frouo / next-markdown

Markdown Pages for Next.js with 0 effort, dynamic routes and your layout design
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blog-aware docs-generator getstaticpaths getstaticprops markdown mdx nextjs plug-and-play


Markdown Pages for Next.js

Dynamic Routes • Blog Aware • Design Your Layout

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Get Started ✨

In your nextjs project, run

npm install next-markdown

Add the following [...nextmd].jsx file in the pages/ folder

import NextMarkdown from "next-markdown";

const nextmd = NextMarkdown({ pathToContent: "./pages-markdown" });

export const getStaticPaths = nextmd.getStaticPaths;
export const getStaticProps = nextmd.getStaticProps;

export default function MarkdownPage({ frontMatter, html, subPaths }) {
  return <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: html }} /> 👈 design your own layout 🧑‍🎨

Usage 👋

At the root of your project create the folder pages-markdown/, add the following file

# Hello World

This is **awesome**

That's it. Open http://localhost:3000/hello page and see the magic.


nextmd demo

Features 🚀

Dynamic Routes for Markdown Files

next-markdown generates routes based on the path of your markdown files.

Just like nextjs does with pages/.

For example, the following project structure will result into creating the following pages:

├ index.jsx    ......... ➡️ /
├ caveat.jsx   ......... ➡️ /caveat
├ [...nextmd].jsx

├     ......... ➡️ /about
├    ......... ➡️ ❌ because `pages/caveat.jsx` is already defined cf.
├ hello/
  ├   ......... ➡️ /hello
  ├   ......... ➡️ /hello/world
  ├ jurassic/
    ├  ......... ➡️ /hello/jurassic/park
├ blog/
  ├   ......... ➡️ /blog
  ├   ......... ➡️ /blog/hello
  ├   ......... ➡️ /blog/world
├ docs/
  ├   ......... ➡️ /docs
  ├   ... ➡️ /docs/get-started
  ├   ...... ➡️ /docs/features
  ├   .... ➡️ /docs/contribute

See the example.

Blog Aware (example)

next-markdown is blog-aware:

Documentation (example)

next-markdown lets you build a documentation:

Table of Contents (example)

For each page you'll receive the Table of Contents based on headings in your markdown.

Personal Blog (example)

Use next-markdown to browse and parse your markdown files so you can build your personal blog in seconds.

MDX Support (example)

There is nothing to setup on your side, MDX support comes for free.

You can mix .md and .mdx files.

Configure custom remark and rehype plugins (example)

next-markdown comes with some default remark and rehype plugins to ensure its basic functionality.

In some cases you might want to specify additional plugins to enrich your page with extra features.

You can pass custom remark and rehype plugins via the next-markdown initializer config:

import NextMarkdown from "next-markdown";

const nextmd = NextMarkdown({
  remarkPlugins: [],
  rehypePlugins: [],

Host Your .md Files in Another Repo (example)

For many good reasons you may want to host your content in another GIT repo.

Examples 🖥

More examples here ↗️.

Feel free to browse them to see next-markdown in action.

Contributing 🏗️

Thanks for your interest in next-markdown! You are very welcome to contribute. If you are proposing a new feature, please open an issue to make sure it is inline with the project goals.

1. Fork this repository to your own GitHub account and clone it to your local device

git clone
cd next-markdown

2. Install the dependencies and run dev script

npm install
npm run dev

terminal 1

3. Open another terminal, pick an example in the examples/ folder, install dependencies and run dev

cd examples/blog # or dynamic-routes, or remote-content
npm install
npm run dev

terminal 2

4. Start coding


5. Submitting a PR

Before you make your pull request, make sure to run:

Contributors 🙏