fscarmen / warp-sh

WARP script is move to: https://gitlab.com/fscarmen/warp
626 stars 139 forks source link

不支持almalinux吗? #64

Open james0751 opened 1 month ago

james0751 commented 1 month ago



当前操作是 AlmaLinux 9.4 (Seafoam Ocelot) 不支持 CentOS 9 及 CentOS 7 以下系统,问题反馈:[https://github.com/fscarmen/warp-sh/issues]

fscarmen commented 1 month ago


Enkidu-6 commented 4 weeks ago

Same problem here. I've been using version 3.0.0 for a long time. Today as soon as I upgraded to 3.0.6 I got the same error message. Downgraded to 3.0.0 and It's working again.

fscarmen commented 4 weeks ago

AlmaLinux 8.10 with linux kernel 4.18.0-553.el8_10.x86_64 + menu.sh 3.0.6 is OK

[root@instance-20240531-014951 ~]# bash menu.sh 

 1. English (default) 
 2. 简体中文

 Choose: 2

 安装依赖列表: wget 

 本项目专为 VPS 添加 warp 网络接口,详细说明: [https://github.com/fscarmen/warp-sh]
         • 支持 WARP+ 账户,附带第三方刷 WARP+ 流量和升级内核 BBR 脚本
         • 普通用户友好的菜单,进阶者通过后缀选项快速搭建
         • 智能判断操作系统: Ubuntu 、Debian 、CentOS、 Alpine 和 Arch Linux,请务必选择 LTS 系统
         • 支持硬件结构类型: AMD、 ARM 和 s390x
         • 结合 Linux 版本和虚拟化方式,自动优选4个 WireGuard 方案。网络性能方面: 内核集成 WireGuard > 安装内核模块 > wireguard-go
         • 支持 WARP Linux Socks5 Client
         • 输出执行结果,提示是否使用 WARP IP ,IP 归属地和线路提供商


 功能新增:支持 Alpine edge 系统
         当前操作系统:AlmaLinux 8.10 (Cerulean Leopard)
         IPv4: 美国  Google LLC 
         WARP 网络接口未开启 
         Client 未安装 
         WireProxy 未安装 


 1.  为 IPv4 only 添加 WARP IPv4 网络接口 (bash menu.sh 4) 
 2.  为 IPv4 only 添加 WARP IPv6 网络接口 (bash menu.sh 6) 
 3.  为 IPv4 only 添加 WARP 双栈网络接口 (bash menu.sh d) 
 4.  打开 WARP (warp o) 
 5.  安装 CloudFlare Client 并设置为 Proxy 模式 (bash menu.sh c) 
 6.  更换支持 Netflix 的 IP (warp i) 
 7.  永久关闭 WARP 网络接口,并删除 WARP、 Linux Client 和 WireProxy (warp u) 
 8.  刷 WARP+ 流量 (warp p) 
 9.  升级内核、安装BBR、DD脚本 (warp b) 
 10. 同步最新版本 (warp v) 
 11. WARP 解锁 Netflix 等流媒体专业一键(支持多平台、多方式和 TG 通知) 
 12. 安装 iptable + dnsmasq + ipset,让 WARP IPv4 only 接管流媒体流量 (不适用于 IPv6 only VPS) (bash menu.sh e) 
 13. 安装 wireproxy,让 WARP 在本地创建一个 socks5 代理 (bash menu.sh w) 
 14. 安装 CloudFlare Client 并设置为 WARP 模式 (bash menu.sh l) 
 0.  退出脚本 

 请选择: 3

 只能使用 wireguard-go with reserved 运行 

 1. 全局 (默认)
 2. 非全局 


 如有 WARP+ 或 Teams 账户请选择
 1. 使用免费账户 (默认)
 2. WARP+
 3. Teams 


 1. IPv4
 2. IPv6
 3. 使用 VPS 初始设置 (默认) 


 进度 1/3: 安装系统依赖…… 

Last metadata expiration check: 0:20:14 ago on Fri May 31 02:29:14 2024.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                Architecture                     Version                            Repository                        Size
 epel-release                           noarch                           8-19.el8                           extras                            24 k

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package

Total download size: 24 k
Installed size: 35 k
Downloading Packages:
epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch.rpm                                                                                   165 kB/s |  24 kB     00:00    
Total                                                                                                               48 kB/s |  24 kB     00:00     
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                                                                                           1/1 
  Installing       : epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch                                                                                              1/1 
  Running scriptlet: epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch                                                                                              1/1 
Many EPEL packages require the CodeReady Builder (CRB) repository.
It is recommended that you run /usr/bin/crb enable to enable the CRB repository.

  Verifying        : epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch                                                                                              1/1 



 进度 2/3: 已安装 WARP 

Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64                                                                      13 MB/s |  14 MB     00:01    
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:11 ago on Fri May 31 02:49:35 2024.
Package net-tools-2.0-0.52.20160912git.el8.x86_64 is already installed.
Package iptables-1.8.5-11.el8_9.x86_64 is already installed.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.

 进度 3/3: 寻找 MTU 最优值和优选 endpoint 地址已完成 

Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:24 ago on Fri May 31 02:49:35 2024.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                Architecture                  Version                                    Repository                   Size
 wireguard-tools                        x86_64                        1.0.20210914-1.el8                         epel                        125 k

Transaction Summary
Install  1 Package

Total download size: 125 k
Installed size: 292 k
Downloading Packages:
wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                                      989 kB/s | 125 kB     00:00    
Total                                                                                                              259 kB/s | 125 kB     00:00     
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64                                                                     1.6 MB/s | 1.6 kB     00:00    
Importing GPG key 0x2F86D6A1:
 Userid     : "Fedora EPEL (8) <epel@fedoraproject.org>"
 Fingerprint: 94E2 79EB 8D8F 25B2 1810 ADF1 21EA 45AB 2F86 D6A1
 From       : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-8
Key imported successfully
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                                                                                           1/1 
  Installing       : wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                 1/1 
  Running scriptlet: wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                 1/1 
  Verifying        : wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64                                                                                 1/1 


Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:34 ago on Fri May 31 02:49:35 2024.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
--2024-05-31 02:50:12--  https://gitlab.com/fscarmen/warp/-/raw/main/wireguard-go/wireguard-go-linux-amd64-20230223
Resolving gitlab.com (gitlab.com)...
Connecting to gitlab.com (gitlab.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 2691072 (2.6M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘/usr/bin/wireguard-go’

/usr/bin/wireguard-go                100%[=====================================================================>]   2.57M  --.-KB/s    in 0.04s   

2024-05-31 02:50:13 (57.3 MB/s) - ‘/usr/bin/wireguard-go’ saved [2691072/2691072]

 创建快捷 warp 指令成功 
 运行 WARP 
 后台获取 WARP IP 中,最大尝试5次……
 已成功获取 WARP Free 网络, 工作模式: 全局 


 IPv4: 美国  Cloudflare, Inc. 
 IPv6: 2a09:bac1:76c0:dba8::1c:1f5 美国  Cloudflare Warp 
 恭喜!WARP Free 已开启,总耗时:52秒, 脚本当天运行次数:5453,累计运行次数:28022612 
 IPv6 优先 , 工作模式: 全局 


 再次运行用 warp [option] [lisence],如 

 warp h (帮助菜单)
 warp n (获取 WARP IP)
 warp o (临时warp开关)
 warp u (卸载 WARP 网络接口和 Socks5 Client)
 warp b (升级内核、开启BBR及DD)
 warp a (更换账户为 Free,WARP+ 或 Teams)
 warp p (刷WARP+流量)
 warp v (同步脚本至最新版本)
 warp r (WARP Linux Client 开关)
 warp 4/6 (WARP IPv4/IPv6 单栈)
 warp d (WARP 双栈)
 warp c (安装 WARP Linux Client,开启 Socks5 代理模式)
 warp l (安装 WARP Linux Client,开启 WARP 模式)
 warp i (更换支持 Netflix 的IP)
 warp e (安装 Iptables + dnsmasq + ipset 解决方案)
 warp w (安装 WireProxy 解决方案)
 warp y (WireProxy socks5 开关)
 warp k (切换 wireguard 内核 / wireguard-go-reserved)
 warp g (切换 warp 全局 / 非全局)
 warp s 4/6/d (优先级: IPv4 / IPv6 / VPS default)
Enkidu-6 commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks. But the problem occurs on Almalinux 9.4.

