fs7744 / Norns

dotnet core aop static weaving on roslyn
MIT License
23 stars 5 forks source link
aop aspect netcore roslyn




This a project to do static weaving and dynamic weaving.


AOP base on proxy

  1. Generate proxy class type
  2. Replace type to proxy type for di
  3. Do aop in proxy class

Static weaving generate code base on roslyn

There is two way that we will try to support :

AOT (Norns.Skuld)

experimental feature

(ps: because source-generators not allow loading referenced assemblies now, so can't share package to other now. I will try to find way to fix this.)

JIT (Norns.Verthandi)

Not use this in production.

Roslyn is so great, but if we just use it once before di, it seem wasting a lot of memory and cpu.

Actually we can do jit after generate dll to generate proxy dll, make the jit to aot after build.

But now there is source-generators.

Dynamic weaving Emit (Norns.Urd)

(ps: this will begin after static weaving done)

How to use

JIT (Norns.Verthandi)

  1. reference Norns.Adapters.DependencyInjection

  2. write InterceptorGenerator base on AbstractInterceptorGenerator

using Norns.Destiny.Structure;
using Norns.Destiny.AOP;
using Norns.Destiny.AOP.Notations;
using Norns.Destiny.Notations;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace Norns.Benchmark
    public class ConsoleCallMethodGenerator : AbstractInterceptorGenerator
        public override IEnumerable<INotation> BeforeMethod(ProxyGeneratorContext context, IMethodSymbolInfo method)
            typeof(System.Console).Name.ToString(); // just make sure load System.Console dll before jit generate code
            if (!method.Parameters.IsEmpty)
                yield return $"System.Console.WriteLine($\"Call Method {method.Name} at {{System.DateTime.Now.ToString(\"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff\")}} {method.Parameters.First().Type.FullName} {method.Parameters.First().Name} = {{{method.Parameters.First().Name}}}".ToNotation();
                foreach (var item in method.Parameters.Skip(1))
                    yield return $", {item.FullName} {item.Name} = {{{item.Name}}}".ToNotation();
                yield return "\");".ToNotation();

        public override IEnumerable<INotation> AfterMethod(ProxyGeneratorContext context, IMethodSymbolInfo method)
            if (method.HasReturnValue)
                yield return $"System.Console.WriteLine($\"return {{{context.GetReturnValueParameterName()}}} at {{System.DateTime.Now.ToString(\"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff\")}}\");".ToNotation();
  1. write interface
using System;

namespace Norns.Benchmark
    public interface IC
        int AddOne(int v);

        public int AddOne2(int v)
            return v + 1;
  1. write class
public class C : IC
    public int AddOne(int v)
        return v;
  1. set to DI

if use asp.net core, just use UseVerthandiAop like :

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)

    public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
        .UseVerthandiAop(new IInterceptorGenerator[] { new ConsoleCallMethodGenerator() })
            .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>

if not, you can try this :

internal class Program
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        var p = new ServiceCollection()
            .AddTransient<IC, C>()
            .BuildVerthandiAopServiceProvider(new IInterceptorGenerator[] { new ConsoleCallMethodGenerator() })

        var result = p.AddOne(99);
        Console.WriteLine($"p.AddOne(99) 's result is {result}.");
        result = p.AddOne2(1);
        Console.WriteLine($"p.AddOne2(1) 's result is {result}.");


result :

Call Method AddOne at 2020-07-05 15:42:21.999 int v = 99
return 99 at 2020-07-05 15:42:22.002
p.AddOne(99) 's result is 99.

Call Method AddOne2 at 2020-07-05 15:42:22.003 int v = 1
return 2 at 2020-07-05 15:42:22.003
p.AddOne2(1) 's result is 2.

AOT (Norns.Skuld)

There is Noting until source-generators can do this.

Because source-generators not allow loading referenced assemblies now, so can't share package to other, and i don't want to write the demo.

Emit (Norns.Urd)

waiting to start
