fuel-infra / puppet-manifests

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Fuel Infra's puppet manifests


Hi there,

This repo contains puppet manifests we're using in Fuel Infra to deploy our services and CI's.

Repo structure

Normally everything stored here could be just placed to /etc/puppet on puppet master's (in case of puppet agent use) or target node (in case of puppet apply) use. In our Infra we're using puppet master and hiera to store sensitive data like passwords and keys.

High level description for directories:

How to contribute

All of our flow goes through Gerrit to achieve code review purposes, so to contribute something you need to login to review.fuel-infra.org with your LP account and use standard Gerrit flow.

More details you can find here: http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html The only difference is: we're using review.fuel-infra.org instance.

Code and style guides


#) Puppet files encoding must be ASCII
#) Host(s) configuration must be described in
   ``::fuel_project::roles::<ROLE_NAME>`` (even if it is only several lines)
#) site.pp file must describe exact node with the class from previous item
#) Each component(describes application) module must be splited into small
   atomic classes, independent from other ones.

  Example: Zabbix server module uses MySQL database, so Zabbix server must be
  installed as it's own module, database by it's own one.

    class zabbix::proxy
    class zabbix::database
    class zabbix::proxy
    class zabbix::server

#) Roles classes(located in ``::fuel_project::roles::<ROLE_NAME>``) must
   incldue ``::fuel_project::common`` class.
#) If there's a firewall requirement it must be implemented as
   ``$firewall_enable`` boolean attribute, set to false by default.
#) All specific rules, must be passed as a hash called
   ``$firewall_allow_sources``, set to empty hash(``{}``) by default.
#) If specific application configuration takes place, it must be described in
#) Classes within ``::fuel_project::roles::<ROLE_NAME>`` must not pass any
   attributes to invoked classes, except ones could be represented as system
   flags, like ``$firewall_enable``.
#) Component modules must not invoke anything within ``::fuel_project`` module.
#) All of meaning attributes must be represented in
   ``hiera/common-example.yaml`` with placeholder values.
#) If there are additional package repositories required, they must be
   described in ``common-example.yaml``
#) Resource declarations must contain all the requirements in ``require``
#) Resouce chains(Resource -> Resource2 ~> Resource3) must not be used.
#) ``require`` attribute must contain references to the resources in the same
   module only.
#) Packages definition must have required='present' or
#) Third-party modules must be installed via ``bin/install_modules.sh`` only.
#) Class attributes names must be in te following format ``{object_action}``



#) Class and definition declarations must be covered with puppet docstrings
#) You must declare resources with ``ensure_*`` functions if duplicate
   declaration error is expected, except the cases when you need to fail with
   duplicate declaration.
#) If conditions must be with brackets.


     if (condition) {

#) Class attributes, ``hiera/common-example.yaml`` values must be sorted
#) Commit message must describe all the changes in the review.
#) Commit message must contain 'Closes-Bug: #XXXXXXX' if the patchset fixes the
   bug, 'Related-Bug: #XXXXXXX' if it's a part of a bug(if there's a bug
   exists, of course).
#) CI must be passed.


) Manifests complete state should be achieved with the only pass.

) You should avoid usage new applications if there is already present one

covers the same needs.