frihamnstorget-space-observatory / radio-telescope

The first radio telescope at Frihamnstorget
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[creative codename] Radio Telescope

The first generation of radio telescope at Frihamnstorget intended to to be a fun and interactive learning tool for anyone wanting to learn about space.

Picture coming soon!

Users can connect to and control the telescope through a web app and see live data from the telescope, as well as run guided experiments.

Goal for first experiments:


Block diagram

Here are several block diagrams describing the hardware, signal and data flows.

Hardware level

Frihamnstorget radio telescope hardware block diagram

RF Signal path

Frihamnstorget radio telescope RF block diagram

DSP / Dataflow Pipeline

Frihamnstorget radio telescope DSP block diagram



Skyline height

The figure shows various angles of inclination between the horizon (0°) and various tall structures around the point of the current highest point in Frihamnstorget located at 59.3427791, 18.1176758.

Frihamnstorget skyline clearance


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