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Zhiyun Gimbal Bluetooth Research

I have Zhiyun Crane Plus gimbal and Sony A6500 camera, but info below may apply to other gimbal & camera combos. Most of the data was obtained by watching bluetooth traffic from Zhiyun's ZY Play app using Apple's PacketLogger.

Bluetooth Packets

Gimbal is controlled by sending it bluetooth packets. All commands of interest were sent to D44BC439-ABFD-45A2-B575-925416129600 characteristic. Packets started with 06 byte, followed by 2-byte command, followed by 2-byte value, and ended with 2-byte CRC16-CCITT checksum. For example:

package main

import (

func main() {
  packet := new(bytes.Buffer)

  packet.Write([]byte{0x6})       // packet prefix
  packet.Write([]byte{0x1, 0x27}) // command
  packet.Write([]byte{0x0, 0x0})  // value

  // append packet's CRC
  crc := crc16.Checksum(packet.Bytes(), crc16.CCITTFalseTable)
  binary.Write(packet, binary.BigEndian, crc)

  // compiled packet
  fmt.Printf("%X\n", packet.Bytes())

All packet examples in this readme will use XXXX in place of actual CRC

Switch Gimbal Modes

Gimbal modes can be switched with 1 packet:

06 8127 0000 XXXX // control Y axis, XZ are locked
06 8127 0001 XXXX // control XY axis, Z is locked
06 8127 0002 XXXX // control Z axis, XY are locked
06 8127 0003 XXXX // no control, XYZ are locked

Toggle Motors

Enabling and disabling motors require 2 packets each, first to 0107 register and second to 8107 register.

// disable motors
06 0107 0000 XXXX
06 8107 0000 XXXX

// enable motors
06 0107 0000 XXXX 
06 8107 0001 XXXX

Control XYZ motion

ZY Play moves gimbal around by sending it 3 packets. Motion will be short, so ZY Play sends these 3 packets every 200ms to keep motion continuous.

06 1001 YYYY XXXX // Y axis
06 1002 YYYY XXXX // Z axis
06 1003 YYYY XXXX // X axis

YYYY above are values between 0 and 4095 (0x0 and 0xFFF)

The further you're from 2048, the faster gimbal will rotate. For example:

// turn left at full speed
06 1001 0800 XXXX
06 1002 0800 XXXX
06 1003 0000 XXXX // X axis

// turn right at full speed
06 1001 0800 XXXX
06 1002 0800 XXXX
06 1003 0FFF XXXX // X axis

// go up at 50% speed (2048 + 2048*0.5 = 3072, 0xC00)
06 1001 0C00 XXXX // Y axis
06 1002 0800 XXXX
06 1003 0800 XXXX

// go down at 10% speed (2048 - 2048*0.1 = 1843, 0x733)
06 1001 0733 XXXX // Y axis
06 1002 0800 XXXX
06 1003 0800 XXXX 

// go up at 50% and right at 100%
06 1001 0C00 XXXX // Y axis
06 1002 0800 XXXX
06 1003 0FFF XXXX // X axis

Control Camera

Connect your camera to gimbal using Zhiyun's included Multi-to-Micro USB cable. Tested with Sony A6500. If you have a different camera you can still try it, let me know how it goes.

06 C120 0036 XXXX // start/stop recording
06 C120 003D XXXX // take a photo

06 C120 0007 XXXX // zoom out
06 C120 0008 XXXX // zoom in
06 C120 0027 XXXX // stop zooming

Selfie Mode

In ZY Play iOS app the selfie button doesn't work. In Zhiyun Assistant app it did work, but bluetooth traffic with it was extremely noisy. Below is what I got so far:

06 C121 0001 XXXX // rotate 180*

This seems to work nicely if you're in the lock-XYZ-controls (0x3) mode.