fscorrupt / Posterizarr

🖼️ Automated poster maker for Plex/Jellyfin/Emby.
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Supported Platforms 💻

Docker Unraid Linux Windows MacOS ARM


This PowerShell script automates the process of generating images for your Plex/Jellyfin/Emby media library. Leveraging information from your Plex/Jellyfin/Emby library, such as movie or show titles, season and episode data, it fetches relevant artwork from Fanart.tv, TMDB, TVDB, Plex and IMDB. The script is able to focus on artwork with specific languages to grab. By default, textless artwork xx is retrieved and will fall back to en if textless is not found. This is a setting a user can decide on, either to focus on textless or on text posters. It also offers both automatic and manual modes for generating posters. The manual mode can accommodate custom creations that cannot be bulk retrieved.

[!NOTE] Posterizarr is cross-platform ready, meaning it can run on Linux (also arm), Docker (Ubuntu 22.04 Base Image) does not work on ARM, unRAID and on Windows operating systems.

Supported Poster Types:

  • Movie/Show Posters
  • Movie/Show Backgrounds
  • Season Posters
  • TitleCards

[!TIP] Here is an installation walkthrough

[!IMPORTANT] You do not have to redeploy the container if the script version changes because it is not part of the container. Container rebuilds only happen when there are changes to the ImageMagick, PowerShell, or other prerequisite versions.

Do not enable more then one media server.

If you want to install it on ARM please follow this carefully ARM prerequisites


  • The temp Folder gets cleared on every Script run, so do not put files into it.
  • Apprise integration only works in docker container, please use discord on other platforms (discord also works on docker).
  • Please start the script as Admin on first run, otherwise the script is not able to install the prerequisites.

Key Features

[!TIP] If you want to use the created assets with Kometa (formerly PMM) make sure to check out the Assets doc

You can find an example config for the Assets on my Kometa-Configs repo

  • Upload to Plex: If you do not have Kometa, posterizarr can directly Upload that Artwork to Plex.
  • Upload to Jellyfin: Posterizarr can directly upload the artwork to Jellyfin.
  • Upload to Emby: Posterizarr can directly upload the artwork to Emby.
  • Backup: Downloading every Artwork from Plex to a backupshare (With kometa folder structure)
  • Resizing: It automatically resizes every poster to 2000x3000.
  • Overlays: If you choose to, downloaded images will automatically have borders, text, and a gradient overlay applied.
  • Here are some gradient overlays that you can use instead of the default one gradient-zip
  • Automatic Library Search: The script autonomously searches for libraries within your Plex/Jellyfin/Emby server, enhancing its usability.
  • Handling Multiple Versions: It adeptly manages multiple versions of a movie/show, ensuring comprehensive coverage.
  • CSV Export: Produces an impressive CSV file containing all queried movie/show information during the script's runtime in $ScriptRoot\logs\PlexLibexport.csv or $ScriptRoot\logs\OtherMediaServerLibExport.csv
  • Logging Capabilities: Records valuable information to a file in $ScriptRoot\logs\Scriptlog.log, facilitating troubleshooting and analysis.
- It also generates a log with the output of every imagemagick command `$ScriptRoot\logs\ImageMagickCommands.log`.
- Additionally, an `ImageChoices.csv` file is generated to store all the selected download options and essential information.
- Send notification via apprise or discord [Click here for Example pictures.](#webhook).

[!NOTE] Upon initial execution, the script may take some time to run as it compiles necessary data. Subsequent runs will look at whether a poster in the AssetPath is missing and only create missing posters, bypassing existing assets in the directory. If you are unhappy with the downloaded artwork, delete it in the AssetPath directory, rerun and the script will populate the missing artwork.

[!IMPORTANT] Requirements:

Before utilizing the script, ensure the following prerequisites are installed and configured:

  • TMDB API Read Access Token: Obtain TMDB API Token
  • NOTE the TMDB API Read Access Token is the really, really long one
  • Fanart Personal API Key: Obtain Fanart API Key
  • TVDB API Key: Obtain TVDB API Key
  • Do not use "Legacy API Key", it only works with a Project Api Key.
  • ImageMagick:
  • Version 7.x is required - The script handles downloading and using a portable version of ImageMagick for all platforms. (You may need to run the Script as Admin on first run). If you prefer to reference your own installation or prefer to download and install it yourself, goto: Download ImageMagick
  • Powershell Version: 5.x or higher (Docker Image uses v7.4.2).


