Cython cuda wrapper to switch contexts for running multiple contexts app in the same process.
Use case: If you have a GPU bound camera and want to run a DNN in the same process. For me this was the ZED camera and pytorch which both create their own separate CUDA contexts.
python3 build
sudo python3 install
cam = zcam.PyZEDCamera()
status =
zed_cuda_ctx=PyCudaContext() # Save the ZED Cuda context which was created above
zed_cuda_ctx.pop_ctx() # prepare to release this context so that pytorch can get it
*** Initialize PYTORCH which creates its own context***
zed_cuda_ctx.push_ctx() # restore ZED context
*** Do ZED stuff like retreive image ***
npimg = mat.get_data().astype(np.float32)[:,:,:3]
*** Once image is in hand, pop and switch to Pytorch context again
prediction = predictor.infer(npimg, overlay=True)
*** Restore ZED Context ***
I know nothing about CUDA and this is literally my first foray into CUDA land. If you know of a better way to do the above please let me know!