fthomas / refined

Refinement types for Scala
MIT License
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refinement-types scala typelevel

refined: simple refinement types for Scala

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refined is a Scala library for refining types with type-level predicates which constrain the set of values described by the refined type. It started as a port of the refined Haskell library by Nikita Volkov (which also provides an excellent motivation why this kind of library is useful). The idea of expressing constraints at the type-level as Scala library was first explored by Flavio W. Brasil in bond.

A quick example:

import eu.timepit.refined._
import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined
import eu.timepit.refined.auto._
import eu.timepit.refined.numeric._

// This refines Int with the Positive predicate and checks via an
// implicit macro that the assigned value satisfies it:
scala> val i1: Int Refined Positive = 5
i1: Int Refined Positive = 5

// If the value does not satisfy the predicate, we get a meaningful
// compile error:
scala> val i2: Int Refined Positive = -5
<console>:22: error: Predicate failed: (-5 > 0).
       val i2: Int Refined Positive = -5

// There is also the explicit refineMV macro that can infer the base
// type from its parameter:
scala> refineMV[Positive](5)
res0: Int Refined Positive = 5

// Macros can only validate literals because their values are known at
// compile-time. To validate arbitrary (runtime) values we can use the
// refineV function:

scala> val x = 42 // suppose the value of x is not known at compile-time

scala> refineV[Positive](x)
res1: Either[String, Int Refined Positive] = Right(42)

scala> refineV[Positive](-x)
res2: Either[String, Int Refined Positive] = Left(Predicate failed: (-42 > 0).)

refined also contains inference rules for converting between different refined types. For example, Int Refined Greater[10] can be safely converted to Int Refined Positive because all integers greater than ten are also positive. The type conversion of refined types is a compile-time operation that is provided by the library:

scala> val a: Int Refined Greater[5] = 10
a: Int Refined Greater[Int(5)] = 10

// Since every value greater than 5 is also greater than 4, `a` can be
// ascribed the type Int Refined Greater[4]:
scala> val b: Int Refined Greater[4] = a
b: Int Refined Greater[Int(4)] = 10

// An unsound ascription leads to a compile error:
scala> val c: Int Refined Greater[6] = a
       error: type mismatch (invalid inference):
               eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Greater[5] does not imply

This mechanism allows to pass values of more specific types (e.g. Int Refined Greater[10]) to functions that take a more general type (e.g. Int Refined Positive) without manual intervention.

prior Scala 2.13 without literal types

Since there are no literal types prior to Scala 2.13 the literals must be created with shapeless:

scala> val a: Int Refined Greater[W.`5`.T] = 10
a: Int Refined Greater[Int(5)] = 10
scala> val b: Int Refined Greater[W.`4`.T] = a
b: Int Refined Greater[Int(4)] = 10

Note that W is a shortcut for shapeless.Witness which provides syntax for literal-based singleton types.

Table of contents

  1. More examples
  2. Using refined
  3. Community
  4. Documentation
  5. Provided predicates
  6. Contributors and participation
  7. Related projects
  8. License

More examples

import eu.timepit.refined._
import eu.timepit.refined.auto._
import eu.timepit.refined.numeric._
import eu.timepit.refined.api.{RefType, Refined}
import eu.timepit.refined.boolean._
import eu.timepit.refined.char._
import eu.timepit.refined.collection._
import eu.timepit.refined.generic._
import eu.timepit.refined.string._
import shapeless.{ ::, HNil }

scala> refineMV[NonEmpty]("Hello")
res2: String Refined NonEmpty = Hello

scala> refineMV[NonEmpty]("")
<console>:39: error: Predicate isEmpty() did not fail.

scala> type ZeroToOne = Not[Less[0.0]] And Not[Greater[1.0]]
defined type alias ZeroToOne

scala> refineMV[ZeroToOne](1.8)
<console>:40: error: Right predicate of (!(1.8 < 0.0) && !(1.8 > 1.0)) failed: Predicate (1.8 > 1.0) did not fail.

scala> refineMV[AnyOf[Digit :: Letter :: Whitespace :: HNil]]('F')
res3: Char Refined AnyOf[Digit :: Letter :: Whitespace :: HNil] = F

scala> refineMV[MatchesRegex["[0-9]+"]]("123.")
<console>:39: error: Predicate failed: "123.".matches("[0-9]+").

scala> val d1: Char Refined Equal['3'] = '3'
d1: Char Refined Equal[Char('3')] = 3

scala> val d2: Char Refined Digit = d1
d2: Char Refined Digit = 3

scala> val d3: Char Refined Letter = d1
<console>:39: error: type mismatch (invalid inference):
 Equal[Char('3')] does not imply
       val d3: Char Refined Letter = d1

scala> val r1: String Refined Regex = "(a|b)"
r1: String Refined Regex = (a|b)

scala> val r2: String Refined Regex = "(a|b"
<console>:38: error: Regex predicate failed: Unclosed group near index 4
       val r2: String Refined Regex = "(a|b"

scala> val u1: String Refined Url = "htp://example.com"
<console>:38: error: Url predicate failed: unknown protocol: htp
       val u1: String Refined Url = "htp://example.com"

// Here we define a refined type "Int with the predicate (7 <= value < 77)".
scala> type Age = Int Refined Interval.ClosedOpen[7, 77]

scala> val userInput = 55

// We can refine values with this refined type by either using `refineV`
// with an explicit return type
scala> val ageEither1: Either[String, Age] = refineV(userInput)
ageEither1: Either[String,Age] = Right(55)

// or by using `RefType.applyRef` with the refined type as type parameter.
scala> val ageEither2 = RefType.applyRef[Age](userInput)
ageEither2: Either[String,Age] = Right(55)

Using refined

The latest version of the library is 0.11.2, which is available for Scala and Scala.js version 2.12 and 2.13.

If you're using sbt, add the following to your build:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "eu.timepit" %% "refined"                 % "0.11.2",
  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-cats"            % "0.11.2", // optional
  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-eval"            % "0.11.2", // optional, JVM-only
  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-jsonpath"        % "0.11.2", // optional, JVM-only
  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-pureconfig"      % "0.11.2", // optional, JVM-only
  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-scalacheck"      % "0.11.2", // optional
  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-scalaz"          % "0.11.2", // optional
  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-scodec"          % "0.11.2", // optional
  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-scopt"           % "0.11.2", // optional
  "eu.timepit" %% "refined-shapeless"       % "0.11.2"  // optional

For Scala.js just replace %% with %%% above.

Instructions for Maven and other build tools are available at search.maven.org.

Release notes for the latest version are here.


Internal modules

The project provides these optional extensions and library integrations:

External modules

Below is an incomplete list of third-party extensions and library integrations for refined. If your library is missing, please open a pull request to list it here:

Projects using refined

If your open source project is using refined, please consider opening a pull request to list it here:


Are you using refined in your organization or company? Please consider opening a pull request to list it here:


API documentation of the latest release is available at: https://static.javadoc.io/eu.timepit/refined_2.12/0.11.2/eu/timepit/refined/index.html

There are further (type-checked) examples in the docs directory including ones for defining custom predicates and working with type aliases. It also contains a description of refined's design and internals.

Talks and other external resources are listed on the Resources page in the wiki.

Provided predicates

The library comes with these predefined predicates:







Contributors and participation

The following people have helped making refined great:

refined is a Typelevel project. This means we embrace pure, typeful, functional programming, and provide a safe and friendly environment for teaching, learning, and contributing as described in the Scala Code of Conduct.

Related projects


refined is licensed under the MIT license, available at http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT and also in the LICENSE file.