  1. Open config.example.json located in the script directory.

  2. Update the following variables with your API keys and preferences:

    - `tvdbapi`: Your TVDB Project API key. - `tmdbtoken`: Your TMDB API Read Access Token. - `FanartTvAPIKey`: Your Fanart personal API key. - `PlexToken`: Your Plex token (Leave empty if not applicable). - `JellyfinAPIKey`: Your Jellyfin API key. (You can create an API key from inside Jellyfin at Settings > Advanced > Api Keys.) - `EmbyAPIKey`: Your Emby API key. (You can create an API key from inside Emby at Settings > Advanced > Api Keys.) - `FavProvider`: Set your preferred provider (default is `tmdb`). - possible values are: - `tmdb` (recommended) - `fanart` - `tvdb` - `plex` (Not recommended) - if you prefer textless, do not set plex as fav provider as i cannot query if it has text or not. - that beeing said, plex should act as last resort like IMDB does for Movies and not as fav provider. [Search order in script](#Search-Order) - `WidthHeightFilter`: If set to `true`, an additional resolution filter will be applied to Posters/Backgrounds (TMDB and TVDB) and Titlecards (only on TMDB) searches. - `PosterMinWidth`: Minimum poster width filter—greater than or equal to: `2000` (default value) - `PosterMinHeight`: Minimum poster height filter—greater than or equal to: `3000` (default value) - `BgTcMinWidth`: Minimum background/titlecard width filter—greater than or equal to: `3840` (default value) - `BgTcMinHeight`: Minimum background/titlecard height filter—greater than or equal to: `2160` (default value) - `tmdb_vote_sorting`: Picture sorting via TMDB api, either by `vote_average`, `vote_count` or by `primary` (Default value is: `vote_average`). - `primary` = default tmdb view (like on the website) - `PreferredLanguageOrder`: Specify language preferences. Default is `xx,en,de` (`xx` is Textless). Example configurations can be found in the config file. 2-digit language codes can be found here: [ISO 3166-1 Lang Codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2). - If you set it to `xx` you tell the script it should only search for textless, posters with text will be skipped. - `PreferredSeasonLanguageOrder`: Specify language preferences for seasons. Default is `xx,en,de` (`xx` is Textless). Example configurations can be found in the config file. 2-digit language codes can be found here: [ISO 3166-1 Lang Codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2). - If you set it to `xx` you tell the script it should only search for textless, posters with text will be skipped.
    - `LibstoExclude`: Libraries, by name, to exclude from processing. - `PlexUrl`: Plex server URL (i.e. "" or "http://myplexserver.com:32400"). - `UsePlex`: If set to `true`, you tell the script to use a Plex Server (Default value is: `true`) - `UploadExistingAssets`: If set to `true`, the script will check local assets and upload them to Plex, but only if Plex does not already have EXIF data from Posterizarr, Kometa, or TCM for the artwork being uploaded.
    - `LibstoExclude`: Libraries, by local folder name, to exclude from processing. - `JellyfinUrl`: Plex server URL (i.e. "" or "http://myplexserver.com:8096"). - `UseJellyfin`: If set to `true`, you tell the script to use a Jellyfin Server (Default value is: `false`) - Also have a look at the hint: [Jellyfin CSS](#Jellyfin) - `UploadExistingAssets`: If set to `true`, the script will check local assets and upload them to Jellyfin, but only if Jellyfin does not already have EXIF data from Posterizarr, Kometa, or TCM for the artwork being uploaded.
    - `LibstoExclude`: Libraries, by local folder name, to exclude from processing. - `EmbyUrl`: Plex server URL (i.e. "" or "http://myplexserver.com:8096/emby"). - `UseEmby`: If set to `true`, you tell the script to use a Emby Server (Default value is: `false`) - `UploadExistingAssets`: If set to `true`, the script will check local assets and upload them to Emby, but only if Emby does not already have EXIF data from Posterizarr, Kometa, or TCM for the artwork being uploaded.
    - `SendNotification`: Set to `true` if you want to send notifications via discord or apprise, else `false`. - `AppriseUrl`: **Only possible on Docker** -Url for apprise provider -> [See Docs](https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki). - `Discord`: Discord Webhook Url.
    - `AssetPath`: Path to store generated posters. - `BackupPath`: Path to store/download Plex posters when using the [backup switch](#backup-mode). - `PlexUpload`: If set to `true`, Posterizarr will directly upload the artwork to Plex (handy if you do not use Kometa). - `show_skipped`: If set to `true`, verbose logging of already created assets will be displayed; otherwise, they will be silently skipped - On large libraries, this may appear as if the script is hanging. - `magickinstalllocation`: Path to ImageMagick installation location where `magick.exe` is located (Otherwise leave value as `"./magick"`) - The container handles this part on his own, you can leave it as it is in config. - `maxLogs`: Number of Log folders you want to keep in `RotatedLogs` Folder (Log History). - `logLevel`: Sets the verbosity of logging. 1 logs Warning/Error messages. Default is 2 which logs Info/Warning/Error messages. 