The error message doesn't make sense either because it mentions Centos 7 and 9.

The current operation is AlmaLinux 9.4 (Seafoam Ocelot)
does not support CentOS 9 and CentOS 7 and below systems

It seems that during the version check, it gives an error simply because it doesn't recognize the operating system as a valid option and thinks it's a CentOS 9.

fscarmen commented 3 weeks ago

脚本更新版本为 3.0.7,测试以下6个 CentOS 系,全部通过。 The script was updated to version 3.0.7 and tested the following 6 CentOS systems, all passed.

system install warp test
AlmaLinux 9.4
AlmaLinux 8.10
CentOS Stream 9
CentOS Stream 8
Rocky Linux 9.4
Rocky Linux 8.9
AlmaLinux 9.4(Click to expand or collapse)
``` [root@instance-20240602-123319 ~]# bash menu.sh Language: 1. English (default) 2. 简体中文 Choose: All dependencies already exist and do not need to be installed additionally. Checking VPS infomation... The script specifically adds WARP network interface for VPS, detailed:[https://github.com/fscarmen/warp-sh] Features: • Support WARP+ account. Third-party scripts are use to increase WARP+ quota or upgrade kernel. • Not only menus, but commands with option. • Support system: Ubuntu 16.04、18.04、20.04、22.04,Debian 9、10、11,CentOS 7、8、9, Alpine, Arch Linux 3. • Support architecture: AMD,ARM and s390x • Automatically select four WireGuard solutions. Performance: Kernel with WireGuard integration > Install kernel module > wireguard-go • Suppert WARP Linux client. • Output WARP status, IP region and asn ====================================================================================================================== Version:3.0.7 New features:Support CentOS 9 / AlmaLinux 9 / Rocky 9 system. System infomation: Operating System:AlmaLinux 9.4 (Seafoam Ocelot) Kernel:5.14.0-427.13.1.el9_4.x86_64 Architecture:amd64 Virtualization:kvm IPv4: United States Google LLC IPv6: WARP Interface is off Client is not installed. WireProxy is not installed. ====================================================================================================================== 1. Add WARP IPv4 interface to IPv4 only VPS (bash menu.sh 4) 2. Add WARP IPv6 interface to IPv4 only VPS (bash menu.sh 6) 3. Add WARP dualstack interface to IPv4 only VPS (bash menu.sh d) 4. Turn on WARP (warp o) 5. Install CloudFlare Client and set mode to Proxy (bash menu.sh c) 6. Change the WARP IP to support Netflix (warp i) 7. Turn off, uninstall WARP interface, Linux Client and WireProxy (warp u) 8. Getting WARP+ quota by scripts (warp p) 9. Upgrade kernel, turn on BBR, change Linux system (warp b) 10. Sync the latest version (warp v) 11. Professional one-click script for WARP to unblock streaming media (Supports multi-platform, multi-mode and TG push) 12. Install iptable + dnsmasq + ipset. Let WARP only take over the streaming media traffic (Not available for ipv6 only) (bash menu.sh e) 13. Install wireproxy. Wireguard client that exposes itself as a socks5 proxy or tunnels (bash menu.sh w) 14. Install CloudFlare Client and set mode to WARP (bash menu.sh l) 0. Exit Choose: 3 Install using: 1. wireguard kernel (default) 2. wireguard-go with reserved Choose: Working mode: 1. Global (default) 2. Non-global Choose: Is there a WARP+ or Teams account? 1. Use free account (default) 2. WARP+ 3. Teams Choose: Please choose the priority: 1. IPv4 2. IPv6 3. Use initial settings (default) Choose: Step 1/3: Install dependencies... Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:37 ago on Sun Jun 2 08:01:59 2024. Package epel-release-9-5.el9.noarch is already installed. Dependencies resolved. =================================================================================================================================================== Package Architecture Version Repository Size =================================================================================================================================================== Upgrading: epel-release noarch 9-7.el9 epel 19 k Transaction Summary =================================================================================================================================================== Upgrade 1 Package Total download size: 19 k Downloading Packages: epel-release-9-7.el9.noarch.rpm 124 kB/s | 19 kB 00:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 51 kB/s | 19 kB 00:00 Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 - x86_64 1.6 MB/s | 1.6 kB 00:00 Importing GPG key 0x3228467C: Userid : "Fedora (epel9) " Fingerprint: FF8A D134 4597 106E CE81 3B91 8A38 72BF 3228 467C From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-9 Key imported successfully Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded. Running transaction Preparing : 1/1 Upgrading : epel-release-9-7.el9.noarch 1/2 Running scriptlet: epel-release-9-7.el9.noarch 1/2 Cleanup : epel-release-9-5.el9.noarch 2/2 Step 2/3: WARP is ready Running scriptlet: epel-release-9-5.el9.noarch 2/2 Verifying : epel-release-9-7.el9.noarch 1/2 Verifying : epel-release-9-5.el9.noarch 2/2 Upgraded: epel-release-9-7.el9.noarch Complete! Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64 3.2 kB/s | 2.5 kB 00:00 Package net-tools-2.0-0.62.20160912git.el9.x86_64 is already installed. Dependencies resolved. =================================================================================================================================================== Package Architecture Version Repository Size =================================================================================================================================================== Installing: iptables-legacy x86_64 1.8.10-2.2.el9 epel 49 k Installing dependencies: iptables-legacy-libs x86_64 1.8.10-2.2.el9 epel 37 k iptables-libs x86_64 1.8.10-2.el9 baseos 395 k libnetfilter_conntrack x86_64 1.0.9-1.el9 baseos 58 k libnfnetlink x86_64 1.0.1-21.el9 baseos 29 k Transaction Summary =================================================================================================================================================== Install 5 Packages Total download size: 568 k Installed size: 2.1 M Downloading Packages: (1/5): libnfnetlink-1.0.1-21.el9.x86_64.rpm 303 kB/s | 29 kB 00:00 (2/5): libnetfilter_conntrack-1.0.9-1.el9.x86_64.rpm 489 kB/s | 58 kB 00:00 (3/5): iptables-libs-1.8.10-2.el9.x86_64.rpm 2.0 MB/s | 395 kB 00:00 (4/5): iptables-legacy-libs-1.8.10-2.2.el9.x86_64.rpm 225 kB/s | 37 kB 00:00 (5/5): iptables-legacy-1.8.10-2.2.el9.x86_64.rpm 236 kB/s | 49 kB 00:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 778 kB/s | 568 kB 00:00 Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded. Running transaction Preparing : 1/1 Installing : iptables-legacy-libs-1.8.10-2.2.el9.x86_64 1/5 Installing : libnfnetlink-1.0.1-21.el9.x86_64 2/5 Installing : libnetfilter_conntrack-1.0.9-1.el9.x86_64 3/5 Installing : iptables-libs-1.8.10-2.el9.x86_64 4/5 Installing : iptables-legacy-1.8.10-2.2.el9.x86_64 5/5 Running scriptlet: iptables-legacy-1.8.10-2.2.el9.x86_64 5/5 Verifying : iptables-libs-1.8.10-2.el9.x86_64 1/5 Verifying : libnetfilter_conntrack-1.0.9-1.el9.x86_64 2/5 Verifying : libnfnetlink-1.0.1-21.el9.x86_64 3/5 Verifying : iptables-legacy-1.8.10-2.2.el9.x86_64 4/5 Verifying : iptables-legacy-libs-1.8.10-2.2.el9.x86_64 5/5 Installed: iptables-legacy-1.8.10-2.2.el9.x86_64 iptables-legacy-libs-1.8.10-2.2.el9.x86_64 iptables-libs-1.8.10-2.el9.x86_64 libnetfilter_conntrack-1.0.9-1.el9.x86_64 libnfnetlink-1.0.1-21.el9.x86_64 Complete! Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:02 ago on Sun Jun 2 08:02:40 2024. Dependencies resolved. =================================================================================================================================================== Package Architecture Version Repository Size =================================================================================================================================================== Installing: wireguard-tools x86_64 1.0.20210914-3.el9 appstream 114 k Installing dependencies: systemd-resolved x86_64 252-32.el9_4.alma.1 baseos 380 k Transaction Summary =================================================================================================================================================== Install 2 Packages Total download size: 493 k Installed size: 1.0 M Downloading Packages: (1/2): wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-3.el9.x86_64.rpm 787 kB/s | 114 kB 00:00 (2/2): systemd-resolved-252-32.el9_4.alma.1.x86_64.rpm 1.6 MB/s | 380 kB 00:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 881 kB/s | 493 kB 00:00 Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded. Running transaction Preparing : 1/1 Running scriptlet: systemd-resolved-252-32.el9_4.alma.1.x86_64 1/2 Installing : systemd-resolved-252-32.el9_4.alma.1.x86_64 1/2 Running scriptlet: systemd-resolved-252-32.el9_4.alma.1.x86_64 1/2 Installing : wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-3.el9.x86_64 2/2 Running scriptlet: wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-3.el9.x86_64 2/2 Verifying : wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-3.el9.x86_64 1/2 Verifying : systemd-resolved-252-32.el9_4.alma.1.x86_64 2/2 Installed: systemd-resolved-252-32.el9_4.alma.1.x86_64 wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-3.el9.x86_64 Complete! Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:05 ago on Sun Jun 2 08:02:40 2024. Dependencies resolved. =================================================================================================================================================== Package Architecture Version Repository Size =================================================================================================================================================== Installing: kernel x86_64 5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4 baseos 5.7 M kernel-core x86_64 5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4 baseos 21 M kernel-modules x86_64 5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4 baseos 39 M kernel-modules-core x86_64 5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4 baseos 33 M Upgrading: glibc x86_64 2.34-100.el9_4.2 baseos 2.0 M glibc-common x86_64 2.34-100.el9_4.2 baseos 301 k glibc-gconv-extra x86_64 2.34-100.el9_4.2 baseos 1.6 M glibc-minimal-langpack x86_64 2.34-100.el9_4.2 baseos 26 k kernel-tools x86_64 5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4 baseos 5.9 M kernel-tools-libs x86_64 5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4 baseos 5.7 M less x86_64 590-4.el9_4 baseos 160 k libnghttp2 x86_64 1.43.0-5.el9_4.3 baseos 72 k python3-perf x86_64 5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4 baseos 5.8 M shim-x64 x86_64 15.8-4.el9_3.alma.1 baseos 481 k Transaction Summary =================================================================================================================================================== Install 4 Packages Upgrade 10 Packages Total download size: 120 M Downloading Packages: (1/14): kernel-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64.rpm 12 MB/s | 5.7 MB 00:00 (2/14): kernel-core-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64.rpm 21 MB/s | 21 MB 00:00 (3/14): glibc-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64.rpm 26 MB/s | 2.0 MB 00:00 (4/14): glibc-common-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64.rpm 8.4 MB/s | 301 kB 00:00 (5/14): glibc-gconv-extra-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64.rpm 25 MB/s | 1.6 MB 00:00 (6/14): glibc-minimal-langpack-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64.rpm 276 kB/s | 26 kB 00:00 (7/14): kernel-tools-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64.rpm 24 MB/s | 5.9 MB 00:00 (8/14): kernel-modules-core-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64.rpm 19 MB/s | 33 MB 00:01 (9/14): kernel-tools-libs-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64.rpm 7.5 MB/s | 5.7 MB 00:00 (10/14): less-590-4.el9_4.x86_64.rpm 1.9 MB/s | 160 kB 00:00 (11/14): libnghttp2-1.43.0-5.el9_4.3.x86_64.rpm 2.6 MB/s | 72 kB 00:00 (12/14): kernel-modules-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64.rpm 14 MB/s | 39 MB 00:02 (13/14): shim-x64-15.8-4.el9_3.alma.1.x86_64.rpm 842 kB/s | 481 kB 00:00 (14/14): python3-perf-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64.rpm 9.0 MB/s | 5.8 MB 00:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 39 MB/s | 120 MB 00:03 Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded. Running transaction Step 3/3: Searching for the best MTU value and endpoint address are ready. Preparing : 1/1 Upgrading : glibc-common-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64 1/24 Upgrading : glibc-gconv-extra-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64 2/24 Running scriptlet: glibc-gconv-extra-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64 2/24 Upgrading : glibc-minimal-langpack-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64 3/24 Running scriptlet: glibc-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64 4/24 Upgrading : glibc-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64 4/24 Running scriptlet: glibc-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64 4/24 Installing : kernel-modules-core-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 5/24 Installing : kernel-core-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 6/24 Running scriptlet: kernel-core-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 6/24 Installing : kernel-modules-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 7/24 Running scriptlet: kernel-modules-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 7/24 Upgrading : kernel-tools-libs-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 8/24 Running scriptlet: kernel-tools-libs-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 8/24 Upgrading : kernel-tools-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 9/24 Running scriptlet: kernel-tools-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 9/24 Installing : kernel-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 10/24 Upgrading : shim-x64-15.8-4.el9_3.alma.1.x86_64 11/24 Upgrading : less-590-4.el9_4.x86_64 12/24 Upgrading : libnghttp2-1.43.0-5.el9_4.3.x86_64 13/24 Upgrading : python3-perf-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 14/24 Running scriptlet: kernel-tools-5.14.0-427.13.1.el9_4.x86_64 15/24 Cleanup : kernel-tools-5.14.0-427.13.1.el9_4.x86_64 15/24 Running scriptlet: kernel-tools-5.14.0-427.13.1.el9_4.x86_64 15/24 Cleanup : python3-perf-5.14.0-427.13.1.el9_4.x86_64 16/24 Cleanup : less-590-3.el9_3.x86_64 17/24 Cleanup : kernel-tools-libs-5.14.0-427.13.1.el9_4.x86_64 18/24 Running scriptlet: kernel-tools-libs-5.14.0-427.13.1.el9_4.x86_64 18/24 Cleanup : libnghttp2-1.43.0-5.el9_3.1.x86_64 19/24 Cleanup : shim-x64-15.6-1.el9.alma.1.x86_64 20/24 Cleanup : glibc-2.34-100.el9.x86_64 21/24 Cleanup : glibc-minimal-langpack-2.34-100.el9.x86_64 22/24 Cleanup : glibc-gconv-extra-2.34-100.el9.x86_64 23/24 Running scriptlet: glibc-gconv-extra-2.34-100.el9.x86_64 23/24 Cleanup : glibc-common-2.34-100.el9.x86_64 24/24 Running scriptlet: kernel-modules-core-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 24/24 Running scriptlet: kernel-core-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 24/24 Running scriptlet: kernel-modules-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 24/24 Running scriptlet: glibc-common-2.34-100.el9.x86_64 24/24 Verifying : kernel-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 1/24 Verifying : kernel-core-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 2/24 Verifying : kernel-modules-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 3/24 Verifying : kernel-modules-core-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 4/24 Verifying : glibc-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64 5/24 Verifying : glibc-2.34-100.el9.x86_64 6/24 Verifying : glibc-common-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64 7/24 Verifying : glibc-common-2.34-100.el9.x86_64 8/24 Verifying : glibc-gconv-extra-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64 9/24 Verifying : glibc-gconv-extra-2.34-100.el9.x86_64 10/24 Verifying : glibc-minimal-langpack-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64 11/24 Verifying : glibc-minimal-langpack-2.34-100.el9.x86_64 12/24 Verifying : kernel-tools-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 13/24 Verifying : kernel-tools-5.14.0-427.13.1.el9_4.x86_64 14/24 Verifying : kernel-tools-libs-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 15/24 Verifying : kernel-tools-libs-5.14.0-427.13.1.el9_4.x86_64 16/24 Verifying : less-590-4.el9_4.x86_64 17/24 Verifying : less-590-3.el9_3.x86_64 18/24 Verifying : libnghttp2-1.43.0-5.el9_4.3.x86_64 19/24 Verifying : libnghttp2-1.43.0-5.el9_3.1.x86_64 20/24 Verifying : python3-perf-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 21/24 Verifying : python3-perf-5.14.0-427.13.1.el9_4.x86_64 22/24 Verifying : shim-x64-15.8-4.el9_3.alma.1.x86_64 23/24 Verifying : shim-x64-15.6-1.el9.alma.1.x86_64 24/24 Upgraded: glibc-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64 glibc-common-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64 glibc-gconv-extra-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64 glibc-minimal-langpack-2.34-100.el9_4.2.x86_64 kernel-tools-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 kernel-tools-libs-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 less-590-4.el9_4.x86_64 libnghttp2-1.43.0-5.el9_4.3.x86_64 python3-perf-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 shim-x64-15.8-4.el9_3.alma.1.x86_64 Installed: kernel-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 kernel-core-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 kernel-modules-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 kernel-modules-core-5.14.0-427.18.1.el9_4.x86_64 Complete! --2024-06-02 08:05:16-- https://gitlab.com/fscarmen/warp/-/raw/main/wireguard-go/wireguard-go-linux-amd64-20230223 Resolving gitlab.com (gitlab.com)... Connecting to gitlab.com (gitlab.com)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 2691072 (2.6M) [application/octet-stream] Saving to: ‘/usr/bin/wireguard-go’ /usr/bin/wireguard-go 100%[=====================================================================>] 2.57M --.-KB/s in 0.09s 2024-06-02 08:05:16 (28.7 MB/s) - ‘/usr/bin/wireguard-go’ saved [2691072/2691072] Create shortcut [warp] successfully Running WARP Maximum 5 attempts to get WARP IP... Try 1 Got the WARP Free IP successfully, Working mode: Global ============================================================== IPv4: United States Cloudflare, Inc. IPv6: 2a09:bac5:7526:1cd2::2df:b United States Cloudflare Warp Congratulations! WARP Free is turned on. Spend time:163 seconds. The script runs today: 25719. Total:28135532 IPv6 priority , Working mode: Global ============================================================== Run again with warp [option] [lisence], such as warp h (help) warp n (Get the WARP IP) warp o (Turn off WARP temporarily) warp u (Turn off and uninstall WARP interface and Socks5 Linux Client) warp b (Upgrade kernel, turn on BBR, change Linux system) warp a (Change account to Free, WARP+ or Teams) warp p (Getting WARP+ quota by scripts) warp v (Sync the latest version) warp r (Connect/Disconnect WARP Linux Client) warp 4/6 (Add WARP IPv4/IPv6 interface) warp d (Add WARP dualstack interface IPv4 + IPv6) warp c (Install WARP Linux Client and set to proxy mode) warp l (Install WARP Linux Client and set to WARP mode) warp i (Change the WARP IP to support Netflix) warp e (Install Iptables + dnsmasq + ipset solution) warp w (Install WireProxy solution) warp y (Connect/Disconnect WireProxy socks5) warp k (Switch between kernel and wireguard-go-reserved) warp g (Switch between warp global and non-global) warp s 4/6/d (Set stack proiority: IPv4 / IPv6 / VPS default) ```
AlmaLinux 8.10(Click to expand or collapse)
