The aim of this project is to collect information about all the games of the ACB Spanish Basketball League from 1994 to 2016. A SQLite database has been used for this purpose.
Why from 1994? In 1994, the ACB changed to the current modern league format, which consists of a regular season and a playoff competition between the best 8.
The database can be freely accessed from or However, if you want to execute the code by yourself you can just use the
$ python [-r] [-d] [-i] [--start] [first_year] [--end] [last_year]
indicates whether you want to reset the database.-d
if you want to download locally the games.-i
if you want to inser the information in the database.--start first_year
from which season you want to scrap (1994 by default).--end last_year
until which season you want to scrap (2016 by default).Therefore, the first time you run the script, you must use -r -d -i
This dataset includes statistics about the games, teams, players and coaches. It is divided in the following tables:
In summation, this database contains the stats from games such as
¿Final 2017 no aparece en tabla games? ¿tratar perdidas de conexion a internet en descargas? ¿Metemos los equipos en la tabla participantes?¿tiene info relevante? ¿Que hacemos con los participantes? def fix_participants(): Participant._fix_acbid('Esteban, Màxim', '2CH') Participant._fix_acbid('Sharabidze, G.', 'Y9G') Participant._fix_participations('Tavares, W.', 'T2Z', 'SHP') Participant._fix_participations('Stobart, Micky', 'B7P', 'FII') Participant._fix_participations('Olaizola, Julen', 'T86', '162') Participant._fix_participations('Izquierdo, Antonio', '773', 'YHK') Arreglar nombres de games --> game_acbid ¿hardcodear o pillar de wikipedia algunos equipos que no tienen año de fundacion? tablas y relaciones porque en game el acbid es un varchar? renombrar a game_acbid? renombrar resto de a game_acbid para no confundir con el id de la tabla que suele ser nombreTabla_id relacionar tabla eventos con game -- por game_id? revisar todos lo atributos de las tablas para que tengan sentido. porque CREATE INDEX game_kickoff_time_idx ON game(kickoff_time)? en tabla event relacionar teamid con algo? en vez del varchar el id numerico del equipo? renombrar todos los atrinutoid a atributo_id