ftshijt / CALL-proto

Apache License 2.0
4 stars 3 forks source link


A prototype works on computer assisted language learning (CALL)

Environment Install (Backend)

cd tools \ make KALDI=your_kaldi_dir and then install torch by conda

For usage: \ . tools/env.sh

Followings are my sample environment: python version: 3.7.6 (default, Jan 8 2020, 19:59:22) [GCC 7.3.0] \ pytorch version: 1.1.0 \ cupy version: 6.2.0 \ cuda version: 9010 \ cudnn version: 7501

Environment Setup and Installations (Front-end)

Runs on latest version of python (python3) and need pip to install needed packages so make sure that you have them on your machine

cd Django/django_project \ source env/bin/activate to start the virtual environment, make sure to do this before running the server \

Necessary packages and libraries to install before running server for the first time if you do not already have them: pip install django\ pip install django-crispy-forms\ pip install scipy\ pip install SpeechRecognition\ brew install portaudio\ pip install pyaudio\ brew install ffmpeg

Followings are my sample environment (as of Mar 2020) : python version: 3.7.6 (default, Mar 2020) [GCC 7.3.0] \ django version: 3.0.4 \ speechrecognition version: 2.1.3 \ portaudio version: V19.6.0 \ pyaudio version: 0.2.11

Runnning the Development Server

Then inside Django/django_project folder, run \ python manage.py runserver

After development server started with no errors, open a browser and use address localhost:8000/blog to go to the main page

This route will also be changed later Other routes to note are localhost:8000/blog/audio - speech recognition page, press Record to start recording your audio and the red text on the screen will update localhost:8000/blog/about- temporary page that has no function, will modify later