frintjs / frint

Modular JavaScript framework for building scalable and reactive applications
MIT License
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dependency-injection framework javascript react reactive rxjs vue


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The modular JavaScript framework

For documentation, visit

Key characteristics and features include:

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Quick start

Install frint-cli:

$ npm install -g frint-cli

Initialize an example app:

$ frint new my-directory --example kitchensink

Now you can install all the dependencies, and start the application:

$ cd my-directory
$ npm install
$ npm start

Find more examples here.


The framework is a collection of these packages, which can be composed together on demand:

Package Status Description
frint frint-status Base for creating Apps
frint-store frint-store-status State management with reactive stores
frint-data frint-data-status Reactive data modelling
frint-react frint-react-status React.js integration
frint-react-server frint-react-server-status Server-side rendering of Apps
frint-router frint-router-status Router services for building Single Page Applications
frint-router-react frint-router-react-status React components for building SPAs
frint-cli frint-cli-status CLI runner
frint-model frint-model-status Use frint-data instead

For library developers

These packages enable you to create packages integrating FrintJS with other rendering libraries:

Internally used

Community projects


MIT © FrintJS Authors and Travix International