fscorrupt / Posterizarr

🖼️ Automated poster maker for Plex/Jellyfin/Emby.
107 stars 10 forks source link

Season posters seems to not be working #72

Closed jacobrreed closed 5 months ago

jacobrreed commented 5 months ago


Multiple shows show this error for certain season posters

fscorrupt commented 5 months ago

Hey, please also include your redacted config file, so i know what settings you have set

jacobrreed commented 5 months ago
  "ApiPart": {
    "tvdbapi": "REDACTED",
    "tmdbtoken": "REDACTED",
    "FanartTvAPIKey": "REDACTED",
    "PlexToken": "REDACTED",
    "FavProvider": "tmdb",
    "PreferredLanguageOrder": ["en"]
  "PlexPart": {
    "LibstoExclude": [
      "Kids Audiobooks",
      "Tech Trainings"
    "PlexUrl": "http://plex:32400"
  "Notification": {
    "SendNotification": "True",
    "Discord": "REDACTED",
    "AppriseUrl": "REDACTED"
  "PrerequisitePart": {
    "AssetPath": "/assets",
    "show_skipped": "false",
    "magickinstalllocation": "./magick.exe",
    "maxLogs": "5",
    "font": "Rocky.ttf",
    "backgroundfont": "Rocky.ttf",
    "titlecardfont": "Rocky.ttf",
    "overlayfile": "overlay.png",
    "backgroundoverlayfile": "backgroundoverlay.png",
    "titlecardoverlayfile": "backgroundoverlay.png",
    "LibraryFolders": "true",
    "Posters": "true",
    "SeasonPosters": "true",
    "BackgroundPosters": "false",
    "TitleCards": "false"
  "OverlayPart": {
    "ImageProcessing": "true",
    "outputQuality": "92%"
  "PosterOverlayPart": {
    "fontAllCaps": "true",
    "AddBorder": "true",
    "AddText": "false",
    "AddOverlay": "false",
    "fontcolor": "white",
    "bordercolor": "white",
    "minPointSize": "95",
    "maxPointSize": "250",
    "borderwidth": "30",
    "MaxWidth": "1900",
    "MaxHeight": "500",
    "text_offset": "+400"
  "BackgroundOverlayPart": {
    "fontAllCaps": "true",
    "AddOverlay": "false",
    "AddBorder": "true",
    "AddText": "false",
    "fontcolor": "white",
    "bordercolor": "white",
    "minPointSize": "95",
    "maxPointSize": "250",
    "borderwidth": "30",
    "MaxWidth": "3200",
    "MaxHeight": "500",
    "text_offset": "+200"
  "TitleCardOverlayPart": {
    "UseBackgroundAsTitleCard": "false",
    "AddOverlay": "false",
    "AddBorder": "true",
    "bordercolor": "white",
    "borderwidth": "30"
  "TitleCardTitleTextPart": {
    "fontAllCaps": "true",
    "AddEPTitleText": "false",
    "fontcolor": "white",
    "minPointSize": "95",
    "maxPointSize": "250",
    "MaxWidth": "3640",
    "MaxHeight": "350",
    "text_offset": "+300"
  "TitleCardEPTextPart": {
    "fontAllCaps": "true",
    "AddEPText": "false",
    "fontcolor": "white",
    "minPointSize": "60",
    "maxPointSize": "100",
    "MaxWidth": "1200",
    "MaxHeight": "120",
    "text_offset": "+150"
fscorrupt commented 5 months ago

okey in that case you posted and according to your config it cant fetch a poster because you set to only download en posters.

but on tmdb there is no season poster in en for that. image

thats why get the "null data"

jacobrreed commented 5 months ago

oooh, ok so cani fix that by using xx as the first array value?

fscorrupt commented 5 months ago

i tagged the one you see on screenshot as en so in about 8hours you can query that from TMDB

but yeah, if you also add xx to the prefered lang it will try to download en and textless

jacobrreed commented 5 months ago

So another thing, I have /docker-configs/plex-meta-manager/assets mounted to ppm as /assets but looking at logs for run, its adding assets to: /assets\Movies\Movie Folder Name\poster.jpg, not sure about the forward slashes being there as its a Linux filesystem?

fscorrupt commented 5 months ago

yeah thats an powershell "issue" it still should land in right place, it just displays the path a bit differently

jacobrreed commented 5 months ago

gotcha, still running so I assume its storing it in temp directory before pushing it to real directory then, since im not seeing them in assets folder yet

fscorrupt commented 5 months ago

you should see picture after processing, cause at the end of each picture it gets moved. is that folder present? /docker-configs/plex-meta-manager/assets

jacobrreed commented 5 months ago

image image image ya appears to be valid, and mounted properly

jacobrreed commented 5 months ago

image SH into the docker container folder seems empty...

fscorrupt commented 5 months ago

hmm strange... can you manually create a file in that dir from within the container?

jacobrreed commented 5 months ago

image nope :(

fscorrupt commented 5 months ago

so its a permission issue then, thats why there is nothing created, container cant create on that dir.

jacobrreed commented 5 months ago

OK ya got it working, seems like i had to remove the UMASK I also removed the rw characters at end of docker volume mounts

jacobrreed commented 5 months ago

One last question, which probably is in config, its pushing assets to assets/Movies and assets/TV im looking at PMM docs and it seems like with folders enabled it will look for /assets/ASSETNAME not /assets/Movies/ASSETNAME? or am i wrong

jacobrreed commented 5 months ago

seems like asset_depth solves this thanks for all your work