fselius / qtcopter

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Integration #43

Open fwalch opened 9 years ago

fwalch commented 9 years ago

See the integration wiki page. This is for discussing the contents.

One idea I had when creating the page: Maybe it would be better to have a third node (in addition to "CV"/navigation node) that has the state machine and sends commands (probably via a ROS service call, i.e. remote function call) to the other nodes, i.e. "navigation node: take off", "navigation node: fly to site", "vision node: start performing mission and send deltas to navigation node"? opinions?

efiShtain commented 9 years ago

I think that is the main purpose of the navigation module Maybe the name isn't correctly indicating capabilities It suppose to has a state machine that will handle all of that

נשלח מה-iPad שלי

‫ב-25 במאי 2015, בשעה 07:19, ‏‏Florian Walch ‏notifications@github.com כתב/ה:‬

See the integration wiki page. This is for discussing the contents.

One idea I had when creating the page: Maybe it would be better to have a third node (in addition to "CV"/navigation node) that has the state machine and sends commands (probably via a ROS service call, i.e. remote function call) to the other nodes, i.e. "navigation node: take off", "navigation node: fly to site", "vision node: start performing mission and send deltas to navigation node"? opinions?

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fselius commented 9 years ago

If I understand correct - a 3rd node will monitor current mission status and decide when it's time to transition to the next part of the mission. E.g. we start off with takeoff, once altitude is 3m the state machine will transition to fly to site, once GPS error is under 3m transition to search for balloon, once the balloon is found transition to kill balloon, etc. Each node (CV/navigation/other) will have several states, the CV node would do nothing on takeoff and fly to site, run Algorithm A for search for balloon and Algorithm B for kill balloon. Did I understand correct @fwalch ? Would the states be global? That is could different nodes be in different states at the same time?

fselius commented 9 years ago

I want to add that you guys are doing an excellent job, not just at your specific tasks, but also thinking about the system as a whole. What are the strengths, weaknesses, problems that might come up, how to deal with said weaknesses and problems. You are paving the road for a modular, portable and robust system.

fwalch commented 9 years ago

Did I understand correct @fwalch ?

Yes, that was basically the idea. Ro'ee and me discussed it, and we think the navigation node could probably be implemented just having a single state ("listen to /pid_input and fly there until the input is zero") and a service ("reset PID controllers", called when switching to new waypoints). Maybe we need additional services for arm/disarm/....

The state machine could just entirely live in the "CV" node. For example, for take-off, we can read the input from a height sensor and publish a Δz until we reach the target height. For flying to the mission site, we can publish Δx and Δy by subtracting the movements after take off (from GPS) from a specified fixed offset (which we measured the day before the competition).

So we wouldn't need a third "state node" (actually, we already have a third node, which is the mavros_node).

I updated the Integration page with this.

noamyogev84 commented 9 years ago

Take a look at the navigator module guys, implemented SetCurrentMode service which accepts mode and additional param (string,whatever). so basically look for this service :


and pass it the params you want. (e.g rosservice call /navigator/set_mode 2 takeoff - means take off to 2 feet and hold altitude)

look at all other options, and tell me what do you think is missing. @fwalch @efiShtain @roeemz @Vasily

noamyogev84 commented 9 years ago

Dry experiment of the navigation system at the lab 13.6.2015

Tasks performed:

Issues we solved:


Next Experiment:

fselius commented 9 years ago

How many processes/nodes are running? Did you check CPU/Ram/disk usage? A slow-responding system and particularly, 1 second delay for human override, isn't acceptable.

serbuh commented 9 years ago

My conclusions regarding today's and further tests: My point of view can be a bit overprotective towards the quad (cause I know the price ($ and time:) ). I think that we shouldn't conduct tests that have a relatively big probability of crashing the copter. If we would have a crash from 1-2 meters so probably we will need to replace some parts, that means that we will have to wait for the shipping, that means that we will lose time. In other words: safety first. So:

Regarding the flight test with new props: First kind of new props (don't remember which size are they) doesn't fit our motors. Maybe we could use prop adapters from our own copter. We need to check if they fit. The other kind of props are seems to be Ok, I flew the quad, but I felt a difference. The quad was much more sensitive. It can make a difference if we will give control to the PC. The copter's reactions are more sharp. Need to test them with the automated flight.

And I want to mention that Noam did a great work today, eliminating the bugs in code and logic!

fselius commented 9 years ago

Completely agree with first to third bullets, we can't afford to crash at this stage. Regarding HUD - Can't say I like the idea of another ROS node, I suspect its adding delays all around. Plus we got bigger fish to fry, bash script to print relevant topics won't do? Flight test - new issue.