fsolt / dcpo_dem_mood

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Replication Files for Yuehong Cassandra Tai, Yue Hu, & Frederick Solt, "Democracy, Public Support, and Measurement Uncertainty", APSR

The dcpo_demsupport.Rmd file reproduces all the results in the main text and online supplementary materials.


First of all, please set the working directory to where the rmd file is located, e.g.,

setwd(~/THE ACTUAL PATH/dataverse_files)

To smoothly compile the file also requires the followng software environment:

Then extract the renv.zip in the current directory as a folder of renv/. Make sure you have the directory structure as below to process the following steps:

|   analysisData.R
|   apsr.bst
|   claassen_m5_rep.R
|   customFunctions.R
|   dcpo_demsupport.Rmd
|   dcpo_demsupport_app.bib
|   dcpo_demsupport_text.bib
|   exp_claassen_m5.R
|   exp_dcpo.R
|   multiple-bibliographies.lua
|   readme.txt
|   renv.lock
|   supdem.stan.mod5.stan
|       claassen_input_raw.csv
|       claassen_replication_output.rda
|       correct_cls_ajps.rda
|       correct_cls_apsr.rda
|       dcpo_ajps.rda
|       dcpo_apsr.rda
|       dcpo_input_raw.csv
|       dem_mood_apsr.RData
|       expcor_cls_ajps.rda
|       expcor_cls_apsr.rda
|       exp_claassen_input.rda
|       exp_claassen_output.rda
|       exp_dcpo_input.rda
|       exp_dcpo_output.rda
|       raw_data_controls.RData
|       supdem raw survey marginals.tab
|       Support_democracy_ajps.csv
|       estimates_clsMeanAJPS.RDS
|       estimates_clsMeanAPSR.RDS
|       estimates_moc_correctAJPS.RDS
|       estimates_moc_correctAPSR.RDS
|       estimates_moc_dcpoAJPS.RDS
|       estimates_moc_dcpoAPSR.RDS
|       estimates_moc_expcorAJPS.RDS
|       estimates_moc_expcorAPSR.RDS
    |   .gitignore
    |   activate.R
    |   settings.dcf

Based on the above setting, one can render the file through the following command in R:

if(!require(renv)) install.packages("renv")

rmarkdown::render('dcpo_demsupport.Rmd',  encoding = 'UTF-8')

Replicating the results in the manuscript and supplementary materials

dcpo_demsupport.Rmd requires the following files to produce results:


the codes for creating the files in output/ are available in the rmd file. Readers can recreate them based on the needs by turning the code chunks with eval = FALSE options to eval = TRUE. We provide the established files just for speeding the compiling process up.

Recreating the source files

To make the analysis fully transparent, we also provide codes to recreate the files in data/, although you do not have to go through them for compiling the rmd file and produce the figures and tables in the paper. Within the files in data/, three of them can be downloaded from Claassen 2020 & 2020a at https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/FECIO3 and https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/HWLW0J. We include the codes to automatically download them with the dataverse package, but one needs to have an API key from the dataverse website first. The rest files can be reproduced by "analysisData.R". Warning that it may take a relatively long time.

If readers want to go even further to recreate the source-data files called by analysisData.R, here is a list of the files and the codes and sources how we get them:

The estimations of the measurements for the public support of democracy also require the file supdem.stan.mod5.stan and each run usually needs a couple of days to converge. Replicators are recommended to use high-performance computing clusters.

Basic working environment: