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Visualizing categorical data with R
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Visualizing categorical Data with R

This document describes the file structure and conventions for the book, now renamed Discrete Data Analysis with R,

File structure

Book files: book.Rnw is the main source file. chapter.Rnw is a master file for a single chapter. Chapters are in chXX.Rnw, and are included as knitr child documents. All other files (figures, tables, R code) for a given chapter are in subdirectories, chXX/{fig,tab,R}.

I've only just begun to use sub-child documents for sections within chapters, but this works without problems.

book.Rnw  - Main source file; compile with `knit2pdf("book.Rnw")`.  Several latex passes are needed to resolve cross-references and bibtex citations.
front/  - front matter files
   commands.tex - all LaTeX style commands (math markup, R abbreviations, examples, etc are defined here)
references.bib - current resolved reference list, extracted via aux2bib

There is now also a chapter master file, chapter.Rnw for compiling a single chapter, with knit2pdf("chapter.Rnw"). Just before the \begin{document}, set the chapter number using, e.g., for Chapter 8:

<<set-counters, results='asis', tidy=FALSE, echo=FALSE>>=
.chapter <- 8

Then, compile with:

knit2pdf("chapter.Rnw", output="chapter08.tex",  quiet=TRUE, clean=TRUE)

Other files and directories:

chXX.Rnw - a minimal template for a new chapter
Rprofile.R - defines a function `knitrSet()` called at the start of each chapter to set the basename (chXX) and common knitr options for the chapter.

functions/ - R functions that can be `source()`d for the book.  These can be used to override 
bookplan/  - book proposal
vcd/  - source files from the SAS edition of vcd.  I crib from this as needed.
vcd-tutorial/  - files for vcdExtra vignette
Workshop/  - Exercises for my VCD short course

Bibliography files:

~~At present, I have been keeping all source .bib and .bst files in a separate localtexmf tree, outside VCDR. I'll have to move them here or else share a separate link.~~

~~Typically, I use the utility aux2bib to extract the relevant entries, to create a composite file, references.bib in the target directory, but that has to be re-done with changes to the text. This is a perl script I run on linux, and Windows (via perl aux2bib book)~~

At present, references.bib is up-to-date, and the .bst file, abbrvnat-apa-nourl.bst is included in the project root directory. references.bib is now frozen from the source .bib files. Any updates now directly in references.bib.

This points to the need for a Makefile for the project.

~~The book.Rnw file now makes it easier to switch from the separate .bib files to references.bib:

\newboolean{localbibs}         % Use local .bib files or processed references.bib ??
\setboolean{localbibs}{true}   % Change to *false* to use references.bib

Toward the end of book.Rnw, this is used as



Conventions used in the .Rnw files

I've been using stylistic conventions and LaTeX commands for markup in the writing. The goal is to avoid idiosyncratic markup for font styles, etc. in the text (e.g., \texttt{}, textbf{}) so that the style of a given symbol type can be changed globally by editing inputs/commands.tex.

Math commands

Labels and cross-references

In the draft version of the text, I'm using \usepackage{showlabels} to print these labels.

R code


In addition to the automatic indexing for R stuff in the main index, I use some shorthands:

Other indexes:

system("perl authorindex -d book")

Common abbreviations

Authors notes, etc


An impoprtant feature of the book for marketing purposes is the inclusion of lab exercises for each chapter. These are now marked up as follows:


Each \excercise automatically generates a label, of the form \label{lab:ch.ex} that can be referenced in the text. This is dangerous, because inserting a new excercise in the middle of a list will change all subsequent numbers. It is probably better to use explicit labels, like

  \exercise \label{lab:ch09-iris}
  \exercise \label{lab:ch09-foo}
  \exercise \label{lab:ch09-bar}\exhard

There are quite a few LaTeX packages that support such exercises, and also allow including hints and solutions in the text. It would be good to find one that we can use and re-do the markup of exercises.


I'll work on a proper Makefile for the project, but there is a rudimentary Make.R file in the project root directory containing the following main steps:

knitr::knit2pdf(input = 'book.Rnw')
# may need to run BibTeX again sometimes... followed by pdflatex at the end
system("bibtex book")
# make other indices: author index; example index [done internally]
system("perl authorindex -d book")
# create references.bib from separate bib files under local texmf tree
system("perl aux2bib book")
system("pdflatex book")

Final step: embed fonts, considerably reducing the size of the PDF file

#Sys.setenv(R_GSCMD = "C:/Program Files/gs/gs9.14/bin/gswin64c.exe")

git Branches

Here is a suggestion for using branches and workflow for editing

Workflow for editing

Branch revision2 is now the default on github.

If your index has local changes and cannot be fast-forwarded, use

New branch:

After a pull request has been accepted and merged into master:

One annoyance is that all ch*/fig/*.pdf files are marked as modified when the book or a chapter are regenerated, and these all get committed and pushed. The same for the various book.* and chapterXX.* files. I've started using git checkout -- <file> ... to avoid this.