frozeman / meteor-animation-helper-velocity

Animates elements inside a {{> AnimateWithVelocity}} block, by adding specific attributes to elements.
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Animates elements inside a {{> AnimateWithVelocity}} block, by adding specific attributes to elements.

This package uses the new UI_hooks, allowing for animation when elements get add AND removed.


$ meteor add frozeman:animation-helper-velocity


Wrap templates or template parts with the {{#AnimateWithVelocity}}..{{/AnimateWithVelocity}} helper. Elements with the data-animate attribute and additional attributes will be animated when Meteor adds or removes them (e.g. when using {{#if}}...{{/if}} statements, or rendering templates):

    <div data-animate data-property="opacity" data-duration="500" data-from-value="0" data-to-value="1">

// or animating multiple css properties

    <div data-animate data-properties="left, opacity" data-from-values="1000px, 0" data-to-values="0px, 1">

Note: Animation is triggered on render by default, if you want to disable it add the following attribute to your data-animate element:


Possible attributes and defaults

data-property: 'opacity',
data-duration: 200, // milliseconds
data-from-value: 0,
data-to-value: 1,
data-easing-in: 'linear',
data-easing-out: 'linear'
data-animate-on-render : 'true'

For properties to animate look at the velocity documentation at

Note: You can use the attributes in plural or singular form as you wish (data-to-value or data-to-values).