friendly / VCDR

Visualizing categorical data with R
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`countreg` install fails (not on CRAN) #58

Closed philchalmers closed 8 years ago

philchalmers commented 8 years ago

Minor issue. The line 355 in book.Rnw contains the following unevaluated chunk for readers to install the required packages, but won't evaluate correctly because countreg is not on CRAN (for whatever reason).

packages <- c(
  "AER", "ca", "car", "colorspace", "corrplot", "countreg", "directlabels", "effects", "ggparallel", "ggplot2", "ggtern", "gmodels", "gnm", "gpairs", "heplots", "Lahman", "lattice", "lmtest", "logmult", "MASS", "mgcv", "nnet", "plyr", "pscl", "RColorBrewer", "reshape2", "rms", "rsm", "sandwich", "splines", "vcd", "vcdExtra", "VGAM", "xtable")

It should probably be this instead:

packages <- c(
  "AER", "ca", "car", "colorspace", "corrplot", "directlabels", "effects", "ggparallel", "ggplot2", "ggtern", "gmodels", "gnm", "gpairs", "heplots", "Lahman", "lattice", "lmtest", "logmult", "MASS", "mgcv", "nnet", "plyr", "pscl", "RColorBrewer", "reshape2", "rms", "rsm", "sandwich", "splines", "vcd", "vcdExtra", "VGAM", "xtable")
install.packages("countreg", repos="")
friendly commented 8 years ago

I've been asking Achim for months to release countreg to CRAN. I'm not sure what is holding this up, but your suggestion is a reasonable one for now.

philchalmers commented 8 years ago

Doesn't quite pass an R CMD check, but I see no reason why it couldn't be on CRAN after some small mods.

friendly commented 8 years ago

Resolved, via pointing to the R-Forge repo