3 captures Info/Warning/Error/Debug messages and is the most verbose. - `font`: Font file name. - `RTLfont`: RTL Font file name. (Right To Left - Currently only works under Windows, there is a bug on container) - `backgroundfont`: Background font file name. - `overlayfile`: Overlay file name. - `seasonoverlayfile`: Season overlay file name. - `backgroundoverlayfile`: Background overlay file name. - `titlecardoverlayfile` : Title Card overlay file name. - `LibraryFolders`: Set to `false` for asset structure in one flat folder or `true` to split into library media folders like [Kometa](https://kometa.wiki/en/latest/kometa/guides/assets/#image-asset-directory-guide) needs it. - `Posters`: Set to `true` to create movie/show posters. - `NewLineOnSpecificSymbols`: Set to `true` to enable automatic insertion of a newline character at each occurrence of specific symbols in `NewLineSymbols` within the title text. - `NewLineSymbols`: A list of symbols that will trigger a newline insertion when `NewLineOnSpecificSymbols` is set to `true`. Separate each symbol with a comma (e.g., " - ", ":"). - `SeasonPosters`: Set to `true` to also create season posters. - `BackgroundPosters`: Set to `true` to also create background posters. - `TitleCards` : Set to `true` to also create title cards. - `SkipTBA` : Set to `true` to skip TitleCard creation if the Titletext is `TBA`. - `SkipJapTitle` : Set to `true` to skip TitleCard creation if the Titletext is `Jap or Chinese`. - `AssetCleanup` : Set to `true` to cleanup Assets that are no longer in Plex. ```diff - !! IMPORTANT !! - Risk of Data Loss from excluded Libraries: When you exclude libraries, any assets within these locations may be inadvertently deleted. This happens because the script interprets these assets as "not needed anymore" during its execution since they are not found or listed as part of the active scan. Ensure that all active asset libraries are included when using that setting on true to prevent unintended deletions. ``` - `AutoUpdateIM` : Set to `true` to AutoUpdate Imagemagick Portable Version (Does not work with Docker/Unraid). - Doing this could break things, cause you then uses IM Versions that are not tested with Posterizarr.
    - `ImageProcessing`: Set to `true` if you want the ImageMagick part (text, overlay and/or border); if `false`, it only downloads the posters. - `outputQuality`: Image output quality, default is `92%` if you set it to `100%` the image size gets doubled.
    - `fontAllCaps`: Set to `true` for all caps text, else `false`. - `AddBorder`: Set to `true` to add a border to the image. - `AddText`: Set to `true` to add text to the image. - `AddTextStroke`: Set to `true` to add stroke to text. - `strokecolor`: Color of text stroke. - `strokewidth`: Stroke width. - `AddOverlay`: Set to `true` to add the defined overlay file to the image. - `fontcolor`: Color of font text. - `bordercolor`: Color of border. - `minPointSize`: Minimum size of text in poster. - `maxPointSize`: Maximum size of text in poster. - `borderwidth`: Border width. - `MaxWidth`: Maximum width of text box. - `MaxHeight`: Maximum height of text box. - `text_offset`: Text box offset from the bottom of the picture.
    - `fontAllCaps`: Set to `true` for all caps text, else `false`. - `AddBorder`: Set to `true` to add a border to the image. - `AddText`: Set to `true` to add text to the image. - `AddShowTitletoSeason`: if set to `true` it will add show title to season poster (Default Value is: `false`) - `SeasonTextNewLines`: How many line breaks you want after the season title, possible values are: `1` or `2` (Default Value is: `1`) - `AddTextStroke`: Set to `true` to add stroke to text. - `strokecolor`: Color of text stroke. - `strokewidth`: Stroke width. - `AddOverlay`: Set to `true` to add the defined overlay file to the image. - `fontcolor`: Color of font text. - `bordercolor`: Color of border. - `minPointSize`: Minimum size of text in poster. - `maxPointSize`: Maximum size of text in poster. - `borderwidth`: Border width. - `MaxWidth`: Maximum width of text box. - `MaxHeight`: Maximum height of text box. - `text_offset`: Text box offset from the bottom of the picture.
    - `fontAllCaps`: Set to `true` for all caps text, else `false`. - `AddBorder`: Set to `true` to add a border to the background image. - `AddText`: Set to `true` to add text to the background image. - `AddTextStroke`: Set to `true` to add stroke to text. - `strokecolor`: Color of text stroke. - `strokewidth`: Stroke width. - `AddOverlay`: Set to `true` to add the defined background overlay file to the background image. - `fontcolor`: Color of font text. - `bordercolor`: Color of border. - `minPointSize`: Minimum size of text in background image. - `maxPointSize`: Maximum size of text in background image. - `borderwidth`: Border width. - `MaxWidth`: Maximum width of text box in background image. - `MaxHeight`: Maximum height of text box in background image. - `text_offset`: Text box offset from the bottom of the background image.
    - `UseBackgroundAsTitleCard`: Set to `true` if you prefer show background as TitleCard, default is `false` where it uses episode image as TitleCard. - `BackgroundFallback`: Set to `false` if you want to skip Background fallback for TitleCard images if no TitleCard was found. - `AddOverlay`: Set to `true` to add the defined TitleCard overlay file to the TitleCard image. - `AddBorder`: Set to `true` to add a border to the TitleCard image. - `borderwidth`: Border width. - `bordercolor`: Color of border.
    - `AddEPTitleText`: Set to `true` to add episode title text to the TitleCard image. - `AddTextStroke`: Set to `true` to add stroke to text. - `strokecolor`: Color of text stroke. - `strokewidth`: Stroke width. - `fontAllCaps`: Set to `true` for all caps text, else `false`. - `fontcolor`: Color of font text. - `minPointSize`: Minimum size of text in TitleCard image. - `maxPointSize`: Maximum size of text in TitleCard image. - `MaxWidth`: Maximum width of text box in TitleCard image. - `MaxHeight`: Maximum height of text box in TitleCard image. - `text_offset`: Text box offset from the bottom of the TitleCard image.
    - `SeasonTCText`: You can Specify the default text for `Season` that appears on TitleCard. - Example: `STAFFEL 1 • EPISODE 5` or `"SÄSONG 1 • EPISODE 1"` - `EpisodeTCText`: You can Specify the default text for `Episode` that appears on TitleCard. - Example: `SEASON 1 • EPISODE 5` or `"SEASON 1 • AVSNITT 1"` - `fontAllCaps`: Set to `true` for all caps text, else `false`. - `AddEPText`: Set to `true` to add episode text to the TitleCard image. - `AddTextStroke`: Set to `true` to add stroke to text. - `strokecolor`: Color of text stroke. - `strokewidth`: Stroke width. - `fontcolor`: Color of font text. - `minPointSize`: Minimum size of text in TitleCard image. - `maxPointSize`: Maximum size of text in TitleCard image. - `MaxWidth`: Maximum width of text box in TitleCard image. - `MaxHeight`: Maximum height of text box in TitleCard image. - `text_offset`: Text box offset from the bottom of the TitleCard image.