``` [root@instance-20240602-131537 ~]# bash menu.sh -e Install dependence-list: wget Checking VPS infomation... The script specifically adds WARP network interface for VPS, detailed:[https://github.com/fscarmen/warp-sh] Features: • Support WARP+ account. Third-party scripts are use to increase WARP+ quota or upgrade kernel. • Not only menus, but commands with option. • Support system: Ubuntu 16.04、18.04、20.04、22.04,Debian 9、10、11,CentOS 7、8、9, Alpine, Arch Linux 3. • Support architecture: AMD,ARM and s390x • Automatically select four WireGuard solutions. Performance: Kernel with WireGuard integration > Install kernel module > wireguard-go • Suppert WARP Linux client. • Output WARP status, IP region and asn ====================================================================================================================== Version:3.0.7 New features:Support CentOS 9 / AlmaLinux 9 / Rocky 9 system. System infomation: Operating System:AlmaLinux 8.10 (Cerulean Leopard) Kernel:4.18.0-553.el8_10.x86_64 Architecture:amd64 Virtualization:kvm IPv4: United States Google LLC IPv6: WARP Interface is off Client is not installed. WireProxy is not installed. ====================================================================================================================== 1. Add WARP IPv4 interface to IPv4 only VPS (bash menu.sh 4) 2. Add WARP IPv6 interface to IPv4 only VPS (bash menu.sh 6) 3. Add WARP dualstack interface to IPv4 only VPS (bash menu.sh d) 4. Turn on WARP (warp o) 5. Install CloudFlare Client and set mode to Proxy (bash menu.sh c) 6. Change the WARP IP to support Netflix (warp i) 7. Turn off, uninstall WARP interface, Linux Client and WireProxy (warp u) 8. Getting WARP+ quota by scripts (warp p) 9. Upgrade kernel, turn on BBR, change Linux system (warp b) 10. Sync the latest version (warp v) 11. Professional one-click script for WARP to unblock streaming media (Supports multi-platform, multi-mode and TG push) 12. Install iptable + dnsmasq + ipset. Let WARP only take over the streaming media traffic (Not available for ipv6 only) (bash menu.sh e) 13. Install wireproxy. Wireguard client that exposes itself as a socks5 proxy or tunnels (bash menu.sh w) 14. Install CloudFlare Client and set mode to WARP (bash menu.sh l) 0. Exit Choose: 3 Can only be run using wireguard-go with reserved . Working mode: 1. Global (default) 2. Non-global Choose: Is there a WARP+ or Teams account? 1. Use free account (default) 2. WARP+ 3. Teams Choose: Please choose the priority: 1. IPv4 2. IPv6 3. Use initial settings (default) Choose: Step 1/3: Install dependencies... Step 2/3: WARP is ready Last metadata expiration check: 0:07:45 ago on Sun Jun 2 13:48:02 2024. Dependencies resolved. =================================================================================================================================================== Package Architecture Version Repository Size =================================================================================================================================================== Installing: epel-release noarch 8-19.el8 extras 24 k Transaction Summary =================================================================================================================================================== Install 1 Package Total download size: 24 k Installed size: 35 k Downloading Packages: epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch.rpm 99 kB/s | 24 kB 00:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 25 kB/s | 24 kB 00:00 Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded. Running transaction Preparing : 1/1 Installing : epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch 1/1 Running scriptlet: epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch 1/1 Many EPEL packages require the CodeReady Builder (CRB) repository. It is recommended that you run /usr/bin/crb enable to enable the CRB repository. Verifying : epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch 1/1 Installed: epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch Complete! Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64 95% [==================================================- ] 1.3 MB/s | 13 MB 00:00 ETA Step 3/3: Searching for the best MTU value and endpoint address are ready. Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64 1.1 MB/s | 14 MB 00:12 Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:46 ago on Sun Jun 2 13:56:07 2024. Package net-tools-2.0-0.52.20160912git.el8.x86_64 is already installed. Package iptables-1.8.5-11.el8_9.x86_64 is already installed. Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete! Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:04 ago on Sun Jun 2 13:56:07 2024. Dependencies resolved. =================================================================================================================================================== Package Architecture Version Repository Size =================================================================================================================================================== Installing: wireguard-tools x86_64 1.0.20210914-1.el8 epel 125 k Transaction Summary =================================================================================================================================================== Install 1 Package Total download size: 125 k Installed size: 292 k Downloading Packages: wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64.rpm 1.0 MB/s | 125 kB 00:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 224 kB/s | 125 kB 00:00 Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64 1.6 MB/s | 1.6 kB 00:00 Importing GPG key 0x2F86D6A1: Userid : "Fedora EPEL (8) " Fingerprint: 94E2 79EB 8D8F 25B2 1810 ADF1 21EA 45AB 2F86 D6A1 From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-8 Key imported successfully Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded. Running transaction Preparing : 1/1 Installing : wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64 1/1 Running scriptlet: wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64 1/1 Verifying : wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64 1/1 Installed: wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64 Complete! Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:16 ago on Sun Jun 2 13:56:07 2024. Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete! --2024-06-02 13:57:25-- https://gitlab.com/fscarmen/warp/-/raw/main/wireguard-go/wireguard-go-linux-amd64-20230223 Resolving gitlab.com (gitlab.com)... Connecting to gitlab.com (gitlab.com)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 2691072 (2.6M) [application/octet-stream] Saving to: ‘/usr/bin/wireguard-go’ /usr/bin/wireguard-go 100%[=====================================================================>] 2.57M --.-KB/s in 0.05s 2024-06-02 13:57:26 (55.4 MB/s) - ‘/usr/bin/wireguard-go’ saved [2691072/2691072] Create shortcut [warp] successfully Running WARP Maximum 5 attempts to get WARP IP... Try 1 Got the WARP Free IP successfully, Working mode: Global ============================================================== IPv4: United States Cloudflare, Inc. IPv6: 2a09:bac5:b042:1caa::2db:85 United States Cloudflare Warp Congratulations! WARP Free is turned on. Spend time:106 seconds. The script runs today: 27425. Total:28137238 IPv6 priority , Working mode: Global ============================================================== Run again with warp [option] [lisence], such as warp h (help) warp n (Get the WARP IP) warp o (Turn off WARP temporarily) warp u (Turn off and uninstall WARP interface and Socks5 Linux Client) warp b (Upgrade kernel, turn on BBR, change Linux system) warp a (Change account to Free, WARP+ or Teams) warp p (Getting WARP+ quota by scripts) warp v (Sync the latest version) warp r (Connect/Disconnect WARP Linux Client) warp 4/6 (Add WARP IPv4/IPv6 interface) warp d (Add WARP dualstack interface IPv4 + IPv6) warp c (Install WARP Linux Client and set to proxy mode) warp l (Install WARP Linux Client and set to WARP mode) warp i (Change the WARP IP to support Netflix) warp e (Install Iptables + dnsmasq + ipset solution) warp w (Install WireProxy solution) warp y (Connect/Disconnect WireProxy socks5) warp k (Switch between kernel and wireguard-go-reserved) warp g (Switch between warp global and non-global) warp s 4/6/d (Set stack proiority: IPv4 / IPv6 / VPS default) ```
CentOS Stream 9(Click to expand or collapse)
``` All dependencies already exist and do not need to be installed additionally. Checking VPS infomation... The script specifically adds WARP network interface for VPS, detailed:[https://github.com/fscarmen/warp-sh] Features: • Support WARP+ account. Third-party scripts are use to increase WARP+ quota or upgrade kernel. • Not only menus, but commands with option. • Support system: Ubuntu 16.04、18.04、20.04、22.04,Debian 9、10、11,CentOS 7、8、9, Alpine, Arch Linux 3. • Support architecture: AMD,ARM and s390x • Automatically select four WireGuard solutions. Performance: Kernel with WireGuard integration > Install kernel module > wireguard-go • Suppert WARP Linux client. • Output WARP status, IP region and asn ====================================================================================================================== Version:3.0.6 New features:Support Alpine edge system. System infomation: Operating System:CentOS Stream 9 Kernel:5.14.0-446.el9.x86_64 Architecture:amd64 Virtualization:kvm IPv4: United States Google LLC IPv6: WARP Interface is off Client is not installed. WireProxy is not installed. ====================================================================================================================== 1. Add WARP IPv4 interface to IPv4 only VPS (bash menu.sh 4) 2. Add WARP IPv6 interface to IPv4 only VPS (bash menu.sh 6) 3. Add WARP dualstack interface to IPv4 only VPS (bash menu.sh d) 4. Turn on WARP (warp o) 5. Install CloudFlare Client and set mode to Proxy (bash menu.sh c) 6. Change the WARP IP to support Netflix (warp i) 7. Turn off, uninstall WARP interface, Linux Client and WireProxy (warp u) 8. Getting WARP+ quota by scripts (warp p) 9. Upgrade kernel, turn on BBR, change Linux system (warp b) 10. Sync the latest version (warp v) 11. Professional one-click script for WARP to unblock streaming media (Supports multi-platform, multi-mode and TG push) 12. Install iptable + dnsmasq + ipset. Let WARP only take over the streaming media traffic (Not available for ipv6 only) (bash menu.sh e) 13. Install wireproxy. Wireguard client that exposes itself as a socks5 proxy or tunnels (bash menu.sh w) 14. Install CloudFlare Client and set mode to WARP (bash menu.sh l) 0. Exit Choose: 3 Install using: 1. wireguard kernel (default) 2. wireguard-go with reserved Choose: 1 Working mode: 1. Global (default) 2. Non-global Choose: Is there a WARP+ or Teams account? 