frozn / TipTac

WoW AddOn TipTac Reborn
GNU General Public License v3.0
119 stars 25 forks source link

Error without functionality #2 #306

Closed Zasz333 closed 3 months ago

Zasz333 commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug

Updated to the latest version, not seeing any change to the tooltip but errors pop up. Tooltip remains default retail tooltip.

Steps to Reproduce

No interaction happening.

Expected behavior

I expect the addon to use my settings again.

Additional context

389x TipTac/ttCore.lua:2814: attempt to call global 'GetMouseFocus' (a nil value) [string "@TipTac/ttCore.lua"]:2814: in function GetAnchorPosition' [string "@TipTac/ttCore.lua"]:2940: in function?' [string "@TipTac/libs/LibFroznFunctions-1.0-25/LibFroznFunctions-1.0.lua"]:1175: in function FireGroupEvent' [string "@TipTac/ttCore.lua"]:1745: in functionSetCurrentDisplayParams' [string "@TipTac/ttCore.lua"]:1631: in function <TipTac/ttCore.lua:1630> string "=[C]": in function `Show' [string "@Altoholic/Services/Tooltip.lua"]:692: in function <Altoholic/Services/Tooltip.lua:690>

string "=[C]": in function Show' [string "@Blizzard_SharedXMLGame/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua"]:290: in function <...lizzard_SharedXMLGame/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:238> [string "=[C]"]: in functionsecurecallfunction' [string "@Blizzard_SharedXMLGame/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua"]:235: in function ProcessInfo' [string "@Blizzard_GameTooltip/Mainline/GameTooltip.lua"]:929: in functionSetWorldCursor' [string "@Blizzard_UIParent/Mainline/UIParent.lua"]:1366: in function <...rfaceBlizzard_UIParent/Mainline/UIParent.lua:1289>

Locals: self = TipTac { RightEdge = Texture { } TopEdge = Texture { } BottomRightCorner = Texture { } LeftEdge = Texture { } BottomEdge = Texture { } BottomLeftCorner = Texture { } text = FontString { } close = Button { } TopLeftCorner = Texture { } Center = Texture { } backdropInfo =

{ } TopRightCorner = Texture { } } tip = GameTooltip { ItemTooltip = Frame { } BottomOverlay = Texture { } NineSlice = Frame { } TopEdge = Texture { } LeftEdge = Texture { } textLeft1Font = "GameTooltipHeaderText" textRight2Font = "GameTooltipText" TopOverlay = Texture { } TextLeft1 = GameTooltipTextLeft1 { } StatusBar = GameTooltipStatusBar { } processingInfo =
{ } infoList =
{ } supportsDataRefresh = true Center = Texture { } RightEdge = Texture { } BottomEdge = Texture { } BottomRightCorner = Texture { } BottomLeftCorner = Texture { } TopRightCorner = Texture { } TopLeftCorner = Texture { } backdropInfo =
{ } updateTooltipTimer = 0.200000 textRight1Font = "GameTooltipHeaderText" shoppingTooltips =
{ } TextRight1 = GameTooltipTextRight1 { } supportsItemComparison = true textLeft2Font = "GameTooltipText" TextRight2 = GameTooltipTextRight2 { } TextLeft2 = GameTooltipTextLeft2 { } } frameParams =
{ config =
{ } currentDisplayParams =
{ } frameName = "GameTooltip" } isUnit = nil (temporary) = nil (temporary) = "attempt to call global 'GetMouseFocus' (a nil value)" TT_CacheForFrames =
{ =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ } =
{ unknownOnCleared = 8 spell = 3 item = 4 aura = 2 unknownOnShow = 7 others = 6 action = 5 unit = 1 } cfg =
{ colorReactText6 =
{ } hideSpecializationAndClassText = true classification_elite = "%s Elite" tipBackdropEdge = "nil" showMount = false backdropEdgeSize = 16 showMountCollected = false showMountText = false hideFactionText = true powerBar = true anchorFrameUnitPoint = "BOTTOM" showAuraCooldown = false colorSameGuild =
{ } tipBorderColor =
{ } noCooldownCount = true t_showTalentText = false colorReactText5 =
{ } classification_rare = "%s|r (Rare)" enableChatHoverTips = true colorGuildByReaction = false barsCondenseValues = true left = 610.999904 if_showKeystoneTimeLimit = false colorGuild =
{ } reactColoredBackdrop = false guildRankFormat = "title" classification_trivial = "%s " iconSize = 25 colorReactText9 =
{ } colorRace =
{ } minimapConfig =
{ } targetYouText = "<< YOU >>" manaBar = true gradientColor =
{ } hidePvpText = true pixelPerfectBackdrop = false fadeTime = 0 if_showKeystoneRewardLevel = false showGuildRank = true top = 368.000055 talentOnlyInParty = false gradientTip = false if_modifyAchievementTips = false reactColoredText = false if_showItemId = false colorReactText8 =
{ } t_enable = false t_showTalents = false gttScale = 1.200000 showCurrentUnitSpeed = false classification_rareelite = "+%s|r (Rare Elite)" t_showTalentIcon = false iconFaction = true overrideFade = true if_enable = false preFadeTime = 0 optionsLeft = 9.000010 reactIcon = false if_showSpellIdAndRank = false showTarget = "belowNameRealm" barTexture = "Interface\AddOns\Empath-Textures\textures\Empath12" talentCacheSize = 5 enableBackdrop = true tipColor =
{ } showMinimapIcon = false colRace = "|cffffffff" healthBarText = "value" if_modifyKeystoneTips = false colorReactText7 =
{ } classification_normal = "%s " if_showAuraCaster = false backdropInsets = 4 classification_minus = "%s " anchorFrameTipType = "mouse" reactColoredBorde

Version of TipTac Reborn


Flavor/Version of WoW


frozn commented 3 months ago

Thanks for reporting this! 👍

Fixed with the latest release v24.07.25.

Duplicate of