  3. Rename the config file to config.json.

  4. Place the overlay.png, or whatever file you defined earlier in overlayfile, and Rocky.ttf font, or whatever font you defined earlier in font files in the same directory as Posterizarr.ps1 which is $ScriptRoot.



  • Ensure PowerShell execution policy allows script execution.
  • Bugs or issues encountered during usage can be reported for resolution.

Automatic Mode

Run the script without any parameters:


This will generate posters for your entire Plex library based on the configured settings.

The posters are all placed in AssetPath\.... This can then be mounted in Kometa to use as the assets folder.

Assets Tip

[!TIP] Have a look at the docker-compose.yml there is an example of the /assets Volume, you either can mount the Kometa Assets dir to Posterizarr or vice versa, its up to you.

Its important that you update the containerpath you specified in your docker-compose.yml in your config.json, in my example it is /assets.

Assuming you made the config like i did, Posterizarr will now create the Posters directly in Kometa´s Asset dir.

If you use Kometa make sure to set this settings on each Library in Kometa Config:

4K TV Shows:
asset_directory: /assets/4K TV Shows
prioritize_assets: true
assets_for_all: true


Tautulli Mode Docker

[!IMPORTANT] Tautulli and Posterizarr must run as a container in Docker

[!Note] If Discord is configured it will send a Notification on each trigger.

