |\chaptoc|, it probably make the most sense for you to tell me the settings you found worked best and I'll make the changes.

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