1. Use free account (default) 2. WARP+ 3. Teams Choose: Please choose the priority: 1. IPv4 2. IPv6 3. Use initial settings (default) Choose: Step 1/3: Install dependencies... Step 2/3: WARP is ready Last metadata expiration check: 2:10:47 ago on Sat Jun 1 23:27:11 2024. Package epel-release-9-7.el9.noarch is already installed. Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete! Last metadata expiration check: 2:10:51 ago on Sat Jun 1 23:27:11 2024. Package net-tools-2.0-0.62.20160912git.el9.x86_64 is already installed. Package iptables-nft-1.8.10-2.el9.x86_64 is already installed. Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete! Last metadata expiration check: 2:10:55 ago on Sat Jun 1 23:27:11 2024. Dependencies resolved. =================================================================================================================================================== Package Architecture Version Repository Size =================================================================================================================================================== Installing: wireguard-tools x86_64 1.0.20210914-2.el9 appstream 133 k Transaction Summary =================================================================================================================================================== Install 1 Package Total download size: 133 k Installed size: 289 k Downloading Packages: wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-2.el9.x86_64.rpm 495 kB/s | 133 kB 00:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 200 kB/s | 133 kB 00:00 Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded. Running transaction Preparing : 1/1 Installing : wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-2.el9.x86_64 1/1 Running scriptlet: wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-2.el9.x86_64 1/1 Verifying : wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-2.el9.x86_64 1/1 Installed: wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-2.el9.x86_64 Complete! Last metadata expiration check: 2:11:03 ago on Sat Jun 1 23:27:11 2024. Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete! --2024-06-02 01:38:16-- https://gitlab.com/fscarmen/warp/-/raw/main/wireguard-go/wireguard-go-linux-amd64-20230223 Resolving gitlab.com (gitlab.com)... Connecting to gitlab.com (gitlab.com)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 2691072 (2.6M) [application/octet-stream] Saving to: ‘/usr/bin/wireguard-go’ /usr/bin/wireguard-go 100%[=====================================================================>] 2.57M --.-KB/s in 0.09s 2024-06-02 01:38:17 (27.2 MB/s) - ‘/usr/bin/wireguard-go’ saved [2691072/2691072] Step 3/3: Searching for the best MTU value and endpoint address are ready. Create shortcut [warp] successfully Running WARP Maximum 5 attempts to get WARP IP... Try 1 Got the WARP Free IP successfully, Working mode: Global ============================================================== IPv4: United States Cloudflare, Inc. IPv6: 2a09:bac5:7521:1cd2::2df:8 United States Cloudflare Warp Congratulations! WARP Free is turned on. Spend time:27 seconds. The script runs today: 3089. Total:28112902 IPv6 priority , Working mode: Global ============================================================== Run again with warp [option] [lisence], such as warp h (help) warp n (Get the WARP IP) warp o (Turn off WARP temporarily) warp u (Turn off and uninstall WARP interface and Socks5 Linux Client) warp b (Upgrade kernel, turn on BBR, change Linux system) warp a (Change account to Free, WARP+ or Teams) warp p (Getting WARP+ quota by scripts) warp v (Sync the latest version) warp r (Connect/Disconnect WARP Linux Client) warp 4/6 (Add WARP IPv4/IPv6 interface) warp d (Add WARP dualstack interface IPv4 + IPv6) warp c (Install WARP Linux Client and set to proxy mode) warp l (Install WARP Linux Client and set to WARP mode) warp i (Change the WARP IP to support Netflix) warp e (Install Iptables + dnsmasq + ipset solution) warp w (Install WireProxy solution) warp y (Connect/Disconnect WireProxy socks5) warp k (Switch between kernel and wireguard-go-reserved) warp g (Switch between warp global and non-global) warp s 4/6/d (Set stack proiority: IPv4 / IPv6 / VPS default) ```
CentOS Stream 8(Click to expand or collapse)
``` [root@instance-20240602-093917 ~]# bash menu.sh -e Install dependence-list: wget Checking VPS infomation... The script specifically adds WARP network interface for VPS, detailed:[https://github.com/fscarmen/warp-sh] Features: • Support WARP+ account. Third-party scripts are use to increase WARP+ quota or upgrade kernel. • Not only menus, but commands with option. • Support system: Ubuntu 16.04、18.04、20.04、22.04,Debian 9、10、11,CentOS 7、8、9, Alpine, Arch Linux 3. • Support architecture: AMD,ARM and s390x • Automatically select four WireGuard solutions. Performance: Kernel with WireGuard integration > Install kernel module > wireguard-go • Suppert WARP Linux client. • Output WARP status, IP region and asn ====================================================================================================================== Version:3.0.6 New features:Support Alpine edge system. System infomation: Operating System:CentOS Stream 8 Kernel:4.18.0-552.1.1.el8.x86_64 Architecture:amd64 Virtualization:kvm IPv4: United States Google LLC IPv6: WARP Interface is off Client is not installed. WireProxy is not installed. ====================================================================================================================== 1. Add WARP IPv4 interface to IPv4 only VPS (bash menu.sh 4) 2. Add WARP IPv6 interface to IPv4 only VPS (bash menu.sh 6) 3. Add WARP dualstack interface to IPv4 only VPS (bash menu.sh d) 4. Turn on WARP (warp o) 5. Install CloudFlare Client and set mode to Proxy (bash menu.sh c) 6. Change the WARP IP to support Netflix (warp i) 7. Turn off, uninstall WARP interface, Linux Client and WireProxy (warp u) 8. Getting WARP+ quota by scripts (warp p) 9. Upgrade kernel, turn on BBR, change Linux system (warp b) 10. Sync the latest version (warp v) 11. Professional one-click script for WARP to unblock streaming media (Supports multi-platform, multi-mode and TG push) 12. Install iptable + dnsmasq + ipset. Let WARP only take over the streaming media traffic (Not available for ipv6 only) (bash menu.sh e) 13. Install wireproxy. Wireguard client that exposes itself as a socks5 proxy or tunnels (bash menu.sh w) 14. Install CloudFlare Client and set mode to WARP (bash menu.sh l) 0. Exit Choose: 3 Can only be run using wireguard-go with reserved . Working mode: 1. Global (default) 2. Non-global Choose: Is there a WARP+ or Teams account? 1. Use free account (default) 2. WARP+ 3. Teams Choose: Please choose the priority: 1. IPv4 2. IPv6 3. Use initial settings (default) Choose: Step 1/3: Install dependencies... Step 2/3: WARP is ready Last metadata expiration check: 0:23:45 ago on Sun Jun 2 09:44:24 2024. Dependencies resolved. =================================================================================================================================================== Package Architecture Version Repository Size =================================================================================================================================================== Installing: epel-release noarch 8-11.el8 extras 24 k Transaction Summary =================================================================================================================================================== Install 1 Package Total download size: 24 k Installed size: 35 k Downloading Packages: epel-release-8-11.el8.noarch.rpm 188 kB/s | 24 kB 00:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 65 kB/s | 24 kB 00:00 Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded. Running transaction Preparing : 1/1 Installing : epel-release-8-11.el8.noarch 1/1 Running scriptlet: epel-release-8-11.el8.noarch 1/1 Verifying : epel-release-8-11.el8.noarch 1/1 Installed: epel-release-8-11.el8.noarch Complete! Waiting for process with pid 76886 to finish. Step 3/3: Searching for the best MTU value and endpoint address are ready. Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:16 ago on Sun Jun 2 10:09:13 2024. Package net-tools-2.0-0.52.20160912git.el8.x86_64 is already installed. Package iptables-1.8.5-11.el8.x86_64 is already installed. Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete! Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:17 ago on Sun Jun 2 10:09:13 2024. Dependencies resolved. =================================================================================================================================================== Package Architecture Version Repository Size =================================================================================================================================================== Installing: wireguard-tools x86_64 1.0.20210914-1.el8 epel 125 k Transaction Summary =================================================================================================================================================== Install 1 Package Total download size: 125 k Installed size: 292 k Downloading Packages: wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64.rpm 338 kB/s | 125 kB 00:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 175 kB/s | 125 kB 00:00 Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64 1.6 MB/s | 1.6 kB 00:00 Importing GPG key 0x2F86D6A1: Userid : "Fedora EPEL (8) " Fingerprint: 94E2 79EB 8D8F 25B2 1810 ADF1 21EA 45AB 2F86 D6A1 From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-8 Key imported successfully Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded. Running transaction Preparing : 1/1 Installing : wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64 1/1 Running scriptlet: wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64 1/1 Verifying : wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64 1/1 Installed: wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64 Complete! Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:59 ago on Sun Jun 2 10:09:13 2024. Dependencies resolved. =================================================================================================================================================== Package Architecture Version Repository Size =================================================================================================================================================== Upgrading: epel-release noarch 8-19.el8 epel 25 k Installing weak dependencies: epel-next-release noarch 8-19.el8 epel 11 k Transaction Summary =================================================================================================================================================== Install 1 Package Upgrade 1 Package Total download size: 35 k Downloading Packages: (1/2): epel-next-release-8-19.el8.noarch.rpm 55 kB/s | 11 kB 00:00 (2/2): epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch.rpm 82 kB/s | 25 kB 00:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 46 kB/s | 35 kB 00:00 Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded. Running transaction Preparing : 1/1 Running scriptlet: epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch 1/1 Upgrading : epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch 1/3 Running scriptlet: epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch 1/3 Installing : epel-next-release-8-19.el8.noarch 2/3 Cleanup : epel-release-8-11.el8.noarch 3/3 Running scriptlet: epel-release-8-11.el8.noarch 3/3 Verifying : epel-next-release-8-19.el8.noarch 1/3 Verifying : epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch 2/3 Verifying : epel-release-8-11.el8.noarch 3/3 Upgraded: epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch Installed: epel-next-release-8-19.el8.noarch Complete! --2024-06-02 10:11:36-- https://gitlab.com/fscarmen/warp/-/raw/main/wireguard-go/wireguard-go-linux-amd64-20230223 Resolving gitlab.com (gitlab.com)... Connecting to gitlab.com (gitlab.com)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 2691072 (2.6M) [application/octet-stream] Saving to: ‘/usr/bin/wireguard-go’ /usr/bin/wireguard-go 100%[=====================================================================>] 2.57M --.-KB/s in 0.07s 2024-06-02 10:11:37 (35.0 MB/s) - ‘/usr/bin/wireguard-go’ saved [2691072/2691072] Create shortcut [warp] successfully Running WARP Maximum 5 attempts to get WARP IP... Try 1 Got the WARP Free IP successfully, Working mode: Global ============================================================== IPv4: United States Cloudflare, Inc. IPv6: 2a09:bac5:b042:1caa::2db:28 United States Cloudflare Warp Congratulations! WARP Free is turned on. Spend time:216 seconds. The script runs today: 20057. Total:28129870 IPv6 priority , Working mode: Global ============================================================== Run again with warp [option] [lisence], such as warp h (help) warp n (Get the WARP IP) warp o (Turn off WARP temporarily) warp u (Turn off and uninstall WARP interface and Socks5 Linux Client) warp b (Upgrade kernel, turn on BBR, change Linux system) warp a (Change account to Free, WARP+ or Teams) warp p (Getting WARP+ quota by scripts) warp v (Sync the latest version) warp r (Connect/Disconnect WARP Linux Client) warp 4/6 (Add WARP IPv4/IPv6 interface) warp d (Add WARP dualstack interface IPv4 + IPv6) warp c (Install WARP Linux Client and set to proxy mode) warp l (Install WARP Linux Client and set to WARP mode) warp i (Change the WARP IP to support Netflix) warp e (Install Iptables + dnsmasq + ipset solution) warp w (Install WireProxy solution) warp y (Connect/Disconnect WireProxy socks5) warp k (Switch between kernel and wireguard-go-reserved) warp g (Switch between warp global and non-global) warp s 4/6/d (Set stack proiority: IPv4 / IPv6 / VPS default) ```
Rocky Linux 9.4(Click to expand or collapse)
``` Language: 1. English (default) 2. 简体中文 Choose: 1 All dependencies already exist and do not need to be installed additionally. Checking VPS infomation... The script specifically adds WARP network interface for VPS, detailed:[https://github.com/fscarmen/warp-sh] Features: • Support WARP+ account. Third-party scripts are use to increase WARP+ quota or upgrade kernel. • Not only menus, but commands with option. • Support system: Ubuntu 16.04、18.04、20.04、22.04,Debian 9、10、11,CentOS 7、8、9, Alpine, Arch Linux 3. • Support architecture: AMD,ARM and s390x • Automatically select four WireGuard solutions. Performance: Kernel with WireGuard integration > Install kernel module > wireguard-go • Suppert WARP Linux client. • Output WARP status, IP region and asn ====================================================================================================================== Version:3.0.6 New features:Support Alpine edge system. System infomation: Operating System:Rocky Linux 9.4 (Blue Onyx) Kernel:5.14.0-362.8.1.el9_3.x86_64 Architecture:amd64 Virtualization:kvm IPv4: United States Google LLC IPv6: WARP Interface is off Client is not installed. WireProxy is not installed. ====================================================================================================================== 1. Add WARP IPv4 interface to IPv4 only VPS (bash menu.sh 4) 2. Add WARP IPv6 interface to IPv4 only VPS (bash menu.sh 6) 3. Add WARP dualstack interface to IPv4 only VPS (bash menu.sh d) 4. Turn on WARP (warp o) 5. Install CloudFlare Client and set mode to Proxy (bash menu.sh c) 6. Change the WARP IP to support Netflix (warp i) 7. Turn off, uninstall WARP interface, Linux Client and WireProxy (warp u) 8. Getting WARP+ quota by scripts (warp p) 9. Upgrade kernel, turn on BBR, change Linux system (warp b) 10. Sync the latest version (warp v) 11. Professional one-click script for WARP to unblock streaming media (Supports multi-platform, multi-mode and TG push) 12. Install iptable + dnsmasq + ipset. Let WARP only take over the streaming media traffic (Not available for ipv6 only) (bash menu.sh e) 13. Install wireproxy. Wireguard client that exposes itself as a socks5 proxy or tunnels (bash menu.sh w) 14. Install CloudFlare Client and set mode to WARP (bash menu.sh l) 0. Exit Choose: 3 Install using: 1. wireguard kernel (default) 2. wireguard-go with reserved Choose: 1 Working mode: 1. Global (default) 2. Non-global Choose: Is there a WARP+ or Teams account? 1. Use free account (default) 2. WARP+ 3. Teams Choose: Please choose the priority: 1. IPv4 2. IPv6 3. Use initial settings (default) Choose: 1 Step 1/3: Install dependencies... Last metadata expiration check: 1:47:26 ago on Sun Jun 2 08:42:09 2024. Package epel-release-9-7.el9.noarch is already installed. Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete! Step 2/3: WARP is ready Last metadata expiration check: 1:47:27 ago on Sun Jun 2 08:42:09 2024. Package net-tools-2.0-0.62.20160912git.el9.x86_64 is already installed. Package iptables-legacy-1.8.10-2.2.el9.x86_64 is already installed. Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete! Last metadata expiration check: 1:47:29 ago on Sun Jun 2 08:42:09 2024. Dependencies resolved. =================================================================================================================================================== Package Architecture Version Repository Size =================================================================================================================================================== Installing: wireguard-tools x86_64 1.0.20210914-3.el9 appstream 114 k Transaction Summary =================================================================================================================================================== Install 1 Package Total download size: 114 k Installed size: 289 k Downloading Packages: wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-3.el9.x86_64.rpm 913 kB/s | 114 kB 00:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 435 kB/s | 114 kB 00:00 Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded. Running transaction Preparing : 1/1 Installing : wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-3.el9.x86_64 1/1 Running scriptlet: wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-3.el9.x86_64 1/1 Verifying : wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-3.el9.x86_64 1/1 Installed: wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-3.el9.x86_64 Complete! Last metadata expiration check: 1:47:33 ago on Sun Jun 2 08:42:09 2024. Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete! --2024-06-02 10:29:43-- https://gitlab.com/fscarmen/warp/-/raw/main/wireguard-go/wireguard-go-linux-amd64-20230223 Resolving gitlab.com (gitlab.com)... Connecting to gitlab.com (gitlab.com)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 2691072 (2.6M) [application/octet-stream] Saving to: ‘/usr/bin/wireguard-go’ /usr/bin/wireguard-go 100%[=====================================================================>] 2.57M 8.66MB/s in 0.3s 2024-06-02 10:29:43 (8.66 MB/s) - ‘/usr/bin/wireguard-go’ saved [2691072/2691072] Step 3/3: Searching for the best MTU value and endpoint address are ready. Create shortcut [warp] successfully Running WARP Maximum 5 attempts to get WARP IP... Try 1 Got the WARP Free IP successfully, Working mode: Global ============================================================== IPv4: United States Cloudflare, Inc. IPv6: 2a09:bac1:76e0:dba8::21d:e United States Cloudflare Warp Congratulations! WARP Free is turned on. Spend time:22 seconds. The script runs today: 2818. Total:28112631 IPv4 priority , Working mode: Global ============================================================== Run again with warp [option] [lisence], such as warp h (help) warp n (Get the WARP IP) warp o (Turn off WARP temporarily) warp u (Turn off and uninstall WARP interface and Socks5 Linux Client) warp b (Upgrade kernel, turn on BBR, change Linux system) warp a (Change account to Free, WARP+ or Teams) warp p (Getting WARP+ quota by scripts) warp v (Sync the latest version) warp r (Connect/Disconnect WARP Linux Client) warp 4/6 (Add WARP IPv4/IPv6 interface) warp d (Add WARP dualstack interface IPv4 + IPv6) warp c (Install WARP Linux Client and set to proxy mode) warp l (Install WARP Linux Client and set to WARP mode) warp i (Change the WARP IP to support Netflix) warp e (Install Iptables + dnsmasq + ipset solution) warp w (Install WireProxy solution) warp y (Connect/Disconnect WireProxy socks5) warp k (Switch between kernel and wireguard-go-reserved) warp g (Switch between warp global and non-global) warp s 4/6/d (Set stack proiority: IPv4 / IPv6 / VPS default) ```
