A task and pipeline execution system for directed acyclic graphs to support scientific, and more specifically, genomic analysis workflows. We are currently in alpha development; please see the Roadmap. The latest API documentation can be found here.
There are many toolkits available for creating and executing pipelines of dependent jobs; dagr does not aim to be all things to all people but to make certain types of pipelines easier and more pleasurable to write. It is specifically focused on:
It is a tool for working data scientists, programmers and bioinformaticians.
DAGR uses sbt. Installation instructions are available here.
To build an executable jar run: sbt assembly
Tests may be run with: sbt test
DAGR is run with: java -jar target/scala-2.13/dagr-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Running the above with no options will produce the usage documentation.
You can include the three sub-projects that make up dagr using:
libraryDependencies += "com.fulcrumgenomics" %% "dagr-core" % "1.0.0"
libraryDependencies += "com.fulcrumgenomics" %% "dagr-tasks" % "1.0.0"
libraryDependencies += "com.fulcrumgenomics" %% "dagr-pipelines" % "1.0.0"
Or you can depend on the following which will pull in the three dependencies above:
libraryDependencies += "com.fulcrumgenomics" %% "dagr" % "1.0.0",
is open source software released under the MIT License.
The following sections contain an overview of key features and principles behind DAGR that will be useful for anyone working with DAGR pipelines.
The atom in DAGR's model is called a Task. There are many kinds of tasks, from ones that run a specific command line or execute a small piece of code, up to Pipeline
s that are tasks which manage the construction of chains of other tasks. The two main sub-types of Task are:
Pipelines in DAGR are written in scala, with the aid of an internal DSL for specifying and managing dependencies among other things.
DAGR pipelines are Directed Acyclic GRaphs (hence the name), meaning that a graph is contructed where the tasks are the nodes and the dependencies are the edges between the nodes. While a programming language might control flow with with conditional constructs (e.g. if statements), these don't fit into a graph model. In DAGR we allow some conditionality by defering construction of as much of the graph as possible until the last moment possible.
It's helpful to understand when code in Task and Pipeline classes is run:
method of Pipelines, and code in the args()
method of ProcessTask
are executed when all dependencies of the pipeline or task have been met. As a result code run in these methods can generally rely on inputs existing.The following is an example of a simple Example pipeline in dagr, minus import and package statements:
@clp(description="Example FASTQ to BAM pipeline.", group = classOf[Pipelines])
class ExamplePipeline
( @arg(flag="i", doc="Input FASTQ.") val fastq: PathToFastq,
@arg(flag="r", doc="Reference FASTA.") val ref: PathToFasta,
@arg(flag="t", doc="Target regions.") val targets: Option[PathToIntervals] = None,
@arg(flag="o", doc="Output directory.") val out: DirPath,
@arg(flag="p", doc="Output file prefix.") val prefix: String
) extends Pipeline(Some(out)) {
override def build(): Unit = {
val bam = out.resolve(prefix + ".bam")
val tmpBam = out.resolve(prefix + ".tmp.bam")
val metricsPrefix: Some[DirPath] = Some(out.resolve(prefix))
val bwa = new BwaMem(fastq=fastq, ref=ref)
val sort = new SortSam(in=Io.StdIn, out=tmpBam, sortOrder=SortOrder.coordinate)
val mark = new MarkDuplicates(in=tmpBam, out=Some(bam), prefix=metricsPrefix)
val rmtmp = new DeleteBam(tmpBam)
root ==> (bwa | sort) ==> mark ==> rmtmp
targets.foreach(path => root ==> new CollectHsMetrics(in=bam, prefix=metricsPrefix, targets=path, ref=ref))
The @clp
and @arg
annotations are required to expose this pipeline for execution via the command line interface. These annotations come from the sopt project which DAGR uses for command line parsing. For pipelines that do not need to be run via the command line (for example if they are only used as building blocks in other pipelines) they can be omitted.
As can be seen in the example, DAGR uses a number of operators to wire together tasks in a pipeline. The following are all part of the dependency DSL:
task1 ==> task2
creates a dependency that requires that task1
completes successfully before task2
is started. This operator can be chained, e.g. a ==> b ==> c
root ==> task
adds task
to the set of root tasks (i.e. those without dependencies) for a pipeline. root
is a keyword in the DSL that can be though of as equivalent to this
.task1 :: task2
creates an object that can be used as a shorthand to mean "task1 and task2". The result can be used anywhere a Task can be used, including chaining the operator: a :: b :: c
It is worth noting that no harm is done by adding a dependency more than once. E.g. it is perfectly ok to write:
root ==> (a :: b :: c) ==> (d :: e)
root ==> (a :: c) ==> (e :: f) ==> g
In the dependency DSL, anywhere you can use a Task
you can also use an Option[Task]
. For example:
val trim: Option[Int] = ...