In this mode we use Tautulli to trigger Posterizarr for an specific item in Plex, like a new show, movie or episode got added.

To use it we need to configure a script in Tautulli, please follow these instructions.

  1. Make sure that you mount the Posterizarr directory to tautulli, cause the script needs the Path /posterizarr
      - "/opt/appdata/posterizarr:/posterizarr:rw"
  2. Download the trigger.py from the GH and place it in the Tautulli Script dir -> Tautulli-Wiki
    • You may have to set chmod +x to the file.
  3. Open Tautulli and go to Settings -> NOTIFICATION AGENTS
  4. Click on Add a new notification agent and select Script
  5. Specify the script folder where you placed the script and select the script file.
    • You can specify a Description at the bottom like i did.


  6. Go to Triggers, scroll down and select Recently Added.


  7. Go to Conditions, you can now specify when the script should get called.
    • In my case i specified the Media Type: episode, movie, show and season
    • I also excluded the Youtube Lib cause the videos i have there - do not have an tmdb,tvdb or fanart ID.
      • This is an recommended setting, either exclude such libs or include only those libs where Posterizarr should create art for.


  8. Next go to Arguments -> Unfold Recently Added Menu and paste the following Argument, after that you can save it.
    • Please do not change the Argument otherwise the script could fail.
      <movie>RatingKey "{rating_key}" mediatype "{media_type}"</movie><show>grandparentratingkey "{grandparent_rating_key}" mediatype "{media_type}"</show><season>parentratingkey "{parent_rating_key}" grandparentratingkey "{grandparent_rating_key}" mediatype "{media_type}"</season><episode>RatingKey "{rating_key}" parentratingkey "{parent_rating_key}" grandparentratingkey "{grandparent_rating_key}" mediatype "{media_type}"</episode>


Tautulli Mode Windows

[!Note] If Discord is configured it will send a Notification on each trigger.

In this mode we use Tautulli to trigger Posterizarr for an specific item in Plex, like a new show, movie or episode got added.

  1. Open Tautulli and go to Settings -> NOTIFICATION AGENTS
  2. Click on Add a new notification agent and select Script
  3. Specify the script folder of Posterizarr and select the script file.
    • Set the script timeout to 0, which is unlimited. (The default is 30, which would kill the script before it finishes.)
    • You can specify a Description at the bottom like i did.


  4. Go to Triggers, scroll down and select Recently Added.


  5. Go to Conditions, you can now specify when the script should get called.
    • In my case i specified the Media Type: episode, movie, show and season
    • I also excluded the Youtube Lib cause the videos i have there - do not have an tmdb,tvdb or fanart ID.
      • This is an recommended setting, either exclude such libs or include only those libs where Posterizarr should create art for.


  6. Next go to Arguments -> Unfold Recently Added Menu and paste the following Argument, after that you can save it.
    • Please do not change the Argument otherwise the script could fail.
      <movie>-Tautulli -RatingKey "{rating_key}" -mediatype "{media_type}"</movie><show>-Tautulli -grandparentratingkey "{grandparent_rating_key}" -mediatype "{media_type}"</show><season>-Tautulli -parentratingkey "{parent_rating_key}" -grandparentratingkey "{grandparent_rating_key}" -mediatype "{media_type}"</season><episode>-Tautulli -RatingKey "{rating_key}" -parentratingkey "{parent_rating_key}" -grandparentratingkey "{grandparent_rating_key}" -mediatype "{media_type}"</episode>


Testing Mode

Run the script with the -Testing flag. In this mode, the script will create pink posters/backgrounds with short, medium, and long texts (also in CAPS), using the values specified in the config.json file.

[!TIP] This is handy for testing your configuration before applying it en masse to the actual posters. You can see how and where the text would be applied, as well as the size of the textbox.

.\Posterizarr.ps1 -Testing

Manual Mode

[!IMPORTANT] Currently only movie/show/season poster creation integrated.

Source picture gets edited by script and is then moved to desired asset location.

Run the script with the -Manual switch:

.\Posterizarr.ps1 -Manual

Follow the prompts to enter the source picture path (Container needs Access to it), media folder name, and movie/show title to manually create a custom poster.

Backup Mode

Run the script with the -Backup flag. In this mode, the script will download every artwork you have in plex, using the values specified in the config.json file.

[!TIP] This is handy for creating a backup or if you want an second assetfolder with kometa/tcm EXIF data for jellyfin/emby.

