fudan-zvg / PVG

Periodic Vibration Gaussian: Dynamic Urban Scene Reconstruction and Real-time Rendering
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Periodic Vibration Gaussian: Dynamic Urban Scene Reconstruction and Real-time Rendering

[Project] [Paper]

Periodic Vibration Gaussian: Dynamic Urban Scene Reconstruction and Real-time Rendering,
Yurui Chen, Chun Gu, Junzhe Jiang, Xiatian Zhu, Li Zhang
Arxiv preprint

Official implementation of "Periodic Vibration Gaussian: Dynamic Urban Scene Reconstruction and Real-time Rendering".

🛠️ Pipeline

## Get started ### Environment ``` # Clone the repo. git clone https://github.com/fudan-zvg/PVG.git cd PVG # Make a conda environment. conda create --name pvg python=3.9 conda activate pvg # Install requirements. pip install -r requirements.txt # Install simple-knn git clone https://gitlab.inria.fr/bkerbl/simple-knn.git pip install ./simple-knn # a modified gaussian splatting (for feature rendering) git clone --recursive https://github.com/SuLvXiangXin/diff-gaussian-rasterization pip install ./diff-gaussian-rasterization # Install nvdiffrast (for Envlight) git clone https://github.com/NVlabs/nvdiffrast pip install ./nvdiffrast ``` ### Data preparation Create a directory for the data: `mkdir data`. #### Waymo dataset Preprocessed 4 waymo scenes for results in Table 1 of our paper can be downloaded [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eTNJz7WeYrB3IctVlUmJIY0z8qhjR_qF/view?usp=sharing) (optional: [corresponding label](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rkOzYqD1wdwILq_tUNvXBcXMe5YwtI2k/view?usp=drive_link)). Please unzip and put it into `data` directory. First prepare the kitti-format Waymo dataset: ``` # Given the following dataset, we convert it to kitti-format # data # └── waymo # └── waymo_format # └── training # └── segment-xxxxxx # install some optional package pip install -r requirements-data.txt # Convert the waymo dataset to kitti-format python scripts/waymo_converter.py waymo --root-path ./data/waymo/ --out-dir ./data/waymo/ --workers 128 --extra-tag waymo ``` Then use the example script `scripts/extract_scenes_waymo.py` to extract the scenes from the kitti-format Waymo dataset which we employ to extract the scenes listed in StreetSurf. Following [StreetSurf](https://github.com/PJLab-ADG/neuralsim), we use [Segformer](https://github.com/NVlabs/SegFormer) to extract the sky mask and put them as follows: ``` data └── waymo_scenes └── sequence_id ├── calib │ └── frame_id.txt ├── image_0{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} │ └── frame_id.png ├── sky_0{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} │ └── frame_id.png |── pose | └── frame_id.txt └── velodyne └── frame_id.bin ``` We provide an example script `scripts/extract_mask_waymo.py` to extract the sky mask from the extracted Waymo dataset, follow instructions [here](https://github.com/PJLab-ADG/neuralsim/blob/main/dataio/autonomous_driving/waymo/README.md#extract-mask-priors----for-sky-pedestrian-etc) to setup the Segformer environment. #### KITTI dataset Preprocessed 3 kitti scenes for results in Table 1 of our paper can be downloaded [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y6elRlFdRXW02oUOHdS9inVHK3U4xBXZ/view?usp=sharinghttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1y6elRlFdRXW02oUOHdS9inVHK3U4xBXZ/view?usp=sharing). Please unzip and put it into `data` directory. Put the [KITTI-MOT](https://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/eval_tracking.php) dataset in `data` directory. Following [StreetSurf](https://github.com/PJLab-ADG/neuralsim), we use [Segformer](https://github.com/NVlabs/SegFormer) to extract the sky mask and put them as follows: ``` data └── kitti_mot └── training ├── calib │ └── sequence_id.txt ├── image_0{2, 3} │ └── sequence_id │ └── frame_id.png ├── sky_0{2, 3} │ └── sequence_id │ └── frame_id.png |── oxts | └── sequence_id.txt └── velodyne └── sequence_id └── frame_id.bin ``` We also provide an example script `scripts/extract_mask_kitti.py` to extract the sky mask from the KITTI dataset. ### Training ``` # Waymo image reconstruction CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py \ --config configs/waymo_reconstruction.yaml \ source_path=data/waymo_scenes/0145050 \ model_path=eval_output/waymo_reconstruction/0145050 # Waymo novel view synthesis CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py \ --config configs/waymo_nvs.yaml \ source_path=data/waymo_scenes/0145050 \ model_path=eval_output/waymo_nvs/0145050 # KITTI image reconstruction CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py \ --config configs/kitti_reconstruction.yaml \ source_path=data/kitti_mot/training/image_02/0001 \ model_path=eval_output/kitti_reconstruction/0001 \ start_frame=380 end_frame=431 # KITTI novel view synthesis CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py \ --config configs/kitti_nvs.yaml \ source_path=data/kitti_mot/training/image_02/0001 \ model_path=eval_output/kitti_nvs/0001 \ start_frame=380 end_frame=431 ``` After training, evaluation results can be found in `{EXPERIMENT_DIR}/eval` directory. ### Evaluating You can also use the following command to evaluate. ``` CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python evaluate.py \ --config configs/kitti_reconstruction.yaml \ source_path=data/kitti_mot/training/image_02/0001 \ model_path=eval_output/kitti_reconstruction/0001 \ start_frame=380 end_frame=431 ``` ### Automatically removing the dynamics You can the following command to automatically remove the dynamics, the render results will be saved in `{EXPERIMENT_DIR}/separation` directory. ``` CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python separate.py \ --config configs/waymo_reconstruction.yaml \ source_path=data/waymo_scenes/0158150 \ model_path=eval_output/waymo_reconstruction/0158150 ``` ## 🎥 Videos ### 🎞️ Demo [![Demo Video](https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/jJCCkdpDkRQ/maxresdefault.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/embed/jJCCkdpDkRQ) ### 🎞️ Rendered RGB, Depth and Semantic https://github.com/fudan-zvg/PVG/assets/83005605/60337a98-f92c-4465-ab45-2ee121413114 https://github.com/fudan-zvg/PVG/assets/83005605/f45c0a91-26b6-46d9-895c-bf13786f94d2 https://github.com/fudan-zvg/PVG/assets/83005605/0ed679d6-5e62-4923-b2cb-02c587ed468c https://github.com/fudan-zvg/PVG/assets/83005605/3ffda292-1b73-43d3-916a-b524f143f0c9 ### 🎞️ Image Reconstruction on Waymo #### Comparison with static methods https://github.com/fudan-zvg/PVG/assets/83005605/93e32945-7e9a-454a-8c31-5563125de95b https://github.com/fudan-zvg/PVG/assets/83005605/f3c02e43-bb86-428d-b27b-73c4a7857bc7 #### Comparison with dynamic methods https://github.com/fudan-zvg/PVG/assets/83005605/73a82171-9e78-416f-a770-f6f4239d80ca https://github.com/fudan-zvg/PVG/assets/83005605/e579f8b8-d31e-456b-a943-b39d56073b94 ### 🎞️ Novel View Synthesis on Waymo https://github.com/fudan-zvg/PVG/assets/83005605/37393332-5d34-4bd0-8285-40bf938b849f ## 📜 BibTeX ```bibtex @article{chen2023periodic, title={Periodic Vibration Gaussian: Dynamic Urban Scene Reconstruction and Real-time Rendering}, author={Chen, Yurui and Gu, Chun and Jiang, Junzhe and Zhu, Xiatian and Zhang, Li}, journal={arXiv:2311.18561}, year={2023}, } ```