frombeirutwithlove / ProtestTips

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From Beirut To Minneapolis

A protest guide in solidarity

In solidarity with protesters in Minneapolis and other American cities, Lebanese technologists, protesters, and activists put together this document as a guide for escalating protests and documenting police abuse. We recognize that our experiences and lived realities are different, but in the same way that we’ve found solidarity with Hong Kong and Chile protesters, we wanted to extend ours to others.

Protest safety, tear gas, and other hacks ✊🏾

Protests can be an overwhelming experience when you are alone, so make sure – when possible – to go with a friend or with a small group. You are safer when you stay together.

Tear gas contains several compounds that, when in contact with air or moisture, irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes, nose, mouth and lungs. This causes your eyes to tear up, your nose to run, and makes it difficult to breathe. Tear gas exposure can cause confusion, panic, anger, and other psychological effects, therefore try to remain calm. Panic is contagious.

Kep in mind that the following tips on tear gas and pepper spray are based on our experiences on the ground and are not official medical adivce. We can't guarantee that every prevention method will 100% work.

Determining whether it is safe to attend a protest

What to wear 🥾

What to keep in your bag 🎒

Behavioral safety tips

If you're hit with tear gas / pepper spray

Mace and pepper spray are mostly the same thing. Mace is a brand name. Most Mace products today are OC based, with OC being the active capsicum ingredient in pepper spray. Tear gas used in the US is mostly aerosolized CS powder.

When you’re home

If you get arrested

Digital Tips 🔒

The police have very sophisticated surveillance equipment. Assume you are always being watched and tracked. Here are some general digital safety tips to minimize risk as much as possible.

Phone Tracking and Contact Tracing

Minimize location tracking on your phone

Police have all kinds of technology to track you and your phone. If at all possible, keep your phone at home and don't bring it to the protests. If you can't, here are some tips to minimize location tracking.

If your device is confiscated

General phone hygiene

Phone and communication security (e.g., using Signal or WhatsApp) is generally very good and above the technical ability of governments to break. Law enforcement and governments will focus on infiltrating a protester network by compromising a person or device. The following are tips to make it more difficult to have your device compromised


In the event of a media blackout

What happens if you’re on the streets but there are no media outlets covering? With no mainstream media keeping the authorities in check and covering in real time, police and military are likely to take more brutal measures against protesters. Here are the best tips from Lebanese protesters involved in the October revolution.

Going live on social media

Filming police abuse and arrests

How to help if you can't attend a protest

Attending a protest can be prohibitive for many reasons, including risk profile and economic. The following are some suggestions of how to support protestors and actions if you can't physically attend.

Additional Resources



Protests and your rights