BehaviorSearch is a software tool to help with automating the exploration of agent-based models (ABMs), by using genetic algorithms and other heuristic techniques to search the parameter-space.
BehaviorSearch interfaces with the popular NetLogo ABM development platform, to provide a low-threshold way to search for combinations of model parameter settings that will result in a specified target behavior.
Please see the main project website here:
BehaviorSearch is now bundled with NetLogo 6, so no installation necessary.
Windows: Run the shortcut on the Desktop, or Start Menu->NetLogo->BehaviorSearch Mac: Run the "behaviorsearch_gui.command" script in the "behaviorsearch" folder. Linux: Run the "" script in the "behaviorsearch" folder.
If you want to run behaviorsearch headlessly, you probably need to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable in your shell. Then run the behaviorsearch_headless script in the "behaviorsearch" directory. In Windows and Linux, the behaviorsearch directory is located inside the "app" folder within the NetLogo installation.
Windows: Run "app\behaviorsearch\behaviorsearch_headless.bat" (located in the NetLogo installation folder). Mac: Run "behaviorsearch/behaviorsearch_gui.command" (located in the NetLogo installation folder). Linux: Run "app/behaviorsearch/" (located in the NetLogo installation folder).
If you're having trouble running/using BehaviorSearch, feel free to contact us at , and I'll try to help.