Azul is a free, functional, reactive GUI framework for Rust, C and C++, built using the WebRender rendering engine and a CSS / HTML-like document object model for rapid development of beautiful, native desktop applications
Azul uses webrender (the rendering engine behind Firefox) to render your UI, so it supports lots of common CSS features like:
See the list of supported CSS keys / values for more info.
On top of that, Azul features...
* static linking not yet available
** C++ bindings and Python are not yet stabilized and might not work depending on the branch you're using. They will be stabilized before the release.
from azul import *
class DataModel:
def __init__(self, counter):
self.counter = counter
def render_dom(data, info):
label = Dom.text("{}".format(data.counter))
label.set_inline_style("font-size: 50px;")
button = Button("Increment counter")
button.set_on_click(data, increment_counter)
dom = Dom.body()
def increment_counter(data, info):
data.counter += 1;
return Update.RefreshDom
app = App(DataModel(5), AppConfig(LayoutSolver.Default))
use azul::prelude::*;
use azul::widgets::{button::Button, label::Label};
struct DataModel {
counter: usize,
extern "C"
fn render_dom(data: &mut RefAny, _: &mut LayoutInfo) -> StyledDom {
let data = data.downcast_ref::<DataModel>()?;
let label = Dom::text(format!("{}", data.counter))
.with_inline_style("font-size: 50px;");
let button = Button::new("Increment counter")
.onmouseup(increment_counter, data.clone());
extern "C"
fn increment_counter(data: &mut RefAny, _: &mut CallbackInfo) -> Update {
let mut data = data.downcast_mut::<DataModel>()?;
data.counter += 1;
Update::RefreshDom // call render_dom() again
fn main() {
let initial_data = RefAny::new(DataModel { counter: 0 });
let app = App::new(initial_data, AppConfig::default());;
#include "azul.h"
typedef struct {
uint32_t counter;
} DataModel;
void DataModel_delete(DataModel* restrict A) { }
AZ_REFLECT(DataModel, DataModel_delete);
AzStyledDom render_dom(AzRefAny* data, AzLayoutInfo* info) {
DataModelRef d = DataModelRef_create(data);
if !(DataModel_downcastRef(data, &d)) {
return AzStyledDom_empty();
char buffer [20];
int written = snprintf(buffer, 20, "%d", d->counter);
AzString const labelstring = AzString_copyFromBytes(&buffer, 0, written);
AzDom label = AzDom_text(labelstring);
AzString const inline_css = AzString_fromConstStr("font-size: 50px;");
AzDom_setInlineStyle(&label, inline_css);
AzString const buttontext = AzString_fromConstStr("Increment counter");
AzButton button = AzButton_new(buttontext, AzRefAny_clone(data));
AzButton_setOnClick(&button, incrementCounter);
AzDom body = Dom_body();
AzDom_addChild(body, AzButton_dom(&button));
AzDom_addChild(body, label);
AzCss global_css = AzCss_empty();
return AzDom_style(body, global_css);
Update incrementCounter(RefAny* data, CallbackInfo* event) {
DataModelRefMut d = DataModelRefMut_create(data);
if !(DataModel_downcastRefMut(data, &d)) {
return Update_DoNothing;
d->ptr.counter += 1;
return Update_RefreshDom;
int main() {
DataModel model = { .counter = 5 };
AzApp app = AzApp_new(DataModel_upcast(model), AzAppConfig_default());
AzApp_run(app, AzWindowCreateOptions_new(render_dom));
return 0;
Azul is licensed under the MPL-2.0. Which means that yes, you can build proprietary applications using azul without having to publish your code: you only have to publish changes made to the library itself.
Copyright 2017 - current Felix Schütt