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LLVM bindings for F#
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llvm-fs: An F# binding for LLVM

llvm-fs can be used to write your LLVM compiler in a .NET language. The code is all F# but an effort has been made to make the library easy to use from C#. See test/CSSimpleTest.cs for an example of how you can call the llvm-fs functions from C#. If you have questions or comments about llvm-fs you can use the project google group: http://groups.google.com/group/llvm-fs

Building LLVM for llvm-fs

NOTE: this has been tested on OS X 10.6 and on Windows 7 (using MinGW bash/gcc/g++ with python 2.7 installed)

Checkout a copy of the LLVM source code (current at version 3.5.0svn). In order to use the LLVM native libraries with llvm-fs they must be built with --enabled-shared. Unfortunately the prebuilt LLVM binaries don't come with shared libraries so you will have to build LLVM yourself. For windows you can do this by using a build command like: ./configure --enable-shared --enable-jit && make && make install. OS X 10.6 needs more convincing to build the 32-bit libraries as required to work with mono. The following LLVM configuration works on 10.6:

CXX='g++ -m32' CC='gcc -m32' CFLAGS=-m32 CXXFLAGS=-m32 LDFLAGS=-m32 ./configure \
    --disable-bindings --build=i686-apple-darwin --host=i686-apple-darwin \
    --target=i686-apple-darwin --enable-targets=x86,x86_64 \
    --enable-optimized --enable-shared --enable-jit

Building the llvm-fs Assembly

OS X/mono: On OS X run the ./build.bash script to generate the LLVMFsharp.dll assembly. This should also work on Linux but is untested (Please let me know if it works on Linux for you).

Windows 7: open the llvm-fs.fsproj project file and build the project. This will generate the LLVMFsharp.dll assembly for you.

Using llvm-fs in your project

In order to use llvm-fs you will want to consult the following:

  1. Example F# and C# code under the ./test directory. If you are using mono you can see how these tests are built and run by un-commenting everything under # uncomment the following to build and run the tests in the build.bash file.
  2. The LLVM C documentation. Almost all of the llvm-fs binding functions are auto-generated from the C header files so these docs are very useful.
  3. The LLVMFSharp.fsi file for all of the types and function signatures and of course the source code.

Compiling F# Quotations

You can use F# Quotations to build LLVM functions. Using quotations is much more concise and simple than the API but there are caveats:

To get a better idea of how you can build functions with quotations take a look at the examples in test/quotetest.fs which generates all of the functions called in test/quotetest.c.

Regenerating bindings

Regenerating bindings should not be necessary unless you're building bindings to a new version of LLVM. If you want to do this start with the ./gen-bindings.bash script and ask questions on the project list if you have problems.


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