.\Posterizarr.ps1 -Backup

Sync Modes

[!IMPORTANT] The script calculates the hash of the artwork from both servers to determine if they differ, and only if they do it gets synced.


Run the script with the -SyncJelly flag. In this mode, the script will sync every artwork you have in plex to jellyfin.

.\Posterizarr.ps1 -SyncJelly


Run the script with the -SyncEmby flag. In this mode, the script will sync every artwork you have in plex to emby.

.\Posterizarr.ps1 -SyncEmby

[!TIP] This is handy if you want to run the sync after a kometa run, then you have kometa ovlerayed images in jelly/emby

Platforms & Tools



[!TIP] If you are an unRAID user, just use the Community app from @nwithan8 it is listed in Store.

  • Change RUN_TIME to your needs - You need to use 24H Time Format
    • Example: 06:00 or 06:00,14:00.....
  • AssetPath in config needs to be /assets not the path you entered.

How to create the Posterizarr.xlsm

📝Posterizarr Excel Creation using Module1.bas:
1. **Open Excel**: First, open Microsoft Excel on your computer. You can do this by clicking on the Excel icon in your applications menu or by searching for "Excel" in your computer's search bar and selecting it from the results. 2. **Access the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Editor**: - While in Excel, press `Alt + F11` on your keyboard. This keyboard shortcut will open the VBA editor window. 3. **Import Module**: - In the VBA editor window, you'll see a menu bar at the top. - Right-click on any existing module or in the project explorer (usually located on the left-hand side). - From the dropdown menu, select `Import File...`. - A file explorer window will open. Navigate to the location where you saved the `Module1.bas` file. - Select the `Module1.bas` file and click `Open`. 4. **Run the Macro**: - Now, go back to the Excel window. - Look for the `View` tab at the top of the Excel window. - Click on the `View` tab. - Within the `Macros` group, you'll find a button labeled `Macros`. Click on it. - In the dropdown menu, select `View Macros`. - A Macros dialog box will appear, listing all available macros. - In the list, you should see the `PromptUser` macro. - Select `PromptUser` from the list. - Finally, click the `Run` button. Following these steps will allow you to import the `Module1.bas` file containing the VBA code into Excel and then run the `PromptUser` macro.

How to use the Posterizarr.xlsm

🎥Posterizarr Excel:



In order to view the 16:9 episode posters without getting cropped to 3:2, you need to set a css.

#itemDetailPage .listItemImage-large{
CSS How-To:



Images from Testing Mode








🖼️Discord Webhook:


Example Pictures



🖼️Assets after Posterizarr run:

Font - Colus-Regular.ttf outputnew Font - Comfortaa-Medium.ttf output


  • It was made using this Posterizarr config.
🖼️Assets after Kometa run:

Font - Colus-Regular.ttf kometa-overview-new Font - Comfortaa-Medium.ttf kometa-overview


  • It was made using this Kometa config.

Search Order

🔍Movie Poster & Background:

If `TMDB` is your fav Provider - TMDB - FANART - TVDB - PLEX - IMDB (Movies only) If `TVDB` is your fav Provider - TVDB - TMDB - FANART - PLEX - IMDB (Movies only) If `FANART` is your fav Provider - FANART - TMDB - TVDB - PLEX - IMDB (Movies only)

🔍Show Poster & Background:

If `TMDB` is your fav Provider - TMDB - FANART - TVDB - PLEX If `FANART` is your fav Provider - FANART - TMDB - TVDB - PLEX If `TVDB` is your fav Provider - TVDB - TMDB - FANART - PLEX

🔍Show Season Poster:

If `TMDB` is your fav Provider - TMDB - FANART - TVDB - PLEX If `FANART` is your fav Provider - FANART - TMDB - TVDB - PLEX If `TVDB` is your fav Provider - TVDB - TMDB - FANART - PLEX

🔍Show TC with Background Poster:

If `TMDB` is your fav Provider - TMDB - TVDB - FANART - PLEX Else - TVDB - TMDB - FANART - PLEX

🔍Show TC Poster:

If `TMDB` is your fav Provider - TMDB - TVDB - PLEX Else - TVDB - TMDB - PLEX


Feel free to customize the script further to meet your specific preferences or automation requirements.

PR Rules


  • Adjust on each PR the version number in script on Line 11 $CurrentScriptVersion = "1.0.55"
  • Adjust the version number in Release.txt to match the one in script.
    • this is required because the script checks against this file if a newer version is available.
  • Do not include images on a PR.
