fuenwang / CVFX-HW5

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1.Take multi-view images by myself

Image1 Image2 Image3 Image4 Image5
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3

2.image alignment results

In our homework, we use the center image of captured order as basline. In term of, the other images all need to align with the image whose captured order was middle.
Here show the alignment results of Example 1

Example 1

Align result

3.Generate the multi-view 3D visual effects

We do some examples in motion parallex. Here show the results.

GIF Result
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5

As you can see, Example 2 seems perform not good. The reason we think is that Example 2 contain fewer feature. Also, we compare the reulsts of using different number of images. The ablation study will show below.

Five Images Four Images
Three Images Two Images

We can see that the more images we use, the more obvious sourrending effect we can see.

4.Exploit creativity to add some image processing to enhance effect (PhotoShop)

We add some image processing to enhance effect. For example, horizontal flip, monochrome color, Lomo and Polaroid filters on the results.

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3