Dapper non-public extension for outside sql file.
Dapper.OutsideSql reads sql statement from text file, formats and passes it to Dapper according to the parameters.
See format examples below.
DapperLog is another version Dapper.OutsideSql, that don't read text file.
Dapper.OutsideSql does not extend Dapper. The sql statement passing to Dapper is created from Text file .
Dapper.OutsideSql performs the correspondence charge account of the bind variable of the SQL sentence using comment such as /**/ or --. After having done the correspondence charge account, we can use that sql sentence such as SQL Server Management Studio because of sql comment.You should bury comment for it first if you carry out an sql sentence with the tool of the SQL file and come to output a result just as wanted.
You can add Dapper, NLog, Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting to your project by NuGet library.
Next, add Dapper.OutsideSql to you project reference.
You can create text files, add to you project.
You should write only one sql sentence to one text file.
Sql statement comments follows that of S2Dao.NET.
You can describe bind variable comments in the sql sentence to use the value of the parameters to construct across Dapper in the sql sentence. The bind variable comments and the leterals are replaced with the value of the parameters automatically and are carried out.
The bind variable comments are writed as follows.
/*Parameter name*/literal
SELECT * FROM emp WHERE empno = /*empno*/7788
The bind variable comments are writed as follows.
IN /*Parameter name*/(..)
In the case of IN phrase, the right side literal (dummy data) of parameter name becomes required. Please describe as follows.
IN /*names*/('aaa','bbb')
var names = new string[]{"SCOTT", "SMITH", "JAMES"};
By the IF comment, You can change an sql sentence to carry out depending on a condition. the IF comment is described as follows.
/*IF condition */.../*END*/
/*IF hoge != null*/hoge = /*hoge*/'abc'/*END*/
As for the IF comment, in the case of the true, a part among /IF/ and /END/ is estimated as condition. In the case of the above, partial (hoge = /hoge/'abc') surrounded by the IF comment is used only when parameter hoge is not null. In addition, ELSE comment is prepared for as processing in case of the false. When a condition becomes false, the part which describing after "ELSE" is used. The ELSE comment is described as follows.
/*IF hoge != null*/hoge = /*hoge*/'abc'
-- ELSE hoge is null
You can use BEGIN comment when you do not want to output WHERE phrase in itself, when all IF comments not to include ELSE comment in the WHERE phrase become false, BEGIN comment is used in conjunction with IF comment as follows.
/*BEGIN*/WHERE phrase /*END*/
/*IF job != null*/job = /*job*/'CLERK'/*END*/
/*IF deptno != null*/AND deptno = /*deptno*/20/*END*/
In the case of the above, the WHERE phrase is not output when job, deptno is null.
Text File:
select mb.MEMBER_ID
from MEMBER mb
left outer join MEMBER_STATUS stat
/*IF memberId != null*/
mb.MEMBER_ID = /*memberId*/3
/*IF memberName != null*/
and mb.MEMBER_NAME like /*memberName*/'S%' -- // keyword for prefix search
/*IF birthdate != null*/
and mb.BIRTHDATE = /*birthdate*/'1966-09-15' -- // used as equal
order by mb.BIRTHDATE desc, mb.MEMBER_ID asc
var path = "<text file path>";
var memberList = conn.QueryOutsideSql<Hoge>(path, new { memberId = 1, memberName = "hoge%" });
var path = "<text file path>";
var param = new DynamicParameters();
param.Add("memberId", 1);
param.Add("memberName", "hoge%");
memberList = conn.QueryOutsideSql<Hoge>(path, param);
Dapper.OutsideSql outputs sql which included parameters are replaced to real values, to Log, after reading file.
DapperLog also outputs sql to Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. But, DapperLog don't read sql file.
To use DapperLog, we can use QueryLog
When Use NLog, Serilog, etc, you can use Log framwork's extension Library, for example Nlog.Extensions.Logging.
var path = "<nlog.config path>";
Jiifureit.Dapper.OutsideSql.Log.Logger.Factory.AddProvider(new NLogLoggerProvider());
Jiifureit.Dapper.OutsideSql.Log.Logger.Factory.AddProvider(new DebugLoggerProvider());
var logger = Jiifureit.Dapper.OutsideSql.Log.Logger.CreateLogger<HogeTest>();
var sql = "select EMP.EMPNO EmpNo,EMP.ENAME Enam from EMP where EMPNO >= /*Empno1*/500 and EMPNO <= /*Empno2*/1000";
var memberList = conn.QueryLog<Hoge>(sql, new { Empno1 = 7900, Empno2 = 7940 });
DEBUG Jiifureit.Dapper.OutsideSql.DapperLogExtension._LogSql select EMP.EMPNO EmpNo,EMP.ENAME Enam from EMP where EMPNO >= 7900 and EMPNO <= 7940
var path = "<nlog.config path>";
Jiifureit.Dapper.OutsideSql.Log.Logger.Factory.AddProvider(new NLogLoggerProvider());
Jiifureit.Dapper.OutsideSql.Log.Logger.Factory.AddProvider(new DebugLoggerProvider());
var logger = Jiifureit.Dapper.OutsideSql.Log.Logger.CreateLogger<HogeTest>();
IDbTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction();
var sql = "insert into EMP (EMPNO, ENAME) values (/*EmpNo*/1, /*Ename*/'NM50')";
var param = new[] { new { EmpNo = 100, Ename = "Name1" }, new { DeptNo = 200, Dname = "Name2" } };
var ret = conn.ExecuteLog(sql, param, tran);
DEBUG Jiifureit.Dapper.OutsideSql.DapperLogExtension._LogSql insert into EMP (EMPNO, ENAME) values (100, 'Name1')
DEBUG Jiifureit.Dapper.OutsideSql.DapperLogExtension._LogSql insert into EMP (EMPNO, ENAME) values (200, 'Name2')
are tested successfully.
Dapper.OutsideSql is licensed under the Apache license. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Dapper.OutsideSql forks S2Dao.NET.
Thanks Dapper, Seasar project and DBFlute project.
Hiroaki Fujii