froggleston / freqtrade_analysis_notebook

A Jupyter notebook to analyse freqtrade results
MIT License
87 stars 16 forks source link


A Jupyter Notebook to make backtesting, analysis and plotting of freqtrade strategies easier


Clone this repository onto your machine.

You will need to install jupyter to run this notebook. Please follow any Jupyter installation instructions for your OS or environment.

You will also need extra dependencies for running the notebook. If using an existing freqtrade install ( script), activate your existing freqtrade venv environment and pip install:

cd /path/to/freqtrade
source .venv/bin/activate

pip install -r /path/to/freqtrade_analysis_notebook/requirements.txt


This has not been tested in any docker environments, so YMMV, but some instructions that might be useful are in this issue


Follow one of the two methods below:

Easiest installation

Easy-ish installation


Via the command line

If you copied the notebook and helper files to your freqtrade folder, navigate there:

cd /path/to/freqtrade

Or if you left the notebook and helper files in the cloned git folder, navigate there:

cd /path/to/freqtrade_analysis_notebook

Then run the jupyter server:

jupyter notebook --port 8889 --ip --no-browser --NotebookApp.allow_origin='*'

The output from the command should contain three links to the Jupyter server. Pick any of these to open up a new Jupyter file browser tab in your preferred browser.

Via an IDE

If using an IDE like vscode, install an available jupyter extension and open the freqtrade folder. Then open the ipynb file and run the cells as normal.


Use the toolbar at the top of the plot to change behaviour or select/deselect data series.

Pan x only, pan x and y, or drag zoom to move around. The plot will automatically readjust to fit the candles in the current view.

Clicking Reset will zoom back out to the whole configured plot_tr timerange.

Click on a data point to view the indicator values in the main plot for that x index. When selected a dashed line will appear through all subplots making it easier to keep track of the selected date index across large numbers of subplots. Double clicking anywhere in the plot removes the highlight.

Mouseover main plot and subplot data series to see individual values.

Known Issues