Rocky Linux 8.9(Click to expand or collapse)
``` [root@instance-20240602-093325 ~]# bash menu.sh -e Install dependence-list: wget Checking VPS infomation... The script specifically adds WARP network interface for VPS, detailed:[https://github.com/fscarmen/warp-sh] Features: • Support WARP+ account. Third-party scripts are use to increase WARP+ quota or upgrade kernel. • Not only menus, but commands with option. • Support system: Ubuntu 16.04、18.04、20.04、22.04,Debian 9、10、11,CentOS 7、8、9, Alpine, Arch Linux 3. • Support architecture: AMD,ARM and s390x • Automatically select four WireGuard solutions. Performance: Kernel with WireGuard integration > Install kernel module > wireguard-go • Suppert WARP Linux client. • Output WARP status, IP region and asn ====================================================================================================================== Version:3.0.6 New features:Support Alpine edge system. System infomation: Operating System:Rocky Linux 8.10 (Green Obsidian) Kernel:4.18.0-513.24.1.el8_9.x86_64 Architecture:amd64 Virtualization:kvm IPv4: United States Google LLC IPv6: WARP Interface is off Client is not installed. WireProxy is not installed. ====================================================================================================================== 1. Add WARP IPv4 interface to IPv4 only VPS (bash menu.sh 4) 2. Add WARP IPv6 interface to IPv4 only VPS (bash menu.sh 6) 3. Add WARP dualstack interface to IPv4 only VPS (bash menu.sh d) 4. Turn on WARP (warp o) 5. Install CloudFlare Client and set mode to Proxy (bash menu.sh c) 6. Change the WARP IP to support Netflix (warp i) 7. Turn off, uninstall WARP interface, Linux Client and WireProxy (warp u) 8. Getting WARP+ quota by scripts (warp p) 9. Upgrade kernel, turn on BBR, change Linux system (warp b) 10. Sync the latest version (warp v) 11. Professional one-click script for WARP to unblock streaming media (Supports multi-platform, multi-mode and TG push) 12. Install iptable + dnsmasq + ipset. Let WARP only take over the streaming media traffic (Not available for ipv6 only) (bash menu.sh e) 13. Install wireproxy. Wireguard client that exposes itself as a socks5 proxy or tunnels (bash menu.sh w) 14. Install CloudFlare Client and set mode to WARP (bash menu.sh l) 0. Exit Choose: 3 Can only be run using wireguard-go with reserved . Working mode: 1. Global (default) 2. Non-global Choose: Is there a WARP+ or Teams account? 1. Use free account (default) 2. WARP+ 3. Teams Choose: Please choose the priority: 1. IPv4 2. IPv6 3. Use initial settings (default) Choose: Step 1/3: Install dependencies... Step 2/3: WARP is ready Last metadata expiration check: 0:08:07 ago on Sun Jun 2 10:06:10 2024. Dependencies resolved. =================================================================================================================================================== Package Architecture Version Repository Size =================================================================================================================================================== Installing: epel-release noarch 8-18.el8 extras 24 k Transaction Summary =================================================================================================================================================== Install 1 Package Total download size: 24 k Installed size: 35 k Downloading Packages: epel-release-8-18.el8.noarch.rpm 187 kB/s | 24 kB 00:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 98 kB/s | 24 kB 00:00 Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded. Running transaction Preparing : 1/1 Installing : epel-release-8-18.el8.noarch 1/1 Running scriptlet: epel-release-8-18.el8.noarch 1/1 Many EPEL packages require the CodeReady Builder (CRB) repository. It is recommended that you run /usr/bin/crb enable to enable the CRB repository. Verifying : epel-release-8-18.el8.noarch 1/1 Installed: epel-release-8-18.el8.noarch Complete! Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64 14 MB/s | 14 MB 00:01 Step 3/3: Searching for the best MTU value and endpoint address are ready. Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:39 ago on Sun Jun 2 10:14:24 2024. Package net-tools-2.0-0.52.20160912git.el8.x86_64 is already installed. Package iptables-1.8.5-11.el8.x86_64 is already installed. Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete! Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:03 ago on Sun Jun 2 10:14:24 2024. Dependencies resolved. =================================================================================================================================================== Package Architecture Version Repository Size =================================================================================================================================================== Installing: wireguard-tools x86_64 1.0.20210914-1.el8 epel 125 k Transaction Summary =================================================================================================================================================== Install 1 Package Total download size: 125 k Installed size: 292 k Downloading Packages: wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64.rpm 1.1 MB/s | 125 kB 00:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 268 kB/s | 125 kB 00:00 Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64 1.3 MB/s | 1.6 kB 00:00 Importing GPG key 0x2F86D6A1: Userid : "Fedora EPEL (8) " Fingerprint: 94E2 79EB 8D8F 25B2 1810 ADF1 21EA 45AB 2F86 D6A1 From : /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-8 Key imported successfully Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded. Running transaction Preparing : 1/1 Installing : wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64 1/1 Running scriptlet: wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64 1/1 Verifying : wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64 1/1 Installed: wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914-1.el8.x86_64 Complete! Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:26 ago on Sun Jun 2 10:14:24 2024. Dependencies resolved. =================================================================================================================================================== Package Architecture Version Repository Size =================================================================================================================================================== Upgrading: epel-release noarch 8-19.el8 epel 25 k Transaction Summary =================================================================================================================================================== Upgrade 1 Package Total download size: 25 k Downloading Packages: epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch.rpm 121 kB/s | 25 kB 00:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 32 kB/s | 25 kB 00:00 Running transaction check Transaction check succeeded. Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded. Running transaction Preparing : 1/1 Running scriptlet: epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch 1/1 Upgrading : epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch 1/2 Running scriptlet: epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch 1/2 Cleanup : epel-release-8-18.el8.noarch 2/2 Running scriptlet: epel-release-8-18.el8.noarch 2/2 Verifying : epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch 1/2 Verifying : epel-release-8-18.el8.noarch 2/2 Upgraded: epel-release-8-19.el8.noarch Complete! --2024-06-02 10:16:03-- https://gitlab.com/fscarmen/warp/-/raw/main/wireguard-go/wireguard-go-linux-amd64-20230223 Resolving gitlab.com (gitlab.com)... Connecting to gitlab.com (gitlab.com)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 2691072 (2.6M) [application/octet-stream] Saving to: ‘/usr/bin/wireguard-go’ /usr/bin/wireguard-go 100%[=====================================================================>] 2.57M --.-KB/s in 0.04s 2024-06-02 10:16:04 (61.0 MB/s) - ‘/usr/bin/wireguard-go’ saved [2691072/2691072] Create shortcut [warp] successfully Running WARP Maximum 5 attempts to get WARP IP... Try 1 Got the WARP Free IP successfully, Working mode: Global ============================================================== IPv4: United States Cloudflare, Inc. IPv6: 2a09:bac5:b046:1d37::2e9:51 United States Cloudflare Warp Congratulations! WARP Free is turned on. Spend time:113 seconds. The script runs today: 20182. Total:28129995 IPv6 priority , Working mode: Global ============================================================== Run again with warp [option] [lisence], such as warp h (help) warp n (Get the WARP IP) warp o (Turn off WARP temporarily) warp u (Turn off and uninstall WARP interface and Socks5 Linux Client) warp b (Upgrade kernel, turn on BBR, change Linux system) warp a (Change account to Free, WARP+ or Teams) warp p (Getting WARP+ quota by scripts) warp v (Sync the latest version) warp r (Connect/Disconnect WARP Linux Client) warp 4/6 (Add WARP IPv4/IPv6 interface) warp d (Add WARP dualstack interface IPv4 + IPv6) warp c (Install WARP Linux Client and set to proxy mode) warp l (Install WARP Linux Client and set to WARP mode) warp i (Change the WARP IP to support Netflix) warp e (Install Iptables + dnsmasq + ipset solution) warp w (Install WireProxy solution) warp y (Connect/Disconnect WireProxy socks5) warp k (Switch between kernel and wireguard-go-reserved) warp g (Switch between warp global and non-global) warp s 4/6/d (Set stack proiority: IPv4 / IPv6 / VPS default) ```
Enkidu-6 commented 3 weeks ago

