fs-c / royalroad-api

An unofficial API for royalroad.com
MIT License
9 stars 4 forks source link

An unofficial API for royalroadl.com, written in TypeScript.

npm i -s @fsoc/royalroadl-api

This is an attempt to write a predictable and consistent wrapper around the mess that is RRL. Since no official public API is exposed, this module scrapes all data straight from the HTML, which makes it very prone to spontaneous and horrible death.

Barebones documentation generated from TypeDoc can be found on fsoc.gitlab.com/royalroadl-api. You can also build these docs yourself by running npm run docs in the root of the project.

A more elaborate description of this package and its functionality (both internal and exposed) can be found further below in the about section.

Example usage

For more examples check out the /examples directory.

const { RoyalRoadAPI } = require('@l1lly/royalroadl-api');

const api = new RoyalRoadAPI();

(async () => {

const { data } = await api.fictions.getPopular();
const titles = data.slice(10).map((fic) => fic.title);

console.log(`The top 10 popular fictions are: ${titles.join(', ')}`);



The module itself exports only a RoyalRoadAPI class which, by itself, has no methods. All functionality is delegated to service classes which are properties of the RoyalRoadAPI instance. This allows for a very concise seperation of concerns, and a modular and atomic approach to both the development, and usage of this module.


All responses and errors are either an instance of a RoyalResponse or a RoyalError, which extends RoyalResponse. This is done to easily allow for meta information to be tacked onto responses, and to have a consistent interface between user and module. Note that the RoyalError acts similarly to the NodeJS Error object, in that it captures and returns a short stack trace.

For example, a call to fiction.getFiction() might yield the following response on success:

RoyalResponse {
   { type: 'Original',
     tags: [ 'Action', 'Adventure', 'Sci-fi', ... 3 more items ],
      { pages: 766,
        ratings: 719,
        followers: 2991,
        favorites: 690,
        views: [Object],
        score: [Object] },
     title: 'Paladin',
     status: 'HIATUS',
      { name: 'Komikhan',
        title: '',
        id: 66486 },
     warnings: [ 'Gore', 'Profanity' ],
     chapters: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], ... 71 more items ],
      'When the first derelict alien spacecraft fell to Earth, (...)' },
  success: true,
  timestamp: 1528119296799 }

...or on error:

RoyalError {
   { message: 'Page Not Found',
      [ 'Error',
        '    at new RoyalError', ... 8 more items ] },
  success: false,
  timestamp: 1528119381034 }

Internal requester

All service classes use the same instance of the Requester, the class responsible for making HTTP requests and returning their responses. By default, it will throw a RoyalError if it encounters a status code other than 200 (this can be disabled with the ignoreStatus option). Also note that, by default, all requests will be sent over HTTPS - this can be controlled with the first argument of the RoyalRoadAPI constructor.

Since RRL likes to return 200 even when the actual response should be a 404 or 304, the Requester will parse the HTML it has gotten (if it got any), and try to read an error from it. If it finds signs that the request has failed, it will throw - this can be disabled with the ignoreParser option.

The Requesters main goal is to keep track of cookies and to automatically fetch a __ResponseVerificationToken often needed for POST requests as a part of anti CSRF measures. This fetching of tokens is disabled by default and can be enabled with the fetchToken option.


All services are structured in a very similar way: with a <Type>Service exposing all relevant methods, and a <Type>Parser, which usually exposes a number of static methods used to parse HTML responses.

A quick wrap-up of all the existing services is:


This uses cheerio to parse HTML, which is a very forgiving parser. This means that even if RRL were to make minor changes to their page layouts, large parts of the API (even those parts responsible for changed areas) would still remain functional.

Therefore, expect properties to be empty or null, and know that an error will not be thrown just because some values could not be parsed.