fselius / qtcopter

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build/              ROS build directory (not committed to Git repository)
devel/              ROS devel directory (not committed to Git repository)
src/                ROS sources
    qtcopter        Mission nodes & launchfiles for real missions; implementation
    qtcopter_sim    Mission nodes & launchfiles for simulation
ssh/                SSH keys to access the private Github repo
bootstrap.sh        Install/update required software on an Ubuntu 14.04 system
update_qtcopter.sh  Update script for non-Vagrant VMs - do not execute!
export_vm.sh        Export a VM for non-developers
Vagrantfile         Configuration for Vagrant

For Deploying

Required ROS packages in addition to ros-hydro-desktop-full:


The last package has to be built from source:

$ echo "deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu trusty main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list
$ sudo apt-get install apt-build
$ sudo apt-build install ros-indigo-pointgrey-camera-driver

To run:

$ roslaunch qtcopter balldrop.launch

For Developers

If you are already running Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty), you can execute bootstrap.sh to set everything up for you.

To use an Ubuntu on a virtual machine, install Vagrant and run vagrant up in this directory. The first time, this will install and set up ROS. To stop the machine, run vagrant halt.

To run the tests in src/qtcopter/test (within the VM):

$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make run_tests

To export the VM for non-developers:

$ ./export_vm.sh

To run mission with a webcam (save webcam calibration to qtcopter_sim/<cam id>.yaml):

$ roslaunch qtcopter_sim balldrop.launch use_ptgrey:=false camera:=<cam id>

To run mission with a PtGrey (calibration data in qtcopter/config/ptgrey_<camera serial>_<lense>.yaml):

$ roslaunch qtcopter_sim balldrop.launch lense:=6mm camera_serial:=15031847

State Machine

State machine for the balldrop mission

Write the state machine to a Graphviz file:

with open('sm.dot', 'w') as file:

Convert it to an image:

$ dot -Tpng sm.dot -o sm.png

For Users

Obtain a VM image from the developers and start it in VirtualBox. Username and password are both vagrant. Each time you want to update the Qtcopter code, run update_qtcopter.sh from the Desktop.