Excellent work. Thank you. I successfully updated to v3.0.7. Everything went smoothly and the wireproxy works as it should on my Almalinux 9.4.

At some point in the past, Warp would no longer assign an IPV6 to the system and it would only work with IPV4. Not sure when the problem started. Probably after one of the system updates. I only noticed it a couple of weeks ago. However after this upgrade, that problem is solved too and I now successfully get both IPV4 and IPV6 addresses assigned from Cloudflare.

Thanks again. and thank you for the great work you've been doing.

fscarmen commented 3 weeks ago

Excellent work. Thank you. I successfully updated to v3.0.7. Everything went smoothly and the wireproxy works as it should on my Almalinux 9.4.

At some point in the past, Warp would no longer assign an IPV6 to the system and it would only work with IPV4. Not sure when the problem started. Probably after one of the system updates. I only noticed it a couple of weeks ago. However after this upgrade, that problem is solved too and I now successfully get both IPV4 and IPV6 addresses assigned from Cloudflare.

Thanks again. and thank you for the great work you've been doing.

Thanks to all of you for your support and rationalization to make the project better and better.

fscarmen commented 3 weeks ago



当前操作是 AlmaLinux 9.4 (Seafoam Ocelot) 不支持 CentOS 9 及 CentOS 7 以下系统,问题反馈:[https://github.com/fscarmen/warp-sh/issues]
