fullcontact / fullcontact-api-ruby

A Ruby wrapper for the FullContact API
MIT License
82 stars 85 forks source link

FullContact Ruby Gem

A Ruby wrapper for the FullContact API

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gem install fullcontact



Usage Examples

    require 'fullcontact'

    # This could go in an initializer
    FullContact.configure do |config|
        config.api_key = 'fullcontact_api_key_goes_here'

    # Get information about an email address
    person = FullContact.person(email: 'bart@fullcontact.com')

All returned values are Hashie structs. You can access fields as if they were fields:

    # Get person's family_name
     => "Lorang"

But you can also turn it into a normal hash

    # Get person's family_name
     => "Lorang"

Authentication is done through query parameters by default. If you want to use headers instead:

    # This could go in an initializer
    FullContact.configure do |config|
        config.api_key = 'fullcontact_api_key_goes_here'
        config.auth_type = :headers # :header or :query

There's other ways you can query the Person API:

    # Get information about an email address, organized by hashes vs. lists
    person2 = FullContact.person(email: 'bart@fullcontact.com', style: 'dictionary')

    # You can pass in any arbitrary parameters the Person API supports
    person3 = FullContact.person(email: 'bart@fullcontact.com', style: 'dictionary', webhookUrl: 'https://...')

    # Get information about a twitter handle
    person4 = FullContact.person(twitter: "bartlorang")

    # Get information from a phone number
    person6 = FullContact.person(phone:13037170414)

    # Get information about a twitter and ensure a 30s socket open timeout and a 15s socket read timeout
    # Can throw a Faraday::Error::TimeoutError if timeouts are exceeded
    person7 = FullContact.person({:twitter => "bartlorang"}, {:request => {:timeout => 15, :open_timeout => 30}})

Response formats can more closely mirror FullContact's APIs by disabling snake_case transformation:

    FullContact.configure do |config|
        config.api_key = "fullcontact_api_key_goes_here"
        config.skip_rubyize = true

    person8 = FullContact.person(email: "bart@fullcontact.com")

    => #<Hashie::Mash contactInfo=#<Hashie::Mash chats=[#<Hashie::Mash client="gtalk" handle="lorangb@gmail.com">,
    #<Hashie::Mash client="skype" handle="bart.lorang">] familyName="Lorang" fullName="Bart Lorang" givenName="Bart...

You can also query the Company API

    # Get information about a company
    company1 = FullContact.company(domain: 'fullcontact.com')

     => "FullContact Inc."

The Company API also supports searching by company name. Please see our API documentation for more details.

    # Gets a list of search results for a company name ordered by relevance
    companies = FullContact.company(companyName: 'FullContact')

    # Get the API url for full company profile lookup (append api key to use)
    # Note the array access, we are just grabbing the first (top) result
     => "https://api.fullcontact.com/v2/company/lookup?domain=fullcontact.com&apiKey="

     => "FullContact Inc."


A full list of contributors can be found in GitHub


Copyright (c) 2016 FullContact Inc. and contributors

See LICENSE for details.