val trimTask = trim.map(len => new TrimBam(in=bam, out=trimmedBam, length=len))
root ==> trimTask ==> nextTask
In the above example if trim
is a Some(int)
then we end up with a chain of root => TrimBam ==> nextTask
. On the other hand if trim
is None, then the dependency is automatically reduced to root ==> nextTask
root ==> a ==> (b :: c) ==> d
This example sets up the dependencies so that a
will run immediately when the pipeline starts running, with b
and c
depending on a
and finally with d
depending on both b
and c
val clipTasks = inputBams.map(b => new MarkIlluminaAdapters(in=b, out=Paths.get("trimmed." + b))
val merge = new MergeSamFiles(in=clipTasks.map(_.in), out=Paths.get("merged.bam"))
root ==> clippedTasks.reduce(_ :: _) ==> merge
task for each input BAM.MergeSamFiles
task taking the inputs of all the marking tasks and creating a merged BAMreduce()
collection function along with the ::
operator to combine all the marking tasks into a single dependency group, and then wires them in before the merge taskDAGR has a number of "special" tasks that are useful in their own right and also illustrate how to take advantage of the dynamic nature of DAGR's graph building.
The Linker object creates a mechanism to safely copy state from one task to another when the first task finishes running. This can be useful when one task computes a value that is not written to a file, that is needed by another task. The following is a toy example that demonstrates usage:
val input: PathToBam = ...
val counter = new SimpleInJvmTask {
var count: Option[Int] = None
def run(): Unit = { count = Some(SamSource(input).iterator.size) }
val downsample = new DownsampleSam(in=input, out=Paths.get("downsampled.bam"), target=1e6.toInt)
Linker(counter, downsample, (c, d) => d.inputReads = c.count)
The example shows one task that counts the reads in a BAM file and exposes the result in a var
on the task when it's done running. The count is then needed by the downsample
task in order to determine how best to reach the target number of reads. The Linker
takes in the two tasks and a function that is to be run when the first task completes successfully, which transfers the count.
The EitherTask is similar to an Either
in scala and other functional languages. It can be thought of as a decision node in the pipeline, which goes left or right depending on some value that isn't yet known. For example if a different duplicate marking algorithm should be used depending on whether the data has UMIs or not:
val umiCheck = new SimpleInJvmTask {
var hasUmis: Boolean = false
def run(): Unit = { hasUmis = SamSource(input).headOption.exists(_.get("RX").isDefined }
val deduper = Either.of(new MarkDuplicates(in=input, out=deduped), new SamBlaster(in=input, out=deduped), umiCheck.hasUmis)
root ==> umiCheck ==> deduper
DAGR also has a built in DSL and facilities for wiring together tasks that should stream information using shell pipes and redirects. The piping is even typesafe to prevent, for example, accidentally piping SAM data into a process that expects FASTQ. To support piping tasks must implement one of:
and piping out type B
For example the FastqToSam
task is defined as follows:
class FastqToSam(fastq1: PathToFastq,
fastq2: Option[PathToFastq] = None,
out: PathToBam,
extends PicardTask with Pipe[Fastq,SamOrBam]
To use piping you might write something like:
val unmappedBam = output.resolve("unmapped.bam")
val fqToSam = new FastqToSam(fastq1=fastq, out=Io.StdOut)
val markAdapters = new MarkIlluminaAdapters(in=Io.StdIn, out=Io.StdOut)
val makeUnmapped = fqToSam | markAdapters > unmappedBam
root ==> makeUnmapped
The following operators are supported for tasks that support piping:
a | b
pipes stdout from a to b's stdina > path
redirects stdout from a
into a file at path
a >> path
redirects stdout from a
and appends it to the file at path
a >! path
redirects stderr from a
into a file at path
a >>! path
redirects stderr from a
and appends it to the file at path
Any types can be used when extending/implementing Pipe
. A number of types common to bioinformatics are defined in the tasks package.
Note that because scala can mix-in traits at runtime, if you find a task you want to use piping with (and the tool supports reading from stdin or writing to stdout) but doesn't currently implement Pipe
, you can add it on the fly. For exsample if you want to downsample a BAM only to generate a single set of metrics from it:
Seq(0.25, 0.5, 0.75).foreach { frac =>
val ds = new DownsampleSam(in=input, out=Io.StdOut) with PipeOut[SamOrBam]
val isize = new InsertSizeMetrics(in=Io.StdIn, out=Paths.get(s"isize.$frac")) with PipeIn[SamOrBam]
root ==> (ds | isize)
DAGR schedules tasks for execution when all their dependencies have been met and when there are sufficient resources. Tasks in DAGR must therefore define the resources they need to execute. The resources managed by DAGR are cpu cores and memory.
Pipelines themselves do not consume resources, but the concrete tasks (UnitTasks) within pipelines do. Tasks manage their resources needs through a pair of functions:
def pickResources(availableResources: ResourceSet): Option[ResourceSet]
def applyResources(resources : ResourceSet): Unit
The first function is called by DAGR to inform the task of the available resources, and ask the task a) whether it can run with the available resources and b) what subset of those resources it would like. The second function is called by DAGR to inform the task of it's allocated resources immediately prior to execution. While these functions can be implemented for each task, they are usually implemented by mixing in one of the following traits:
functionsFor example a tool which can be multi-threaded but requires a fixed amount of memory per thread might extend VariableResources
and define the following function to pick it's resources:
override def pickResources(resources: ResourceSet): Option[ResourceSet] = {
val memPerThread = Memory("2G")
val maxThreads = 48
val cpus = Range.inclusive(start = 48, end = 2, step= -1)
cpus.flatMap(c => resources.subset(Cores(c), Memory(c * memPerThread.value).headOption
What this does is attempt to allocate 48 cpu cores, then 47 etc. down to 2, with 2GB per core. The first combination that fits within the available resources (ResourceSet.subset()
returns Option[ResourceSet]
, yielding the requested resources if they fit and None
if they don't) is then returned. If no combination fits, None
is returned and the task isn't scheduled yet.
DAGR has the ability to retry tasks that fail. The default behaviour is to try a task once and if it fails, it stays failed. This can be changed by mixing in the Retry trait to a task either when the task class is defined, or when the task is instantiated. The trait defines one function:
def retry(resources: SystemResources, taskInfo: TaskExecutionInfo): Boolean = false
If, when invoked, the function returns true
then the task will be retried. Note that the task may modify it's internal state (arguments, resource requirements, etc.) when retry()
is invoked to increase the chance of success.
A number of helper traits are available:
will increase the memory used by a fixed increment each retry up to some maximum memory limitMemoryDoublingRetry
will double the allocated memory on each retry up to some maximum memory limitJvmRanOutOfMemory
is a trait that can be used with either of the above traits when the task is executing a Java program. It examines the log to determine if the failure was caused by running out of memory, and prevents retry if the failure was not memory-related.MultipleRetry
will retry a task a fixed number of times without altering anything. This can be useful if a task is prone to failure due to e.g. intermittent network connectivity problems.DAGR includes a concise framework for performing scatter/gather operations, i.e. breaking an input into multiple partitions based on some criteria, processing each partition in parallel and then merging the results. A common example of this in variant calling where the genome is broken down into non-overlapping sets of regions which are called independently and then the resulting VCFs are merged to create a final VCF. DAGR's implementation supports the ability to chain together multiple tasks per partition before gathering.
Building a scatter/gather workflow is relatively simple and has few requirements beyond a normal workflow:
traitAn example pipeline exists in DAGR that uses the GATK to genotype a sample using a chain of HaplotypeCaller
, GenotypeGVCFs
and FilterVcf
on each partition. The full example can be found in the ParallelHaplotypeCaller workflow.
A simplified version follows:
import dagr.tasks.ScatterGather.Scatter
val scatterer = new SplitIntervalsForCallingRegions(ref=ref, intervals=intervals, output=Some(dir), maxBasesPerScatter=5e6.toInt)
val scatter = Scatter(scatterer)
val hc = scatter.map(il => new HaplotypeCaller(ref=ref, intervals=Some(il), bam=input, vcf=PathUtil.replaceExtension(il, ".g.vcf.gz"))
val gt = hc.map(h => GenotypeGvcfs(ref=ref, intervals=h.intervals, gvcf=h.vcf, vcf=replace(h.vcf, ".g.vcf.gz", ".vcf.gz")))
val filter = gt.map(g => new FilterVcf(in=g.vcf, out=replace(g.vcf, ".vcf.gz", ".filtered.vcf.gz")))
val gather = filter.gather(fs => new GatherVcfs(in=fs.map(_.out), out=output))
root ==> scatter
gather ==> new DeleteFiles(dir)
There's a lot going on in this short code snippet!
is a task that breaks apart an interval list into many smaller interval lists. It also implements Partitioner[PathToIntervals]
which allows the scatter/gather framework to use it to initiate a scatter operation.Scatter
object which is used to wire together and manage all the tasks in the scatter/gather pipeline.map()
method on Scatter
to create a HaplotypeCaller
task per partition. The .map()
method takes as a parameter a function that is invoked once per input partition to create the jobs we need..map()
. In this case the function we provide to .map()
receives as input the prior task in the chain..gather()
function to generate a task that gathers the results of all the scatters. It receives as input the last task from each branch of the scatter, and uses their outputs as the input to GatherVcfs
to it's dependencies, and add any tasks that come afterwardsIt should be noted that all of the objects generated during a scatter/gather workflow (e.g. scatter
, hc
, gt
, filter
) can be .map()'d
and .gather()'d
more than once. I.e. you can build a scatter/gather pipeline with multiple branches and multiple endpoints without repeating any work.