fuiny / mavendb

Store Maven repos metadata into Database
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 0 forks source link
maven mysql

Maven repository to DB

This application will scan all maven repos items and store them to MySQL database.

Build and Run Natively


Build the Source Code

How to Run the Tool

Build and Run via Docker

Build Docker Image

Check the images

Environment variables


Run via Pre-Configured Docker-Compose

A Docker Compose file has been configured

Step 1. Config

 Buffer Pool Settings based on OS RAM Size
   OS RAM :  innodb_buffer_pool_size , innodb_buffer_pool_instances
    16 GB                        10G , 10
    32 GB                        20G , 20
    64 GB                        40G , 20
   128 GB                        80G , 20

Step 2. Run

Step 3. Access The data

Publish Site (Internal Only)

Maven Settings


Publish site