fsprojects / FSharp.Data.WsdlProvider

An implementation of the WsdlProvider compatible with netfx and netcore
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This is an implementation of the F# Wsdl type provider that is compatible with netcore and netfx.

It does all the wsdl parsing internally and doesn't require an external tool.

Build and Test


Add the nuget to your project from nuget.org:

dotnet add .\Client\Client.fsproj package FSharp.Data.WsdlProvider --prerelease

Define a type using the WsdlProvider pointing at you wsdl definition:

open FSharp.Data
type MyService = WsdlProvider<"https://mysite.com/service.wsld">

Call the service:

use client = MyService.ServiceSoapClient("https://mysite.com/service")
let result = client.MyMethod("arg")
printfn "%A" result


To build the type provider, you need only to have dotnet sdk 6.0 installed.

Building on Windows:


Binding on Minux/MacOS:
