This library exposes SQL Server Database objects in a type safe manner to F# code, by the mean of Type Providers
You can reference it in F# Interactive that ships with Visual Studio
#r "nuget: FSharp.Data.SqlClient"
open FSharp.Data
open FSharp.Data.SqlClient
let [<Literal>] connectionString = "Server=.;Database=AdventureWorks2012;Trusted_Connection=True;"
type MyCommand = SqlCommandProvider<"""
(select 1 a union all select 2 union all select 3) data
data.a > @data
""", connectionString>;;
(new MyCommand(connectionString)).Execute(data=1)
|> Seq.toArray
|> printfn "%A"
dotnet fsi
is not supported yet.
Provides statically typed access to the parameters and result set of T-SQL command in idiomatic F# way (*).
open FSharp.Data
let connectionString = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks2012;Integrated Security=True"
// The query below retrieves top 3 sales representatives from North American region with YTD sales of more than one million.
use cmd = new SqlCommandProvider<"
SELECT TOP(@topN) FirstName, LastName, SalesYTD
FROM Sales.vSalesPerson
WHERE CountryRegionName = @regionName AND SalesYTD > @salesMoreThan
" , connectionString>(connectionString)
cmd.Execute(topN = 3L, regionName = "United States", salesMoreThan = 1000000M) |> printfn "%A"
[("Pamela", "Ansman-Wolfe", 1352577.1325M);
("David", "Campbell", 1573012.9383M);
("Tete", "Mensa-Annan", 1576562.1966M)]
Exposes Tables, Stored Procedures, User-Defined Types and User-Defined Functions in F# code.
type AdventureWorks = SqlProgrammabilityProvider<connectionString>
use cmd = new AdventureWorks.dbo.uspGetWhereUsedProductID(connectionString)
for x in cmd.Execute( StartProductID = 1, CheckDate = System.DateTime(2013,1,1)) do
//check for nulls
match x.ProductAssemblyID, x.StandardCost, x.TotalQuantity with
| Some prodAsmId, Some cost, Some qty ->
printfn "ProductAssemblyID: %i, StandardCost: %M, TotalQuantity: %M" prodAsmId cost qty
| _ -> ()
ProductAssemblyID: 749, StandardCost: 2171.2942, TotalQuantity: 1.00
ProductAssemblyID: 750, StandardCost: 2171.2942, TotalQuantity: 1.00
ProductAssemblyID: 751, StandardCost: 2171.2942, TotalQuantity: 1.00
Let's say we need to retrieve number of orders shipped by a certain shipping method since specific date.
//by convention: first column is Name, second is Value
type ShipMethod = SqlEnumProvider<"
SELECT Name, ShipMethodID FROM Purchasing.ShipMethod ORDER BY ShipMethodID", connectionString>
//Combine with SqlCommandProvider
use cmd = new SqlCommandProvider<"
FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader
WHERE ShipDate > @shippedLaterThan AND ShipMethodID = @shipMethodId
", connectionString, SingleRow = true>(connectionString)
//overnight orders shipped since Jan 1, 2008
cmd.Execute( System.DateTime( 2008, 1, 1), ShipMethod.``OVERNIGHT J-FAST``) |> printfn "%A"
Some (Some 1085)
type SampleCommand = SqlFile<"sampleCommand.sql">
type SampleCommandRelative = SqlFile<"sampleCommand.sql", "MySqlFolder">
use cmd1 = new SqlCommandProvider<SampleCommand.Text, ConnectionStrings.AdventureWorksNamed>()
use cmd2 = new SqlCommandProvider<SampleCommandRelative.Text, ConnectionStrings.AdventureWorksNamed>()
More information can be found in the documentation.
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The default maintainer account for projects under "fsprojects" is @fsprojectsgit - F# Community Project Incubation Space (repo management)
Thanks Jetbrains for their open source license program and providing their tool.